3.22.1 Patch Preview

This is what the week 1 patch should have looked like.
Give the 1 guy working on PoE 1 some vacation time please. Maybe some additional resources, as this is the main game for years to come (aint no way PoE 2 is launcing in 2024).
Loading screens no longer wait to finish loading the visual effects of other characters before you load into the area.
The MVP right here.

No longer loading other peoples MTX list that cause huge delays.

Now we only have to get that for loading other peoples stash tabs.
If you can't handle the truth, just delete the forum post - Precious Flower
There is no radious anymore we got METERS!
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Loading screens <3

++ for Fun Police for not killing the fun this time.

BTW, how can I stop enemy from taking my totem? Hit, or total damage? As RF I have problem with interrupting enemy team. Currently only base-race works for me...
still i have fps problem!
in this league my fps is 8-20
how play with fps 10 in normal map!
Any developers play the game? They really think, that 9 mins from 10 in tota be dead is fun? Don't kill that mechanic more pls. I like it and want it to be better, not worse...
"Loading screens no longer wait to finish loading the visual effects of other characters before you load into the area."

ofc a lot of us suspected sth like that. still crazy that you would do that. I suppose thx for changing your mind.

Hope it ll fix the loading time.
***Loading screens no longer wait to finish loading the visual effects of other characters before you load into the area.

***Improved loading screen duration in many situations.

this is what i was waiting for.. almost 1 minute loading time in town...hope they fix it
Yeah One Shots in ToTa at Rank100. Ty 4 Npc Buffs. ;)
league already so dead, why patch it now?
abandon and work on next season guys

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