Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors


why this game is so focused in ruthless with so little players in there
Mokurp wrote:
why this game is so focused in ruthless with so little players in there

cuz thats the game they wish they made, not the one that made them multi millionaires. This game is amazing because of the depth character building, not the combat.
Mokurp wrote:
why this game is so focused in ruthless with so little players in there

0 resources btw
RIP 5 Way
I so desperately need GGG to make a new fun content, and stuff to be hyped about, something we can post about and dream builds around.

Instead were playing naraka, guild wars 2, TFT...

Bloody revive PoE already please, i cant take another game of tft.
All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
Enjoyed watching the ExileCon coverage.
Excited to try out the new league!
Last edited by bran_donk on Aug 10, 2023, 8:45:39 PM
Let's try a positive spin.

At least the timing is really good. I mean we get this league at a time, where Baldurs Gate 3 is still fresh, so we have something else to do.
Can you please, make seperate patch notes for Ruthless? While I do enjoy both league it really just makes the patch notes a bit annoying to read.
Chieftain has completely lost it's identity.
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