time for 20% death penalty

gandhar0 wrote:
Oh i see where you're coming from.

But something more realistic. How about we lose 20% as OP mentioned but we drop all items we have equipped on the ground (D2 style) but we can get back some of your lost exp when we reach our corpse?

Each death is impactful and may cause consecutive deaths since we have no gear or shitty replacement gear. But managing to reach our corpse will be a mini-win (restored some of the exp loss) , sorts of and a mini game.

Results: Getting to our corpse = same exp loss as before
Not getting to it/dying before = 20 % loss.

Never...no....not ever....not again....never ever ever. This was the worst part of D2, and quite possibly the worst aspect of any aRPG I have ever played in my life. The idea of running naked to recover your body makes no sense, and the fear of losing all your items if you mess it up is just way too intense. If I wanted that, I'd be playing HC.

Corpse Ghost runs is just tedium for the sake of tedium.
Nomancs wrote:
sownice wrote:
"...I GOT DCED that's not fair!..."

in the same time...
"...Naw it's no excuses it's you and you only. ..."

Do you at least notice the contradiction yourself? Do you want me to explain to you why a disconnect is not always your own failure?

You don't die when you DC thats why some people use dc macro to avoid death in hc
Characters do tend to die to the "I GOT DCED" type of disconnect. The "uncontrolled" connection or client based ones leave the character for 6sec (or whatever its now) helplessly in the game. The "controlled" disconnects done by logout macro do not have that effect if the disconnect message is successfully sent to the server.

sownice wrote:
You don't die when you DC thats why some people use dc macro to avoid death in hc

That could well be true, but there is still the client crash and in this case, I have already experienced myself, you die or you lose your exp and client crash is not directly a DC, but describes about the same thing, it's not just because of you.
Client crash death is something which they could fix in most cases if they would want to. And the 6sec disconnect timer is also something which they could improve easily.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Regardless of preventive measures to "get disconnected", dying from this and punishing players with exp deduction is stingy. The experience of playing becomes horrible!
gandhar0 wrote:
Oh i see where you're coming from.

But something more realistic. How about we lose 20% as OP mentioned but we drop all items we have equipped on the ground (D2 style) but we can get back some of your lost exp when we reach our corpse?

Each death is impactful and may cause consecutive deaths since we have no gear or shitty replacement gear. But managing to reach our corpse will be a mini-win (restored some of the exp loss) , sorts of and a mini game.

Results: Getting to our corpse = same exp loss as before
Not getting to it/dying before = 20 % loss.

This thread starts to look as though a competition who's gonna come up with the most obnoxious idea for death penalty :)

Would be fun to watch some fail compilation videos where ppl try to pick up the corpse and get exploded by random rats fart, especially in some juiced t16 maps :D
Stupid PoE2 Particle System Patch...

New mute system is another hot garbage.
Last edited by y3lw0rC on Oct 12, 2023, 3:43:54 AM
The get your corpse back idea had some merit in D2 where party play was way more prevalent. If you got killed by conv souls or fana moonlords during a baal run your party could clear the location and you got at least half the xp back. In a game where party play is in such a questionable state it as in this one it wouldn't do any good.
Baharoth15 wrote:
The get your corpse back idea had some merit in D2 where party play was way more prevalent. If you got killed by conv souls or fana moonlords during a baal run your party could clear the location and you got at least half the xp back. In a game where party play is in such a questionable state it as in this one it wouldn't do any good.

Well, not only that.

The thing is that in D2 it worked a little bit better because if I remember correctly, collecting each corpse would set you back almost to original XP before death. On hell you lose 10% and if you recover a corpse you gain back 75% of that XP. So close to total xp gained back.

Also, you can run back for a corpse infinite amount of times. Even if people had quit the game and their TP's disappeared, you still could walk/run as many times as you want to retrieve your corpse.

In PoE, you've got several portals, so the tries are finite. Die a few times and you've just lost 40-60% exp and maybe (even probably) realize that it's better to quit and re-enter the game.

So these corpses in PoE are bollocks idea.

Stupid PoE2 Particle System Patch...

New mute system is another hot garbage.
Last edited by y3lw0rC on Oct 12, 2023, 6:25:55 AM
Heres a vote for removing the death penalty. Wasted time isn't fun. :)
Buttmancer wrote:
Heres a vote for removing the death penalty. Wasted time isn't fun. :)

Stupid PoE2 Particle System Patch...

New mute system is another hot garbage.
What I'd really like to have is some sort of "xp freeze". A marker you can set that prevents both XP gain AND XP loss. Right now, if i make the decision to get one of my level 98 builds to 99 or 100 i basically can't use this build for anything that poses a risk, can't do ubers, can't do simus, can't deep delve, nothing. Even juiced mapping is out of the question in most cases.

I play standard and have 20 builds so it's not THAT big of a deal but not having access to a character for a week or two aside from one very boring activity is annoying none the less.
Last edited by Baharoth15 on Oct 12, 2023, 7:26:11 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
gandhar0 wrote:
Oh i see where you're coming from.

But something more realistic. How about we lose 20% as OP mentioned but we drop all items we have equipped on the ground (D2 style) but we can get back some of your lost exp when we reach our corpse?

Each death is impactful and may cause consecutive deaths since we have no gear or shitty replacement gear. But managing to reach our corpse will be a mini-win (restored some of the exp loss) , sorts of and a mini game.

Results: Getting to our corpse = same exp loss as before
Not getting to it/dying before = 20 % loss.
gandhar0 wrote:

Never...no....not ever....not again....never ever ever. This was the worst part of D2, and quite possibly the worst aspect of any aRPG I have ever played in my life. The idea of running naked to recover your body makes no sense, and the fear of losing all your items if you mess it up is just way too intense. If I wanted that, I'd be playing HC.

Corpse Ghost runs is just tedium for the sake of tedium.

y3lw0rC wrote:
gandhar0 wrote:
Oh i see where you're coming from.

But something more realistic. How about we lose 20% as OP mentioned but we drop all items we have equipped on the ground (D2 style) but we can get back some of your lost exp when we reach our corpse?

Each death is impactful and may cause consecutive deaths since we have no gear or shitty replacement gear. But managing to reach our corpse will be a mini-win (restored some of the exp loss) , sorts of and a mini game.

Results: Getting to our corpse = same exp loss as before
Not getting to it/dying before = 20 % loss.
gandhar0 wrote:

This thread starts to look as though a competition who's gonna come up with the most obnoxious idea for death penalty :)

Would be fun to watch some fail compilation videos where ppl try to pick up the corpse and get exploded by random rats fart, especially in some juiced t16 maps :D

I'm just having fun ;) 20% is too harsh indeed.

Let's say death penalty changed in a hypothetical scenario. Spoiler: it won't realistically. The sytem in D2 was actually good imo, the only part that annoys the most is dropping all your gear and getting to the corpse afterwards.

But if successful it feels good and you reset the zone if it contains extra fast/extra strong Moon lords or similar. In PoE it would be opening a new map if the monsters are too rippy.

In both cases people have to decide if its worth risking the zone/map for the exp you gain. I like it personally.
Could work when people are careful afterwards and have a set of replacement gear ready to reach the corpse.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Oct 12, 2023, 7:52:07 AM

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