Lack of GGG Transparency regarding current banwave

Finally got the confirmation that supposedly I breach section 7. I use the same two softwares since 3 leagues ago: AwkPoe and X-Mouse (scroll to click).

Banning people for mouse/keyboard software without any feedback is shit decision. First, amount of this software will only grow with time, as vendors compete with each other. Second, users may not even know about this software, they just plug their new shiny mouse and start playing.

If GGG are dead serious about denying the future, they should at least keep public record of forbidden vendor or community software, and allow users one warning about the software, as user might not know it does something forbidden (especially if poe account was created recently). What GGG does now is disgusting, even if there were malicious actors among banned, this is no way to treat your customers.
Echothesis wrote:
Finally got the confirmation that supposedly I breach section 7. I use the same two softwares since 3 leagues ago: AwkPoe and X-Mouse (scroll to click).

Banning people for mouse/keyboard software without any feedback is shit decision. First, amount of this software will only grow with time, as vendors compete with each other. Second, users may not even know about this software, they just plug their new shiny mouse and start playing.

If GGG are dead serious about denying the future, they should at least keep public record of forbidden vendor or community software, and allow users one warning about the software, as user might not know it does something forbidden (especially if poe account was created recently). What GGG does now is disgusting, even if there were malicious actors among banned, this is no way to treat your customers.

Totally agree.
Tin foil hat here: it seem to me all clues for the big ban of the 22nd point in the direction of "software installed on our systems" which generated an automatic ban (I refuse to believe all these accounts were banned manually, 2 days before Christmas).

A list of bannable software and a warning, to allow user to remove it, would have been a much more professional approach.
Putting in the same basket accounts with 2 days life and 7 years ones with lots of MTX is also extremely bad practice.
Banning all these accounts 2 days before Xmas then going on holiday and not having the man power to help with appeals, also horrible experience.

Next step, blocking this thread, watch it.
Last edited by PoeRecovery3 on Dec 31, 2023, 5:58:19 AM
At the end idk what to do with all of this. Support said that account is unbannable. May be i need to wait for 5-10 JAN when more experienced workers will be able here.
Already wrote mail to chris@ with overall situation describing and my thoughts about quality of support and our cases overall. idk what to do next. May be new post on reddit, may be every day spams support mail.
Last edited by Donoteatme on Dec 31, 2023, 6:12:41 AM
so i finialy got an email back off GGG with one line

"Your account has been closed and will not be reopened."

Account: gerriscott

As a player that has 3000+ hours in the game playing the same way what do i have to do to get answers.

It's clearly not a throw away bot or RMT account otherwise why would I have purchased so many high-end supporter packs.

I don't use any macros -

I use:
Filter blade
Awakened POE

that's it. Why are GGG refusing to look into my case. There is clearly some issue with clashing between Ur new ban system and legit players configs but it seems like everyone is being ignored.
Just got an e-mail back after 7 days of waiting.

Hi there,

We have reviewed your account and in this case the ban has been revoked, and you should now be able to access the account with no trouble.

If you have any further questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact us again!

There's hope boys.
ooglagoog wrote:
Just got an e-mail back after 7 days of waiting.

Hi there,

We have reviewed your account and in this case the ban has been revoked, and you should now be able to access the account with no trouble.

If you have any further questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact us again!

There's hope boys.

Indeed, they are answering.
My ban have been converted into a warning, finally with some less automated answer from support (my trust in GGG is restored).

I have asked some extra details on what went wrong, at least to know if it was software, VPN or anything else to generate the trigger. If I dont know what I did how can I avoid it in the future ? Section 7 of the TOS is really inclusive of many things.
I will not play until I have a more precise idea....also 10 days without POE showed me there is a life out there haha

Good luck everyone.
Last edited by PoeRecovery3 on Jan 2, 2024, 4:06:43 AM
Donoteatme wrote:
At the end idk what to do with all of this. Support said that account is unbannable. May be i need to wait for 5-10 JAN when more experienced workers will be able here.
Already wrote mail to chris@ with overall situation describing and my thoughts about quality of support and our cases overall. idk what to do next. May be new post on reddit, may be every day spams support mail.

OK, let's see what you did in that post:

- Defame the staff that handled your case so far.
- wrote a mail to the "boss" over the holidays for something totally unrelated to his job in the company
- threaten to get third party involved, most possibly rage posts
- thinking about spamming the support, thus prolonging the response time for other people (besides annyoing the shiz out of them)

I actually would ban you for that shit alone!^^
ThngsLikeThis wrote:
Donoteatme wrote:
At the end idk what to do with all of this. Support said that account is unbannable. May be i need to wait for 5-10 JAN when more experienced workers will be able here.
Already wrote mail to chris@ with overall situation describing and my thoughts about quality of support and our cases overall. idk what to do next. May be new post on reddit, may be every day spams support mail.

OK, let's see what you did in that post:

- Defame the staff that handled your case so far.
- wrote a mail to the "boss" over the holidays for something totally unrelated to his job in the company
- threaten to get third party involved, most possibly rage posts
- thinking about spamming the support, thus prolonging the response time for other people (besides annyoing the shiz out of them)

I actually would ban you for that shit alone!^^

I'd look at you if you will lost this account as me, with all MTX that you will never purchase at new acc and got same support answer without reson explanation. May be i'm little emotional with that cause spent thousands hours to the game, but don't manipulate words i'm saying. Unfortunately it's just dualism of points of view and I could response same manner to you.
Last edited by Donoteatme on Jan 2, 2024, 4:38:29 AM
PoeRecovery3 wrote:
ooglagoog wrote:
Just got an e-mail back after 7 days of waiting.

Hi there,

We have reviewed your account and in this case the ban has been revoked, and you should now be able to access the account with no trouble.

If you have any further questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact us again!

There's hope boys.

Indeed, they are answering.
My ban have been converted into a warning, finally with some less automated answer from support (my trust in GGG is restored).

I have asked some extra details on what went wrong, at least to know if it was software, VPN or anything else to generate the trigger. If I dont know what I did how can I avoid it in the future ? Section 7 of the TOS is really inclusive of many things.
I will not play until I have a more precise idea....also 10 days without POE showed me there is a life out there haha

Good luck everyone.

Why arent you posting off your main then

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