3.22.1 Patch Preview

woop - looking forward to tota changes in particular
poe media launchpad: https://pathofexile.media
character showcase: https://startyparty.dev/poe
Nerfing enemies' health in the Ancestor mechanic is pointless. After a certain point we just can't kill them anyway, and how far you get until that happens depends on if you're meta or not, and HOW meta you are. The rest of us seem doomed to struggle even more than we do.

Meanwhile, until the Titanic Shell can't protect its own totem, that stupid turtle has no counter play.

So many of these changes will be harmful to how the league actually plays because the scaling is so absolutely abysmal.

But it's okay, right? According to a GGG dev at the Game Developer Conference in Wellington, we the players have no idea what we're talking about ever. So I guess we should just roll over and accept this idiocy from an out of touch developer, run by an out of touch CEO who pines for gameplay that never existed in the game he claims it did.

Kinda hard to respect anyone who has no idea how their own game plays.
But this does nothing to fix the actual issue with the turtle. The problem is that it protects it's own totem contrary to the description. And even if the description is what's wrong the fact that it can protect it's own totem forcing you to kill it is awful as your warriors AI isn't nearly good enough to adapt to that situation.

Either make it so it can't protect it's own totem as the description suggest was the original intent or simply disable the unit altogether.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
dang that's a lot of changes, appreciate the work ethic can't believe you guys got this out so fast.
One of the funnest leagues in some time honestly.

TOTA gives people something new and different to do in the endgame.
It is refreshing.

Thats a nice list of updates!

Great stuff!
great patch ty GGG!
If some changes seem to be in the right direction, some changes such as the chieftain buff or the turtle show that you've not understand the issues of the league. The balancing is not made with the idea of providing a fair experience in TOTA. Difficulty aside, we mostly want fairness:

- all units' respawn duration is the same,
- our npc units and similar enemy units behave the same : same damage, same speed, same AI etc
- the teams we can face have a similar unit budget as ours if we'd won all our matches
- no units can protect their own totem (yes the turtle clearly has not been fixed)

If we could have this, most of our issues with the league would be gone
ggg good d4 bad

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