Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

Ice shot looks awesome.
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
I'm absolutely onboard with this league and all the changes, but that said...

I gotta admit that Momentum gem showcase was one of the most incomprehensible videos I've seen. There's a speed boost? There is? At least based on the video, I don't really believe you. :D
Junkie76 wrote:

Hello, if I may ask. What exactly does the 'moar' version signify?

I guess i can see a pattern here, you add more 1c trash items each league so even more new players can hear "yes, 97% of poe items are trash" and you just added another brick to that statement...
Great a ring that one new player will pick up wear through acts and then throw it away
Egyrt98 wrote:
geddim wrote:
remember my words: next league they will get rid of raider, guardian and flask onslaughts. coz everything must be ruthless

Well if flask stays then it's about time to delete raider's onslaught, whole ascendacy path which could be replaced with mb and 1 flask

You forgot the movement speed on Haste and boots man.
Science of Life

First to Strike, Last to Fall
Ascendancy Notable Passive Skill

Your Hits permanently Intimidate Enemies that are on Full Life
Gain Adrenaline for 20 seconds when you reach Low Life if you
do not have Adrenaline
Recover 25% of Life when you gain Adrenaline
Remove all Ailments and Burning when you gain Adrenaline
Science of Life
robert2003 wrote:
I guess i can see a pattern here, you add more 1c trash items each league so even more new players can hear "yes, 97% of poe items are trash" and you just added another brick to that statement...
Great a ring that one new player will pick up wear through acts and then throw it away

That is a late game ring, not losing xp when you die late game is amazing.
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Last edited by xPiranha on Apr 2, 2023, 10:35:36 AM
Thesuffering wrote:
robert2003 wrote:
I guess i can see a pattern here, you add more 1c trash items each league so even more new players can hear "yes, 97% of poe items are trash" and you just added another brick to that statement...
Great a ring that one new player will pick up wear through acts and then throw it away

That is a late game ring, not losing xp when you die late game is amazing.

late game ring? with a late game ring i cant get like 300es lol and also link skills arent that worth, i tested the less dmg taken/redirected link and it kinda sucked ass, id rather spend points into survivability and aura effects, and a ring slot with a ring that will give me 300es, link skills are honestly not good enough most of the time to be used
"The Soulbound Unique Ring"

so doubling down on useless skills, gee thanks.

if linked skills remembered who they last linked to and relinked after they stopped working then they would be mildly useful and people would use them, but they dont, have guy seen high end game play? you can see shit on your screen about you try relinking someone then.
Last edited by maxtraxv3 on Apr 2, 2023, 3:28:31 PM

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