Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

Does it looks much slower than onslaught or it's just me? xD
What was even the point to do so? will it be somehow usefull at endgame or what? Coz only problem with onslaught was the fact dat it is absolutely useless at endgame, seems like this gem even more useless.
I have a question, this Crucible Tearers is a new season? We start again with new char ? And how long for this season ?
Egyrt98 wrote:
Does it looks much slower than onslaught or it's just me? xD
What was even the point to do so? will it be somehow usefull at endgame or what? Coz only problem with onslaught was the fact dat it is absolutely useless at endgame, seems like this gem even more useless.

Is there a movement speed buff at all? Perhaps it's attack speed for character and minions or an extra attack?
treme wrote:
Egyrt98 wrote:
Does it looks much slower than onslaught or it's just me? xD
What was even the point to do so? will it be somehow usefull at endgame or what? Coz only problem with onslaught was the fact dat it is absolutely useless at endgame, seems like this gem even more useless.

Is there a movement speed buff at all? Perhaps it's attack speed for character and minions or an extra attack?

Text implies it is speed buff idk, mb momentum is 1st april joke who knows
Dat Momentum Support Gem video...

I'm hoping it's an April fool's joke but they had it in the patch notes before the 1st so it's a bad one even if it is.
So, it's still early after 10+ years to add energy shield as a separate bar I guess. Maybe I'm just naive and it needs to take 20 years of testing to tell if it works.
remember my words: next league they will get rid of raider, guardian and flask onslaughts. coz everything must be ruthless
i hope momentum is an april fools joke...
geddim wrote:
remember my words: next league they will get rid of raider, guardian and flask onslaughts. coz everything must be ruthless

Well if flask stays then it's about time to delete raider's onslaught, whole ascendacy path which could be replaced with mb and 1 flask

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