Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

Resume : Each patch we nerfed mines but ppl keep using them , smaller numbers but they are using them . This will fix it , problem solved !
rip mines, GGG srsly
So, you add two gems that automate instant casts at the cost of one gem slot and a larger cooldown. Both together I find a bit expensive, but I can accept it. I think it would be more balanced with an increased CD per instant skill linked instead.

HOWEVER... Removing instant skill binding from LMB and calling it a QoL, it's just... WoW!

You remove one bind that everyone, let's say "only" 80% at least, uses to save our wrists//finger muscles, making us lose one binding button as well, after all if you stop to cast at set intervals with LMB you're dead in PoE, and say with a straight face it is a QoL?? Trololol! You think we are 4 year olds or something?

You should just change jobs and go to politics to be honest. At least have the guts and clearly state it's "The Vision™" or whatever, just don't lie and say its QoL.

Aaah... To think last league I did buy a pack after controlling myself since 3.15 with the appearance of "The Holy Vision™"... Not happening again
Last edited by Portu on Mar 19, 2024, 5:24:06 AM
removing LMB is just a big mistake for QOL

i would suggest that LMB is NOT disable when NOT using any automate support gem

this would at least prevent too much automation for POE to crash
Hello april the first upcoming?
Put down the pitchforks... This is so obvious a joke...
R1kk0 wrote:
To those whos UNINSTALLING poe cuz of LMB- Good ridance, finally.
We are about to have another GOAT league and you all are crying cuz of such minor change.
LMB wasnt healthy cuz it was MANDATORY for 10 years in too many builds.
Stop crying WTF. Its been there for 10 years. Who said LMB should be used as skill slot? Still you could. Try to turn ur brain ON and use a socket ring + optimize ur dang build.
Playing Generals Cry Cyclone- holding LMB + RMB spamming Berserk + Molten Shell. This stuff is unhealthy due to consistent pressure on ur hand.
For Hex Blast its a buff. For other mines, you never play regular mines with DM on LMB unless u are a dumbo.
For aurabot just use socket ring. For necro just use another button....

Yeah just another button, which one ? summoner archetype is already socket starved, same for skill slot.

Socket ring ? why not but it's likely a nerf

Holding LMB + RMB ? Won't change much you still have to move right ?

Optimize my dang build ? It's because my build is optimized that I dont have space in either skill slot or gems, this change just means we have to either sacrifice power to fit such changes (nerfs if the benefit of CDR isnt great enough) or sacrifice gameplay QOL by fitting another skill slot to spam on top of all the keybind I already have.

Being able to combine LMB to any instant cast skill was a BLESSING, unless they have more changes or infos that counteract those problems, I AINT playing this league, not risking another carpal tunnel syndrome.
Vortex died for this ...
Remove the instant support gems and just make it a toggle per gem like the "cast without moving" option. There's no reason to take something that already had a nice free way of achieving it that didn't break anything and adding a huge bad opportunity cost to it. Calling it QoL is just lying at this point and actively makes multiple builds worse and some skills basically unusable in any automatic form (detonate mines, bone armor, focus, etc)

Just removing the gems and adding a free toggle would be a huge pr boost as right now bunch of people see it as a straight QoL nerf.
I can understand why you'd want to remove LMB instant casting, but could you please stop calling significant nerfs QoL? Removing a key piece of QoL and replacing it with something that does provide a lot of QoL but comes at the cost of socket pressure and significantly nerfs the skills you're using (which you didn't even mention out loud) is not something you should advertise as a positive QoL change...

It's frankly astonishing to me that GGG still doesn't seem to understand that QoL does not need to be a nerf. The goal should be to make the game more enjoyable to play, not to add an extra layer of "if you want your character to be as good as possible, your wrists must suffer".

I think stuff like this just hurts your messaging (similar to how veiled chaos orbs got removed). I used to get excited every time I saw a new QoL teaser, but nowadays my main reaction is "damn, what's getting nerfed this time?" I'm obviously not saying that you shouldn't do QoL changes, if anything they should be an even higher priority. All I'm asking is that you do better, and if you have to nerf something then be honest about it rather than masking it as QoL.

Edit: As the person before me said, the good solution to this would be to just add a toggle to each skill and get rid of this support gem nonsense. Support gems for skills like this should help you make "smarter" use of the skills, such as cast when damage taken, whereas basic "spam this skill ad nauseam" should be a baseline feature. Carpal tunnel is a very real issue with this game that has prevented me from playing in the past and still locks me out of certain types of builds, I really can't see why alleviating its problems isn't a top priority for GGG (and I mean alleviating it in a way that people actually want to use).
Last edited by Hrogath_ on Mar 19, 2024, 5:54:16 AM
QoL is when no one is victimised but many people come out on the + ...
Well, here most people are harmed ;/
It is very difficult for me to play anyway because of my limbs' disability and they limit me even more now; Grrrr

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