Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

Come on GGG this is a terrible decision,
I really hope you would re-think the change no one in their right mind would think this is a good idea. Not only are you removing players agency on choosing when to cast a guard skill but you're also forcing us to use an extra gem slot in order to do the same action as before this is not QOL.
Also the mines change is horrific hexblast is a dead build now.
Remove Left Mouse Button casting - it's horrible.
Please revert this decision.
LMB change feels more than unnecessary, the 2 new gems don't require that change even if presented as such and the cooldown reduction plus gem socket is enough opportunity cost to make it an unappealing replacement

The PR talk angle just makes it feel like a deliberate nerf that's attempting damage control. If it is not even that, then I genuinely have to ask if whoevers idea this was has played the game with any regularity towards a, not min-maxed, but "finished" character?
QoL stands for QUALITY of life you folks at GGG do know that right, its not just a 3 letters that stand for nerf the heck out of left click.
I’d rather have you remove the movement feature from LMB than the ability to cast a spell.

LMB to move is hard on the wrist, too many clicks.

Let us cast from LMB and introduce WASD movement instead!
I am starving for keybinds (that I can see when they go off cooldown etc) on some builds. Now we have 1 less socket + 1 less keybind. Please revert Prayge, not QOL at all.
Please revert the decision to allow us to bind skills to left click, this is huge QOL for making mine builds feel good and theres really no GOOD reason to stop allowing us to do this. This may work better in POE II but do not bring this to POE I. This has the potential to bring in QOL but theres no reason to gut the QOL in left click skills that already exists.
Remove Left Mouse Button casting - it's horrible.
Please revert this decision.
Good day.
"... We've removed the capacity to bind any instant skills to left click as a result. ..." (from Automation and Call to Arms Skill Gems teaser)
How are things going at least with the "Bone Armor" from Necromancer Ascendancy? Or with any other skill guaranteed by armour/weapon/ascendancy/other possible sources?

UPD: Since I'm criticizing this change, perhaps I should offer some sort of solution (even if it's not the best). At least regarding "Bone Armor" from Necromancer Ascendancy as a possible solution, I think it's worth to modify and change its activation logic similar to "Primal Aegis" from Elementalist Ascendancy.
Last edited by Anghkiler on Mar 19, 2024, 7:06:20 AM
cacmeister wrote:
I’d rather have you remove the movement feature from LMB than the ability to cast a spell.

LMB to move is hard on the wrist, too many clicks.

Let us cast from LMB and introduce WASD movement instead!

You can hold the button down bro.

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