Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

whats "six Gateways"?

anyone could explain? thanks!
This account is only for feedback and suggestions.
[Removed by Support] Take out all the ruthless changes and this may be the shortest patch ever. Since (Torment)?

Can you guys just for once give the meta shakeup the community is asking for? Give a random intern the ability to change some numbers on the low usage skills at the very least. How hard is it?!
Last edited by Chulainn_GGG on Aug 10, 2023, 9:28:12 PM
lonestaRip wrote:
whats "six Gateways"?

anyone could explain? thanks!

The Atlas passive skills that allows you to jump from one side of the tree to the other
This patch sucks.
Explosive totems wasn't the only build OP available in crucible.
Beyond non-sense.
And disrespecful with the thousands that played it
Mokurp wrote:
why this game is so focused in ruthless with so little players in there

While I did play most of last league there and reach rank 2 overall, I'm curious as well. I've not returned there because it's just so small. You always see the same dozen people or so who are in t16. Rest of people are doing the campaign or stuck in white maps. They're trying it just for fun, not really invested in getting to endgame and stuff.

So, while I did enjoy ruthless, the main issue was lack of a playerbase. That was my overall impression. Very hard to get upgrade on gear with so few people looting items that are ilvl84+. The mode is fun for a challenge to be sure, but there is no economy to build up from. To either sell what you find or buy what you need to upgrade your build. I was still using Le Heup of All because it sort of fixed a bunch of stuff for me like stats and res while having rarity. But I'd have loved to upgrade to real gear eventually. Currency was not a problem, I was the richest player around, but so few people to buy from is all there was.

It is odd indeed to focus so much on ruthless which is for now still just a mode the few people that play it actually never do it with any sort of serious goal in mind. The most frequent type of player I'd interact with were: I'm done with the league, wanna try something different and none of them ever stick around. They reach white maps, complain they are stuck there too long and quit.
Was it necessary to spend so much effort on ruthless?
Nice PN for sure. ruined my happy patchnote day. GG GGG
Will still play this league because i practically skipped last two, almost three, but changes are underwhelming, especially change on Chieftain with no brainer one node that will carry Ascendancy. Before rework Chieftain had so much more depth and was actually 500 iq compared to this one.
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
Last edited by TizeNO on Aug 11, 2023, 8:46:38 AM
I like things in this patch note, but I feel like something is missing.
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Patch notes for the game mode that you know, most of the players would like to play when?
I'm not sure you guys know what the continuously mentioned "meta shake up" means for like 2 years now

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