3.22.1 Patch Preview

welp, had stopped playing until TotA's rough edges could be smoothed out, but i see we've instead added a whole lot more? idk what a match of TotA is even "supposed" to look like at this point, just slowly dying and never actually winning anything?
BreakingHearts/RhoaHood/BackAndVeryLate (Standard) | HushtailSweep/HushtailWeeps (Ancestor)
thep10xer wrote:
The league mechanic still will reward cheese and gimmick strategies the most.

Players that do well without these gimmicks will eventually be hard punished with one shots and unwinnable matches due to how rating scales.

You should be able to select the difficulty you want like delve where you can endlessly go horizontal

I think titanic shell doesn't need any changes as long as it is unable to protect its own totem, as it SPECIFICALLY SAYS IN THE UNIT DESCRIPTION. It is a bug that I don't see being mentioned in the patch notes. Fix please!

Massive ++1
Not fair. I wasted so much time to get to 1500 ranking so i can get one shotted even more, or have fun with the damn turtle...loot is weird, on average is terrible already...
GGG always step on my toes its amazing how the changes they do always make me sad.
Can we possibly add more units across the board ? It would be very nice to have more options and combinations . I know yall can create some good ones.
Patch in a nutshell: Good news guys, Spear Dancers will no longer one shot you from 3 screens away. However, everything else will! GLHF!

I'm seriously so disappointed for this patch...almost feel that it's better the way it is now.

TOTA is an amazing mechanic, I'm absolutely loving it as one of the more original and refreshing leagues (I know a lot of ppl liked stuff like Ultimatum but for me diversity is key to enjoyment). However it sounds a lot like this patch is meant to make it worse, not better. Dodging everything is already hard enough and past a certain rank 80% of hits are oneshots :( Didn't need to raise it further.

Turtle bug not fixed is a big disappointment also - it basically forces TOTA into one type of viable build only, and that is tons of dmg. But can't be glass cannon, cause everything kills you. So basically the only viable things will be >100 div builds that can do everything.

One thing I'd have loved to see in this patch was the ability to just buy all units from a tribe. What's the point of getting Kaom rep if all he's gonna give me are those trash Firebreathers?? This is terrible design.
Last edited by Felix44 on Sep 4, 2023, 8:42:17 PM
Nice improvements. especially in reduced loading screen in town, and sell items in diviana. We see GGG are actually care of players feedback. Will buy some support packs :D
All those improvements, and nothing about overall performance. Loading time solve seemms like a bandaid instead of rolling back the nonsense that caused it (along with all the other performance issues that happened simultaneously).
GGG please remove patch 3.21.2 from game bring back old system please
OMG you needed to do 2 changes to fix the stupid mechanic... 2 simple 2 line of code to fix all of it. Instead you spent 8-9 days coding your butts off for zero fixes.

Warriors now have a 3 second respawn timer after dying. Warriors no longer instantly respawn.

That is all you had to do to fix warriors

And to really help make it fair.... players gain 3 flask charges every 2 seconds or some ratio...

Cause as the match lingers if you need a flask... (Required for a dozen meta builds) your f'd.

Right now to play mechanic you MUST>

pathfinder ->> tornado shot --> zero dps(knockback, fear, stun supports) it with max evade. Otherwise don't bother with league mech you are wasting your farming time...

OR TOTEM / Minion false agro.. I literally forced to take vaal summon skelton to make matches 99% easier. Just from their bad agro.

That was all that was needed warriors having a respawn timer... and auto flask, or killing something gives 5x flask charges works as well.

If you really wanted to fix things.... recode warrior AI so they don't always run straight at death's guise tower even though there are 8 others that aren't insta killing them....

Upgrade AI to attack totems with 1 channel cycle left... half my matches, the warriors get a totem to below 25% and then never to back for it.... instead focusing full health totems...

Update Escorts to stay with their chieftan weven when we die versus running back to his totem, they can't hurt each other enough to cause stun so they better off going for enemy totems.

But alas no improvements if you want to win... take tornado shot base rush, and if that fails just go back to your base, and stand =slightly behind your totem and hold right click.... Win....

So easy to fix, yet you guys make it so hard to do it right.

Instead of nerfing Kahutaroa and his Goliaths GGG is buffing other chieftains. I don't like where it's going. It was so much fun so far. Please don't ruin the League, GGG.

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