My List of the Top Merciless PVPers (Default)

oowarpigoo wrote:
im pretty sure that anyone who has ever pvped with me will know that i use skills like viper and bear trap as a last resort, or if the person im fighting is using equally cheap tactics. when i first fought sunprice, HE was the first person to viper strike ME.... then i used a multi viper on him and completely destroyed him. after that we did a few matches without and it was more even. but since then his tactics have really evolved into cowardice....he bear traps his base then goes to the nearest corner to spawn skeles for bear trap protection, he only attacks if you are way out of position to try and arc down his traps, or if you hit one of his traps he will rush you as fast as he can.

you forgot to mention that before you beat me 3 times in a row with bear traps i beat you 5-3 when you werent using them......

but enoughs enough, im logging on now to settle the score. meet me at the neutral lag europe server.

im lagging as hell at the moment . wait to 2 AM , it's 9:57 PM now . My connection always suck at this time of day .
AND LOL , i lost to u 5-3 ???? i need to say that u re a lier , sorry but it's the truth.

Hey , i did not stay at base all the time , when i didn't see u moving , i was slowly moving to ur base with my skeletons , dont u remember ? and u are also stay at cornor waiting for me to come too .

Image i stayed at my base all time like u said , did u so noob to come to my beartrap and die continously , it was not 1-2 times , it's 15 times u dead like that if what u said is true . Well , u are not a good pvp player then , ur strategy is so noob in that case .

"he only attacks if you are way out of position to try and arc down his traps, or if you hit one of his traps he will rush you as fast as he can. " <--- He said that
Is it a very good strategy ? u re the one who use those leap slam and flicker strike to make ppl cant targeting you , is it ur strategy ? I could lost to you only because i cant targeting you and u keep using 2 flicker strike in a row , dont u see ? I even could kill you when u using flicker strikes if i could targeting you . Please , what u said are showing that u re more weaker than me and always do some cheats to beat me ... and it's also prove that im not stay at corner and let beartrap kill you , I did rush to kill you just in 1-2 second even u was using flicker strike on me, Beartrap is just my decoy , lol ... If u dont move out of ur corner , i would slowly go to ur base with my ske and bear around me , u cant defeat me anyway ...

That's how this game works . Strategy makes it more competitive , ur strategy has been broken by mine even ur cheap dirty viper-run-around one .

If u dont use viper beartrap ... and stand ground fighting with me , u ll see i could kill u just in 2 seconds , lol
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Apr 29, 2013, 11:24:23 AM
i see your backing out of the challenge, your not the only person in the game who lags you know......ill just let you continue making yourself look like a fool.

IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Apr 29, 2013, 12:06:35 PM
oowarpigoo wrote:
i see your backing out of the challange, your not the only person in the game who lags you know......ill just let you continue making yourself look like a fool.

ya , my screenshot tell it all
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
pianokingx3 wrote:
Ceykey wrote:
I really didnt get the idea of that flame war i literally beat the half of the list, not that i have insane skills or gear. Skill in this game comes from ur knowledge and building for purpose and thats the half of the glass u still need decent gear with tactics for fill the other half.

So if u losing against one its not that you are suck probably your oppenent have better gear,knowledge or build against you.It's time to be a man and civil i guess.

Ign? I'll pvp you

Lol im Ckan and u already beat me even i have couple of new things for abysmall RF builds im not ready to encounter that yet :D
haha I won him again . And he did insult me because i use Temporal chains Totem on him , and he also blamed that i was wearing a KAOM so he couldn't win me . WHat an asshole . He did use Temp chain on me , lol. He still lost to me . I got those 2 videos with me now .

Now everyone could see it . I need to edit them a bit still ...
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Apr 29, 2013, 3:10:39 PM
ok, all you proved is that you can BARELY kill a guy 8 levels lower than you. but you have really made a fool out of yourself in the process, next time we fight ill have a few changes to counter your skele spamminng. i gotta grind out a koams badly lol, would solve many issues with my build.

i lost but im not the loser :)

oh and you should make a video of you fighting holy_penguin. id like to see how well you do
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Apr 29, 2013, 3:21:33 PM
oowarpigoo wrote:
ok, all you proved is that you can BARELY kill a guy 8 levels lower than you. but you have really made a fool out of yourself in the process, next time we fight ill have a few changes to counter your skele spamminng.

lol . I think i have told you that i have killed many 8x marauder even 90 before, i have also said i lost to you a few times because of lag spikes only , but u didn't believe . At that time , u kept telling me im a noob , a lier .

Now everyone will see who is the lier and a stupid loser . It's YOU . I also did show my ping for everyone to see : 250+ Average , sometime push upto 500+ in pvp . But i still won . It's 2 AM in my country . Image i was pvping in those rush hours , my ping would be around 1000-2000 , lol


LOSER is still a LOSER no matter what he did or he said

Just wait for my VIDEOS , guys , they are 4GB total , could cost a long time ...

And i will also post my pvp video on YOUTUBE from now on

Next time , not video with those noob like xDominus , lol , but with those 8x 9x . Wait and see
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
Last edited by SunPrice on Apr 29, 2013, 3:22:53 PM
haha all his trash talking has finally caught up to him. hopefully he learned his leason and might have some class/respect next time.


the only match we had where he could hide in a corner to get an advantage
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Apr 29, 2013, 3:32:16 PM
Yes, your trash talking is much more entertaining, please continue.
If you two start up again please make a new thread.

Call it Sunprice vs. Dominus the saga continues....
Standard Forever

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