Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

Look ok to me actually. It's a decent amount of interesting gems and the new atlas changes look great.

Hope the new league is fun.
ruthless occupies 2/3 of the patch
is this an april fools joke?
you spent five months on this?
Добавьте это в ублок, чтобы сайт выглядел по человечески.
They can get away with this because they know everyone's been shilling for POE so they'll get their money and player count. MEANWHILE, the new players don't know.

POE makes it's $$ off new people playing the game for 6 leagues before they get to a point that they informed pessimist and not a dilettante just praising something they barely know something about. Then they become addicted trying to get a dopamine hit while knowing the game isn't what they want it to be or what it was ( assuming we keep the cycle that started in 3.14 )

I cannot imagine a PN worse than this.

Then remember 3.15 gems and flasks nerfs and Kalandra's hidden loot nerf.
IGN @SexyMilf
You need to make more skill balance changes, there is still time.

Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.

is this an april fools joke?

life is an april fools joke
only 20 people work on poe 1

p.s. I am voting with my vallet. Again. Against GGG's policy.
IGN @SexyMilf
Last edited by ProGameZ on Aug 10, 2023, 8:35:52 PM
ProGameZ wrote:

I cannot imagine a PN worse than this.

Then remember 3.15 gems and flasks nerfs and Kalandra's hidden loot nerf.

NOPE. while 3.15 ruined the game. It was still a better patch note than this, BY FAR.
You need to make more skill balance changes, there is still time.


Agree. I'd rather they change the skills themselves up ( in a good way, not some cringe way ) than add more useless supports.
arpgaddict wrote:
ProGameZ wrote:

I cannot imagine a PN worse than this.

Then remember 3.15 gems and flasks nerfs and Kalandra's hidden loot nerf.

NOPE. while 3.15 ruined the game. It was still a better patch note than this, BY FAR.

It's all been the same since 3.15. Just more "We have no idea what we are doing" every league.

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