time for 20% death penalty

Uh, in D2 you can just reenter game and get latest corpse spawn under your feet in town? Also there were no content access restrictions, so reentering costs nothing. Unless maybe you've dropped some unique item right before you died, but this is very rare case.

No D2 player I know ever bothered with actually running for his corpse, risking to lose yet more exp
Last edited by Echothesis on Oct 12, 2023, 7:52:58 AM
Echothesis wrote:
Uh, in D2 you can just reenter game and get latest corpse spawn under your feet in town? Also there were no content access restrictions, so reentering costs nothing. Unless maybe you've dropped some unique item right before you died, but this is very rare case.

No D2 player I know ever bothered with actually running for his corpse, risking to lose yet more exp

I tested it. The corpse thats spawns right under you in town after entering a new game does not give any exp back , if that's what youre trying to say.

But it's indeed a good/fast way to get at least the dropped items back and not losing any further exp.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Correct, but if we are talking experienced D2 players (you have to grind far to reach the last difficulty where penalty is), reclaiming exp is irrelevant. There are no BS deaths in D2, you can clearly see what happens on screen and assess threat levels beforehand. Also repositioning yourself actually means something there.

Which means you won't get exp penalized as often, and unless you know for certain that path to your corpse is clear all the way from last portal/waypoint, you reenter game. Ask dedicated D2 fans how they usually interact with this mechanic.

If corpse reclaiming would have been implemented in poe the same way (with loss of items), it would only be worth a try if you died to some on-death effects after all mobs were dead. Otherwise reclamation chance will be 0%. And if you keep your gear and reclaiming corpse needed only for exp, it won't have any tactical meaning, as your death was likely some random BS, and reclamation chance will be 100%, you'll come back and wipe your killers in 1 sec. Then proceed till next random BS spike.
Buttmancer wrote:
Heres a vote for removing the death penalty. Wasted time isn't fun. :)

"There are Penalties in the Game, no one's complaining about them"
Chris Wilson Exilecon 2019
Last edited by Wladicorist1 on Oct 12, 2023, 9:52:17 AM
Echothesis wrote:
Uh, in D2 you can just reenter game and get latest corpse spawn under your feet in town? Also there were no content access restrictions, so reentering costs nothing. Unless maybe you've dropped some unique item right before you died, but this is very rare case.

No D2 player I know ever bothered with actually running for his corpse, risking to lose yet more exp

Maybe you forgot...if you tried to REACH your corpse but failed AGAIN. Then you logged out and back in to recover your corpse in town....you lost ALL YOUR ITEMS. Perhaps this was patched out in later patches but thats my most vivid memory of D2, and also one of the most punishing aspects of D2 PVP. People would snipe you for the chance to snipe again and steal all your gear.
I said latest corpse, not necessarily the one with your original items. Yes, dying again creates new corpse, and each death also moves equipped gear to corresponding corpse. Only latest corpse is saved with the character. Exactly for the reason you described, you don't want to try and reclaim your exp if there is even a small risk of dying again. Better to reenter game and accept exp penalty for guaranteed return of the items.

And yeah, +1 vote on removing penalty in poe :) At least it will be easier than fixing damage scaling and game performance leading to BS deaths here.
Last edited by Echothesis on Oct 12, 2023, 7:20:26 PM
Echothesis wrote:
Correct, but if we are talking experienced D2 players (you have to grind far to reach the last difficulty where penalty is), reclaiming exp is irrelevant. There are no BS deaths in D2, you can clearly see what happens on screen and assess threat levels beforehand. Also repositioning yourself actually means something there.

Yeah, but the game does not scale that much. After lvl 85 you're almost immortal and xp is terrible. It's like you'd be stuck in campaign.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on Oct 13, 2023, 6:51:24 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
@Nom: I believe you are mistaken in believing that the "majority" of players want the game to be hard. Furthermore, you are DEFINITELY mistaken in your belief that we play this game BECAUSE its like a job.


There are significantly more posts asking for an "easy mode" or a "solo version with better drop rates" than there are posts asking for a harder game.

I, on the other hand believe you're mistaken. Also, people who are against -20% exp idea here, mostly either ask for everything to be for free instantly in game, constantly quit or don't even play the game - someone who don't play the game or don't have elementar game knowledge shouldn't be taken into consideration (and probably isn't).

GGG, 20% exp on death.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Everyone here at some point quits and return, that's literally how GGG wants the game to be played. As for people asking for free things, i'm yet to see anyone actually ask that in the forums, except "veterans" saying that with zero basis, unless the obvious trolls in global are supposed to be taken seriously. Elementar game knowledge? Is that even a thing when that's bypassed by simply paying someone in 5ways, making your point entire obsolete? Oh, sure, there's SSF, but it's clear Gx3 never cared about it.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
There is a fundamental difference between waiting for new league and announcing departure if GGG will not add XYZ for free, or change their decision.
I'm yet to see any valid reason against -20%.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

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