3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

Great to see this move! Realy, this at least make me try 3.20. We will see if you realy revive a comunity base. I hope i can again play just alch and go after work for an hour and still have fun in game. Idont want to earn 1000 divine a day, i just want to do the end game content without hardcore juicing maps and do a mirror tier build that one shot boses. I have faith now, a little, just a small piece of hope, but i hop this will bring me back to play again.
Best change in a long while. Thank you!

- Melee+: 50% of the playerbase uncounsciously need this
- Decoration limit increase for $: My wife needs this, send elp
- Old original main menu music (https://youtu.be/Po3XSU1-Ypg) in HO: I need this
i can again play just alch and go after work for an hour and still have fun in game. Idont want to earn 1000 divine a day, i just want to do the end game content without hardcore juicing maps and do a mirror tier build that one shot boses

Mirror tier for an hour a day? When has this ever been a thing? I hope this is a joke
If currency isn't taken out of the possible hidden rewards now with rares then you did nothing to fix having the feeling that you need a MF char to play correctly. Why? Well because now you have to treat every rare as having the chance of currency explosion, it's the same problem with a different name now.
JoeShmo wrote:
This is all GREAT ... Except! you fail to understand why people had to use cullers / magic find last league, and hated it. You Made Arch Nem Mobs Use Rarity And Quantity For Their Drops In 3.19.

This wasn't an arch nemesis mechanic, this was you moving drop rates of loot from the universal and league specific tables to arch nemesis loot pinatas. You then made the arch nem mobs convert misc items into their specific rewards. This meant that if people wanted loot, they had to hunt for arch nem mobs with magic find gear, instead of just doing everything normally like before.

Your changes make no note of reverting those loot changes from 3.19, only that you are hiding them behind obscurity like in Delirium Event. You haven't solved the loot issue, you've just made it Even More infuriating because now you can't prepare for it to happen, it just does. How about removing the Rarity / Quantity interaction from arch nemesis mobs, and moving that loot back into the general / league pools like in 3.18 and earlier.

Bring back the Historic Drop Rates.


If this issue - the main issue, in fact - isn't addressed, then idk what people are celebrating exactly. This is effectively a further nerf masquerading under the pretence of "listening to the community".
I don't get this. "Due to how many effects were included in a single mod, it made too many encounters too complex" What do you mean complex just random oneshot without knowing wtf is going on is not that complex...

Dont get me wrong keep up the good work keep trying to invent some new cool stuff. But just don't stack every thing under the sun.

What i also would love is some gameplay. Maybe my limited English makes this sound odd but i need to say this so sorry if it sounds strange.
I want gameplay, not just new way of loot to drop loot... I LOVE LOOT but the last few leagues where just boring, i only kept playing because my build was fun not the league it self.

How to change it... tbh i dont know and i wish i did know.

I love this game and i want to keep playing and supporting it for a loooong time. But some of the gameplay changes made me feel like you guys gave me a race car but then dropt my in the middel of a big city all stuck in travic, dead ends in maps(gameplay) effects that slow on the ground monsters that slow you.
Yes ther is a way to overcome most of it but then i need to go play some meta build that is boring AF but its powerfull.

Tbh i dont know if this makes any sens but i never make this kinds of posts.
This is just some brain diaria so sorry its mosly "negatief"
Still love the game even this makes me want to play less. i want to play more!

Mutch love from my to you all at GGG
If currency isn't taken out of the possible hidden rewards now with rares then you did nothing to fix having the feeling that you need a MF char to play correctly. Why? Well because now you have to treat every rare as having the chance of currency explosion, it's the same problem with a different name now.

This is the same as saying Uber bosses drop better loot so I have to play a character that can do Uber bosses or I’m missing out.

This is dumb.

You don’t have to spec into harvest but if you do you get better loot.
You don’t have to spec into altars but if you do you get better loot.
You don’t have to spec into breach but if you do you get better loot.
You don’t have to…. See where I’m going here this argument is dumb. It makes no sense. MF is no different than speccing into any other mechanic in the game. You don’t want to do it fine. But if you do guess what. You lose player power and get better loot. Same trade as anywhere else in the game.
For once I'm excited but how many mods could a monster have? 7? 8? 32?
MF still plays a big roll .
HoryPriest wrote:
For once I'm excited but how many mods could a monster have? 7? 8? 32?


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