T17 - solo only

Nomancs wrote:
SilverWF wrote:

This is horribly bad idea to separate users on 'elites' and plebs.

And in the most cases this would leads to P2Winning specific achievements: buying currencies to afford some specific meta-builds.

You can get currency by playing the game, for people who want it instantly it wouldn’t change a thing. People should work on improving their build and gear, not buy the kill.

1st thing that people really should do - do not listen ones, who telling them what they should do and how to play the game

Everyone playing his own game here and (repeating again):
This is horribly bad idea to separate users on 'elites' and plebs.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
solo with one portal only. That would even safe GGG a lot of time to "balance" the current t17 loot mess.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Pashid wrote:
solo with one portal only. That would even safe GGG a lot of time to "balance" the current t17 loot mess.

I’ve got goosebumps from this one - a thrilling idea!
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Pashid wrote:
solo with one portal only. That would even safe GGG a lot of time to "balance" the current t17 loot mess.

High risk high reward, as it should be. And who says that separating 'elites' and 'plebs' is a bad thing hoho
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
I like juiced up T17. They make the game feel alive and actually drop valueable stuff compared to T16s.

One of my two issues were 1) the communication of a bridge between T16's and Uber Bosses. A properly juiced up T17 is a multiplyer on Uber Bosses and make them look like a joke.
And 2) with Back to Basics some mods become straight brick mods. For example less defense modifier gets to 100% and above which means ES builds have 0 ES. Might as well introduce Blood Magic back as a map modifier.

zzang wrote:
I like juiced up T17. They make the game feel alive and actually drop valueable stuff compared to T16s.

One of my two issues were 1) the communication of a bridge between T16's and Uber Bosses. A properly juiced up T17 is a multiplyer on Uber Bosses and make them look like a joke.
And 2) with Back to Basics some mods become straight brick mods. For example less defense modifier gets to 100% and above which means ES builds have 0 ES. Might as well introduce Blood Magic back as a map modifier.

I think that if it was made clear that T17s are aspirational content it would be fine. Further, they need to be differentiated from the regular Tier scale where maps naturally progress in difficulty from tier to tier.

A new classification as "uber tier" and then just mentioning that the monster level is 84 is imo sufficient for this part.

The other stuff in your post is part of the "fuck around and find out" arc. I remember how people were vaaling Darkness Enthroned back in Abyss league and finding out that indeed, corrupting an item replaces the implicit that gives you abyss sockets.
People fail one, maybe even a few of these maps, and then they figure out what to do, what to avoid and so on.

Turning T17s into solo maps would actually benefit everyone in this board:
a) further emphasis on difficulty
b) feeling of accomplishment (everyone will know you cannot just buy a carry)
c) group MF'ing stays in T16s and lets solo players compete

SilverWF wrote:
Everyone playing his own game here and (repeating again):
This is horribly bad idea to separate users on 'elites' and plebs.

Exactly the point and thank you for making it for me.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on May 28, 2024, 7:18:37 PM
SilverWF wrote:

This is horribly bad idea to separate users on 'elites' and plebs.

This is a pretty substantial part of the game already, and basically any arpg and, frankly, ALL video games. The "elites" with more experience and ability get to do more, farm faster, run harder content, etc.

You are not entitled to anything for free, just because you deem it "unfair" that you are a less experienced player OR you have a categorically weaker character.

If time and attitude has taught us anything, its that the so-called "Plebs" you refer to need even MORE punishment so that they actually start to focus and learn the game rather than parrot other people's knowledge as their own. It's OKAY to be stuck in yellow maps for a good long while. It's OKAY that the story takes you maybe 5x longer than it does me. It's OKAY that you need more time to grind and gear up before tackling the harder stuff. As you say, everyone is playing their own game. BUT everyone playing their own game does NOT mean and will never mean that there shouldn't be content out of reach at every step of the journey for a different group of players.

There is plenty of game to play for YEARS without ever reaching t17s, or t16s, or red maps in general for that matter.

The worst thing that ever became a thing for this game, and video games in general, is STREAMING. It gives you an unrealistic "world view" of the game, and kills your learning and creativity from the very second you watch a single video. Streaming is the monster that has created this "elites vs. plebs" mentality from the ground up, in a game that essentially has NO in-game competition lol.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on May 28, 2024, 8:27:41 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
SilverWF wrote:

This is horribly bad idea to separate users on 'elites' and plebs.

This is a pretty substantial part of the game already, and basically any arpg and, frankly, ALL video games. The "elites" with more experience and ability get to do more, farm faster, run harder content, etc.

You are not entitled to anything for free, just because you deem it "unfair" that you are a less experienced player OR you have a categorically weaker character.

If time and attitude has taught us anything, its that the so-called "Plebs" you refer to need even MORE punishment so that they actually start to focus and learn the game rather than parrot other people's knowledge as their own. It's OKAY to be stuck in yellow maps for a good long while. It's OKAY that the story takes you maybe 5x longer than it does me. It's OKAY that you need more time to grind and gear up before tackling the harder stuff. As you say, everyone is playing their own game. BUT everyone playing their own game does NOT mean and will never mean that there shouldn't be content out of reach at every step of the journey for a different group of players.

There is plenty of game to play for YEARS without ever reaching t17s, or t16s, or red maps in general for that matter.

The worst thing that ever became a thing for this game, and video games in general, is STREAMING. It gives you an unrealistic "world view" of the game, and kills your learning and creativity from the very second you watch a single video. Streaming is the monster that has created this "elites vs. plebs" mentality from the ground up, in a game that essentially has NO in-game competition lol.

Other games could reward tryharders with achievements and similar COSMETIC stuff

And POE already has it.

But hardly limiting a huge chunk of player base from playing maps with better rewards and options - is a truly dumb idea
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
ArtCrusade wrote:

The other stuff in your post is part of the "fuck around and find out" arc. I remember how people were vaaling Darkness Enthroned back in Abyss league and finding out that indeed, corrupting an item replaces the implicit that gives you abyss sockets.
People fail one, maybe even a few of these maps, and then they figure out what to do, what to avoid and so on.

Our opinions differentiate here.

For me its not just chaos over this mod. Its the philosophy behind it. Many years ago we had Blood Magic as a map mod that bricked most builds and it was removed due to that reason.
T17's reverse that decision and return the brick mods.
100% less Defence means no amour, no evasion, no energy shield
100% less Recovery Rate means no regen, no leech. Sure we have instant leech in standard to circumvent it but thats not the solution.

I think the brick mods should be capped at 80%-90% making it a challenge instead of a arbitrary decision of yes/no.
Nomancs wrote:
Pashid wrote:
solo with one portal only. That would even safe GGG a lot of time to "balance" the current t17 loot mess.

I’ve got goosebumps from this one - a thrilling idea!

If they brought this in for content in general i'd move from HC to SC immediately, i'd love a middle ground. they could whittle the portals down as you climb in tiers to keep the difficulty pyramid in the right shape.

Think we might even get it in some form for PoE2 but i can't see them applying anything like it here.

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