3.22.1 Patch Preview

The reason you don't see as many people complaining about performance or complete inability to play this league.

They already gave up waiting and moved on.

The performance problems havn't been fixed, people just stopped begging GGG to fix them and went to play or do other things.

But here I am, still waiting to try and finish playing this league. despite it BSODing my PC, using all my memory, causing high cpu temperatures. I wait... I've been attacked by other players for explaining my problem and explicitly stating they are only related to poe. So not only does GGG not say anything about the problems I've only just faced this league, other players tell me it's all my fault.
"I didn't know we were making a pants simulator." - Chris Wilson
Last edited by deadunion on Sep 4, 2023, 8:55:24 PM
Is there a way to directly access the vendor screen for warriors on console/with controller input mode?

Felix44 wrote:
Patch in a nutshell: Good news guys, Spear Dancers will no longer one shot you from 3 screens away. However, everything else will! GLHF!

Correct. It's 2 screens now.

I'm shocked that they haven't addressed the one glaring bug the league actually had, namely that the Titanic Shell could protect its own totem, and therefore make matches in practice unwinnable due to have 48 billion HP. Slightly reducing that obnoxious number isn't going to make much of a real difference as long as the bug still remains.

But hey, a bunch of other units will do MORE DAMAGE, so that's a win. Right? We get one-shot even harder. And can't bait units around because now the chieftains will one-shot even more frequently as well. Cool, cool.

The "Forfeit button" implementation is one of the most useless, tasteless and antifun of your implementations ever. Bravo!

At least loading times will be fixed (and I hope is fixed for sure and is not copium) so I can reroll easily but nothing about helping to lower the elo.

Edit: Also forgot, the "5% damage to stun" is and stupid one. That explains why it feels like opponents are cheating and with higher rankings it will only become WORSE. Any hit should stun or at least guarantee a short stun and a full, immediate interruption.
Last edited by Vanchelot on Sep 4, 2023, 9:03:21 PM
no where near enough
Where can I apply the Tattoo of Unnerfing 3.22 Performance?
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Great ! Lots of changes
Lady Dialla, The Gemling Queen says:

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your consort and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here is Wraeclast.
Titanic shell should not be able to defend its own totem lol what kind of design is that?

Everything else has an alternative way of dealing with the unit. But you decide to abandon that for the turtle. It's already defending like 8 ridiculous units like goliaths or sunset sages. You'd think that people with low damage or in the higher ranks should be rewarded for dealing with all the one shots threatening them from the defender units when going for it's totem with the death of the unit.
No damage reduction to the phys ones?
as usual.... GGG will tune the game to those that plays 23hrs a day.
casuals? nay. not a priority for them.

I understand that power is relative to the amount of time you spent on the game grinding so not everyone should have 100 div builds. However, i think an option to choose/lower the tiers of TOTA matches could help casuals play at a level they are comfortable with.

On another note, they sld fix their damn servers. the lag in singapore server was crazy this few days. basically unplayable. goes up to 20k ms then drops back to 40ms.
So GGG hasn't satiated their sadism yet huh... Hopefully next month they'll finally get satisfied with their fun and actually make the mechanic fun for those who will play it not those who made it...
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