GGG what's the point of having any stats in the game if they don't do anything?

You have barely any armor at all and not even a single source to take phys as elemental dmg. No evasion either so your only defensive layer is block which in your case is still pretty useless as every couple of phys hits is still going to slap your ass thanks to the non existing phys dmg reduction or other sources to mitigate it.
Your flask setup is also oddly specific and rather questionable at the very least.

You can get away with a glass cannon build if you're actually able to kill stuff before it kills you, but in your build case you do need more and better defensive layers in order to run t17 maps properly, or maybe even just better gameplay/skill idk.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on May 26, 2024, 9:21:09 PM
My layers are the following

90% max resist + Physical to conversion = Meaning physical damage is Nulled
Ele doesn't do anything
Combination with Evasion = Meaning nothing hits
Partial block
Chaos damage is nulled.

Combine those layers what do you get?

Good defenses.

Lets go through yours.

90% max resist? How do support that you have no physical to conversion
Block? Once again where's another layer to succeed that block? Nothing.
Zero armor so how do you mitigate that? You don't cause you have NO PHYSICAL TO ELEMENTAL or any other layer to support it other then block which isn't 100%

And finally your flask setup is just not viable.

None of this cost 50+ divines hell even 10 divines.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on May 26, 2024, 9:23:28 PM
Coconutdoggy wrote:
My layers are the following

90% max resist + Physical to conversion = Meaning physical damage is Nulled
Ele doesn't do anything
Combination with Evasion = Meaning nothing hits
Partial block
Chaos damage is nulled.

Combine those layers what do you get?

Good defenses.

Lets go through yours.

90% max resist? How do support that you have no physical to conversion
Block? Once again where's another layer to succeed that block? Nothing.
Zero armor so how do you mitigate that? You don't cause you have NO PHYSICAL TO ELEMENTAL or any other layer to support it other then block which isn't 100%

And finally your flask setup is just not viable.

None of this cost 50+ divines hell even 10 divines.

In fact it's 1c

If only there were more advices from an elitists in several mirrors builds about building and how t17 maps should be played...

Wait, wasn't it one of you in the next thread, claiming that it is possible to farm t17 in 50c builds?
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
Last edited by SilverWF on May 26, 2024, 9:37:17 PM
How is this thread still going? We solved this mystery on page 1:

Baharoth15 wrote:
It's not that defensive stats do nothing, you are just completely mistaken on the numbers required.

Physically you have essentially no armor, only 4 endurance charges. That's less than 20% total mitigation there. A rare hitting for 5k phys is on the lower end of things in t16 maps and if that happens twice you are already dead.

Elemental wise you have again your hp pool and 75 res. The game is based around having 75 res. It's designed in a way where you'll still take noticable damage from normal mobs in white t16 maps while having that amount of resistance. You most likely aren't running your maps white though.

Chaos, well again you have your mana pool and every chaos hit dealt to you does extra damage because of your lacking res.

Your EHP is actually "good enough" to not get oneshot by trash mobs but rares and most map bosses in red maps have attacks that can oneshot you at this level of defense, even without map mods. That said, i'd take bets that most of your deaths aren't from actual oneshot i.e 1 attack killing you, but from getting hit by a ton of stuff in quick succession. After all you have really low recovery 160 ES leech and 300 ES regen is as good as nothing.
Even a couple of spiders hitting for like 500 damage each can pick you apart in less than a second if there are enough of them. With "enough" meaning ~10 which again, in this game and with it's mob density is like nothing.

You basically take a leather jacket to a gun fight and complain that it hurts when you get shot. You think you are tanky but frankly, your build is a glass cannon. Your ES pool is nothing to write home about and you have less than what i'd consider even basic mitigation on all fronts.

OP has no physical mitigation and is dying to physical damage. There's really nothing more to say and there's no argument to be made.
Nomancs wrote:
This is in wrong section, should be in „help”, people there can help you fix this bild.

Not if he doesn't have the currency to do so. And he's right on that. How are you supposed to defend against monsters in maps if you don't even have the currency to do so, and the game just doesn't drop it at all in this league in the first place?
If you don't know how to farm currency, maybe don't leaguestart builds with 100+ divine entry level gear? Defense in general is cheap because large parts of it come from the tree.
Aulyx wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
This is in wrong section, should be in „help”, people there can help you fix this bild.

Not if he doesn't have the currency to do so. And he's right on that. How are you supposed to defend against monsters in maps if you don't even have the currency to do so, and the game just doesn't drop it at all in this league in the first place?

Don't league start something expensive then? Entire point is progression most of you just want everything handed to you freely without any work.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Aulyx wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
This is in wrong section, should be in „help”, people there can help you fix this bild.

Not if he doesn't have the currency to do so. And he's right on that. How are you supposed to defend against monsters in maps if you don't even have the currency to do so, and the game just doesn't drop it at all in this league in the first place?

You back down map tiers. Head to what your build can handle - farm there until you can afford gear which can support higher tiers of maps.
Don't feel bad. T17s were an obvious untested mistake.
**My true thoughts**
The essence of loot-based arpg games:

Choose a character and playstyle
farm loot/currency to get better gear
improve character by changing skills, experimentation, etc.
repeat the past few steps

If you don't want to do that and instead rage on the forum that the game is unfair without even TRYING to one offering help is going to actually help you. Key skill to have in this game: THINK THINK THINK. Crap isn't just going to work for you unless you are actively assessing and thinking about your choices.

Stick to idle games where the only metric you need to worry about is time. No thought required.

**My attempted helpful thought**
Go into PoB (I hesitate to offer 3rd party software as a solution but there it is)
Check your actual ehp and single damage taken stats
What's the lowest? How do you improve it? What do you need?
Take off every piece of gear one by one. Which one yields the least help? Replace it.
Run a stat check on your passive tree. Which points are NOT giving you the maximum you could be getting? Respec.
Start a new build and go a totally different direction from the ground up.
Get better at dodging and maneuvering. Believe it or not, there are plenty of folks who play this game with next to no defenses and do just fine, dying only infrequently because they learned how to play suiting their own playstyle.

None of this costs anywhere beyond a single essence or a few chaos and could potentially yield huge results.

People love creating and coming to threads like these complaining about how complicated the game is and how useless defenses are. In fact, short of a few op and genuinely complicated interactions, the game is VERY easy to understand. Most information is given to you both in terms of in-game information and personal (observational) experience. "Complicated" and "useless" occur when PoE players have ceased giving any thought or attention to the game, let streamers and content creators do all the thinking for them, and simply expect everything to work out from 0 to uber in a WEEK.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on May 27, 2024, 12:22:45 PM

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