Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

Where's the rest of the notes?

Stop with this Ruthless crap.

Just stop.

Is this what it's going to be like until PoE2 comes out?
~ Seph
Last edited by sephrinx on Aug 10, 2023, 8:51:36 PM
19 weeks waiting for what looks to be a 'small' league.

Can you guys just hire someone from the community that actually cares about regular PoE to do meaningful meta shaping balance changes? In a game with a million skill gems, of the non aura ones we're probably using about 10 of them.

Can't you just look at the most underused skills and change numbers? Bring them in line with some of the stronger ones?

Or maybe give the guy that came up with Sentinel some adderall and let him work on cool 'small' leagues. He knows what he's doing.
wheres the rest?
Stop it with Ruthless
No one cares(or at least, a very small % of people care)

Meanwhile players have been asking for leagues to provide meaningful buffs to underplayed skills, and instead of that we got....a bunch of new support skills? I get you were busy prepping for Exile Con but this seems VERY underwhelming for 19 weeks.

Last edited by faytte on Aug 10, 2023, 8:56:43 PM
this is a bad sign for the future of PoE. more efforts spent on ruthless, taking time away from the rest of the community content. bad form.
guess it's time to look for another aRPG. poe2 is looking worse by the day.
What happened to Bex?
No skill balance changes? Some skills are never used.

Make the game your consumers want, not the game you wish you made.

Meaningful Buffs to underplayed skills (even if just numerical) = good

Ruthless = dumpster
I bet if Ruthless notes were posted in a different location then there wouldn't even be half as much outrage lol. I really think this is what should be done going forward.
*Never forgetting how good this game looked at 32:9 instead of 1/3 of my screen being black bars.*

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