Freeze-Disconect after 3.22.0b

MaxW81 wrote:
Was not able to reach Piety without someone giving me the TP and absolute no chance to reach the end of normal lab.

If this is not fixed before the weekend I skip this league.
Same, constant freeze, back to login, just before Merveil. Unplayable.
Having this too, can't even get through Act 1 Prison.

I put up with a broken game during Heist league. I'm not putting up with it again. See y'all in 3.23.
Some observations;

- The "unexpected error" disconnect only occurs if the game is unable to recover from a stutter/freeze.

- Stutter/freezes are always accompanied with audio looping every second.

- Stutters/freezes will always occur at the same area in a particular instance. Different instances will not stutter/freeze at the same locations.

- Stutters/freezes in a particular area of an instance can be resolved reliably by luring mobs away from the area and killing them.

- In 7 out of 10 individual stutter/freeze occurrences I resolved using the aforementioned method, at least one rare mob had an aura that affected either players or other mobs, excluding damage auras. Examples include Hinder Aura, Haste, Temporal Bubble, and Invincibility.

- In 3 out of the 10 occurrences, a unique mob with a channeling skill was the sole cause.

- In the majority of cases (both personally experienced as well as testified to about), initial occurrence closely followed the usage of dash-type movement skills (dash and flame dash.) Existing occurrences persisted afterwards with or without dashing. Blink skills did not cause stutter/freeze occurrences.

- Stutters can be recovered from without disconnecting, albeit rarely. If the stutter ends without a disconnect, the game will "catch up" with the server rapidly, as if it was just lag. This typically results in player death.

- Occurrences drastically reduced upon reaching Act 6.

- Red beasts below the catch Life threshold for Einhar that are hit with an attack that can cull during a stutter that eventually recovers will be culled, not caught by Einhar. This will fail Einhar's mission.

This is a really weird bug.
Ice Shot Deadeye 'till the day I die
Really weird bug indeed. Sometimes it does it in town for few seconds fixes it by itself, did it when I was changing my MTX.

BUT crazy or not I don't know if u get frozen and I hold the PSN button to go back to home screen press X to go back to the game that unfreezes me insta!! Only did not unfroze me once or twice.

No idea what's might be causing this but it's a very weird one indeed. Did few TOTA tournaments no freeze at all, my first lab no freze ot all, just slight stutter at the very begging of the lab. ETA of the Hotfix would be nice.
Playing on Frankfurt and also tested Amsterdam. We have two PS5 here and both keep freezing / disconnecting over and over. Died numerous times to the freezing so far, and lost a Lab run. Not a very smooth start of the league to say it politely.

I even froze and disconnected on opening the skill tree when trying to apply a skill point.

I hope you can fix this as soon as possible.
Last edited by Isomorphin on Aug 24, 2023, 4:49:08 PM
Wow also made it to maps, finished the first, no issue, the next I keep crashing after every enemy kinda... 4 portals gone so far. I really hope they will come up with a solution before the weekend...
Same issue here!

Frankfurt server
Wired connection...

1 map 6 crashes...

Game is unplayable atm :(
i keep freezing and timing out in the same spot in the chambers of sin level 2 right before the boss fight


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