Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

I hope you are making an underwear gear slot with at least 3 gem sockets , or this left click nonsense is horrible and we gonna flame you until the end of time .
Todays change is horrible. Please revert.
There is not a build I have played where I had space to not use the instant skill on lmb.
The support gems seem horrid as well.
Why did you do this?
It‘s a literal expedition tier feeling.
Remove Left Mouse Button casting - it's horrible.
Please revert this decision.
LoliciousZoe wrote:
Oh cool, builds with a lot of active skills now can't put flame dash on lmb and use shift to cast it. What a terrible "QoL", I hope no one wanted to play a vortex build or anything else that uses skills on lmb for ease of use.

Seeing as Flame Dash is not an instant cast skill this change doesn't affect it.
To the people saying LMB was 'mandatory' on many builds. >> So you're now saying all of those builds no longer deserve to be playable without being made weaker, or more annoying to play.

This is 100% a terrible change. I'm still going to play the league sure. probably wont buy any MTX for a while cause I don't support the dev's serving us a pile of shit and claiming it's Chocolate. But I am going to play still because hey, it's free to play.

I have zero understanding as to why we couldnt keep the old functionality AND gotten the new gems, that would have been Actual Quality of life and not this 2 steps forwards 5 steps back nonsense. But GGG has yet to actually...say anything. And I doubt they will until the live stream so all we can do now is Voice our complaints, and see what they respond with...and hey if all else fails, PoE players will just go back to using Numlock like every other ARPG.
Ok, even tho I'm a mine enjoyer with left click detonation and also on every non-miner I use guard skill on left click BUT I think this is a correct decision to reduce the gap between players as Jonathan was already talking about.

And probably you guys are trying to make people ready for PoE2 :)
Ok so if i understand correctly :
- new gems are not new skills but are nerfs in disguise.
- you said in an official interview that you won't ban macro users because there is too many of them but you are giving those cheaters a new advantage in comparison to honest players ?

good good also i do not understund the 1 click 1 server action because when i play i HOLD MY MAIN SKILL which obviously result in more than 1 server action per key holding ..................
Changing the left click interaction is an absolutely awful change. This makes mines awful to play, removes the comfortableness for many builds and introduces socket pressure. If those are the goals then say so instead of creating an artificial problem.

Even if none of this is true, this doesn't solve the problem which it's supposed to fix either and only leads to the usage and necessity of AHK for people with limited hand mobility or a "game pad"

Strongly ask you to not go through with these changes and have a re-discussion about this subject. There is a myriad of better solutions to fix the problem described.

If these changes are however made with the intention of nerfing instant skills, be open about this and have a fair dialog with players, even then a better fix can and should be found.

LMB removed, maybe it will be OK with this gems, BUT DELETE REDUCED COOLDOWN RECOVERY RATE on this gems!

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