T17 - solo only

ArtCrusade wrote:
How did GGG "miss the point" of T17s?

What "is the point" of T17s if not what the devs intended them to be?

And why do you think phat loot isn't the point of running maps?

I am so confused by your understanding of the mapping system, Tay... baffling.

Im confused about your confusion.

Well "Stepping Stone to Ubers" was the selling point of these.
Yes they missed it. Dropping Items from mapping oh no! If you read it again I was talking about loot fiesta and not normal loot. Almost everyone is not running these maps because they wanna get ready for ubers. No they farm it for high profit.
Maybe you are one of the people who thought Affliction Drops gonna be core.
Oh well.

You can tell me why you think they "didn´t miss the point".
Last edited by TayPoE on Aug 12, 2024, 7:27:15 AM
Nomancs wrote:

T17 bosses are easier. A lot easier. How would you notice if you haven't done t17 before?

eh? i've done 10+ maps last league. bosses feel the same now. i'm pretty sure i even have more dps now than last league so yeah. they def didnt nerf them as hard as they claimed in that livestream. but you think everything in this game is too easy anyways. speaking of, its time to bump that other thread of yours also no? gotta keep these argumentative threads going
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:

T17 bosses are easier. A lot easier. How would you notice if you haven't done t17 before?

eh? i've done 10+ maps last league. bosses feel the same now. i'm pretty sure i even have more dps now than last league so yeah. they def didnt nerf them as hard as they claimed in that livestream. but you think everything in this game is too easy anyways.

I did hundreds of t17 and I can assure you - bosses are nerfed by a lot. I have probably like half the dps I had last league as I no longer need it. And yes, they nerfed t17 to a point where there is barely a difference between them and t14, that's how watered down they're.

Lyutsifer665 wrote:
speaking of, its time to bump that other thread of yours also no? gotta keep these argumentative threads going

You seems to pay a lot of attention to what and where I do :) But you can bump it for me, if you insist.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Yea I agree with the idea. This doesnt just apply to POE, I wished all games had some anti-carry system in place. Its such a silly thing to do when you think about it as well. You, for the most part, play this game single player. It's like asking someone on the street to play the game for you since you cant yourself.

These things should be in the game to test YOU the player, and not others.

In practice though this would probably chase .... I wanna say about 40-60% of the players on this game away, most players are really... I dont even wanna say casual I wanna say something else. For bossing though, there really is no excuse, random deaths are so rare on these things. Theres like 1 Sirus bug(RIP Alkaiser) and the rest of them are consistent and fair.

I dont think GGG is ready to make this commitment though. As much as I would like it to happen, it probably isnt too realistic.

As for the current state of T17s.... yea they were massively nerfed. And they even put in a scarab(bisection) to help people get their clear if they really want to use them.

You dont need a "bosser" to kill any of the bosses in the game either. People roll "bossers" because they want to focus on bossing and make them extremely fast. Not because their characters would be incapable of killing them a single time for unlocks. Thats not what a "bosser" is.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
yeah t17's were nerfed as much as melee was buffed. didnt notice those buffs either and i tried league starting with melee. i dont know why they are so scared to properly nerf/buffs things. if the only people who notice the changes are the ones who were already happy before the changes then they didnt do their job properly. the people who play melee now are the ones who played it before..others still wont touch it. people who think t17's are easy now, already thought they were easy before.
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 12, 2024, 9:35:55 AM
TayPoE wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:
How did GGG "miss the point" of T17s?

What "is the point" of T17s if not what the devs intended them to be?

And why do you think phat loot isn't the point of running maps?

I am so confused by your understanding of the mapping system, Tay... baffling.

Im confused about your confusion.

Well "Stepping Stone to Ubers" was the selling point of these.
Yes they missed it. Dropping Items from mapping oh no! If you read it again I was talking about loot fiesta and not normal loot. Almost everyone is not running these maps because they wanna get ready for ubers. No they farm it for high profit.
Maybe you are one of the people who thought Affliction Drops gonna be core.
Oh well.

You can tell me why you think they "didn´t miss the point".

What I am confused about is what you think the loot on T17s should look like given the difficulty which a whole lotta "not elite" gamers can't stop complaining about. If the reward was only marginally better than T16s, what's the point in running them?

You are nit-picking a lot on a tangential sentence and making it out to be the whole stated intention behind T17s because it fits your narrative, but you're missing the point entirely.

@Lyutsifer: I have been running T17s on my melee starter. I'm doing fine with it. :-)
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
yeah t17's were nerfed as much as melee was buffed. didnt notice those buffs either and i tried league starting with melee. i dont know why they are so scared to properly nerf/buffs things. if the only people who notice the changes are the ones who were already happy before the changes then they didnt do their job properly. the people who play melee now are the ones who played it before..others still wont touch it. people who think t17's are easy now, already thought they were easy before.

Oh god....

Playing melee. Here on a "item rarity" stacking build, gimping my dps by about half. 1.5 aps slow ass slam build. Literally have rarity support on lmao. Invested a whopping sub 20div into it probably less but I'm being generous.

And t17s are easy. You obv have to roll them correctly. There are mods you cannot roll like any normal map (cannot regen, steal charges etc, reflect, life as es...)

There are a lot of people playing melee I have no clue what you are on about though. Theres literally 2 slams in the top 10 builds played and lacerate/flicker at the top as well. Slayer cyclone made a comeback, what are you even on about here with melee?

Your struggles on melee are ... 100% skill/build issue if we are being honest with ourselves here lol.

DSlily, an almost exclusive caster and summoner is playing earthshatter this league lol.

Just another person to add to the pile of missing in action when it comes to "melee is still bad" I forsee in your future.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
i stopped at lvl 88 so maybe the power comes later but i couldnt be arsed to wait. if they truly buffed melee then i should've noticed it by that time. it was the worst experience i had in 5+ years. it was probably buffed but very little,to the point where its not worth playing unless you are a melee fan. i did more damage on a minion build that had like 1 divine invested into it.

of course streamers are all playing melee. they always play what GGG hypes up in the livestream
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 12, 2024, 10:06:55 AM
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
i stopped at lvl 88 so maybe the power comes later but i couldnt be arsed to wait. if they truly buffed melee then i should've noticed it by that time. it was the worst experience i had in 5+ years. it was probably buffed but very little,to the point where its not worth playing unless you are a melee fan. i did more damage on a minion build that had like 1 divine invested into it.

of course streamers are all playing melee. they always play what GGG hypes up in the livestream

Plenty of players are doing perfectly fine with melee now, and there were few good melee builds that cleared t17 in past league, so it isn't because of lvl. I wouldn't "blame" the streamers for doing fine.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 12, 2024, 10:53:28 AM
exactly, people who enjoy melee were clearing t17 even before these so called buffs. these are the same people who are playing melee now. buffs/nerfs are mostly just to hype people up to log in for the new league. the average player wont even notice them.

anyway i'm leaving now but before i go let me repeat what i said before. t17 or any boss that has stuff gated behind it should not be solo only,and i'm 99% sure that it never will be because it would kill boss killing. ggg wont take away the steady income of boss killers just to please a few people here.

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