Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

Dunno ... I'm not hyped :P

While the mechanic looks powerful it's also not so "fun" I guess?! Will you risk medium tiered weapon trees for - maybe - better trees on endgame rare weapons? Will the weapons between early and endgame be worth the struggle because they will be exchanged anyway? Probably a good boost overall but imho it would be more fun to have those trees on more easy replacable gearslots.

The momentum gem must be an april fools joke. I mean - the "boost" isn't even noticable but is teased like "Look at this Gigachad Gem" ^^ I mean - if you really would get a nice momentum boost for several seconds like 100% or so, that would be really nice for alt chars. But those 5min overall time save isn't even worth the gemslot/dpsloss for non racers.

Chaos Orb stack size is a plus - but a very small one. It's like "We hear you! Take this little acknowledgment and be happy!" It's nice but not so teaser worthy I guess.

Still no improvements for trade. Not talking about auctionhouse or something. But easier pricing, buying and selling is needed. Trade Manifesto was released as the game had waaaaay less general tradable currency and really needs a revisit.

Leave command. I don't care. Beast release feature should have been in the game since bestiary league. Oil names should have been in the game since blight league or tree rework. I mean - it's all nice but nothing worth a teaser - it's not worth more than a sidenote imho... And if this is what they have for teasing before league start I can say: I'm not teased at all.
yslai wrote:
worst teaser ever? it seems like there's nothing to be shared as teaser, so /leave is shared lol.. GGG are you hinting player should leave to D4?

the momentum support like a joke too.. useful for early game? even I'm not good in rushing champaign, it takes me around 12 hours to complete all Act, so you replace an endgame gem to an early game gem just for the 12 hours of 3 months league? I really don't understand your logic...

skipped past 2 leagues, and thought I can enjoy poe 1 more league before D4, unfortunately... :(

If you use Onslaught Support for endgame you need to rethink your character building
ettanportion wrote:
yslai wrote:
worst teaser ever? it seems like there's nothing to be shared as teaser, so /leave is shared lol.. GGG are you hinting player should leave to D4?

the momentum support like a joke too.. useful for early game? even I'm not good in rushing champaign, it takes me around 12 hours to complete all Act, so you replace an endgame gem to an early game gem just for the 12 hours of 3 months league? I really don't understand your logic...

skipped past 2 leagues, and thought I can enjoy poe 1 more league before D4, unfortunately... :(

If you use Onslaught Support for endgame you need to rethink your character building

Yo get onslaught for free if you change stances a lot now.
please tell me the link ring is a april fools joke
dont take my last hope that i didnt even know i had
what is next? tabula rasa gets reworked, it now has +3-5 armor and minus 10-15 life?

or, or or, maybe another noone-cares-about item like a belt that kills you if you dont have enough MTX equipped?
omg soulbond ring isn't even worth the alch shards from vendor. Would be funny if they made it cost 100c to get rid of if you loot it xD Would be best april fools joke
Last edited by arknath on Apr 1, 2023, 5:58:13 PM
The whole link system is just an April fools joke.
Oh man, not this shiat again lol
I can not tell you'll how much I was stressing over leaving parties. It was keeping me up nights(Plural!). Literally had to quit my job over that shit. But now...

I'm free.

Now go and buy Chris another Black Lotus...

I mean supporter pack. Of course.
Confront those who dare obstruct the transmission of your information with swift rejection, for they sit silently obsessing over your submission.
Last edited by mostbrilliant2 on Apr 1, 2023, 6:36:09 PM
damn, the Vaal versions are pretty good in this league!

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