3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

Already looking forward to playing 3.20!
Usually don’t post but I am absolutely sick of seeing everyone complaining about MF. I played half the league with no MF I found good loot. It wasn’t exactly the same as the loot from previous leagues with no MF but it wasn’t worse. I was able to progress. Funded 3 characters actually, the third had headhunter and was a MF character and guess what I found more loot on it. As I should have because I invested in it. If you can’t play the game without thinking you missed out no matter what drops you get there’s no hope for you to ever enjoy it. No one has to MF but MF should and always has netted better loot. It’s like saying life’s not fair because I didn’t go to college and people make more than I do so I want what they get but I don’t want to do anything for it. If you want better loot use some MF gear it doesn’t take that much. If not don’t but don’t complain that you cant play the game successfully because that’s simply not the case and I see it over and over here. And not only that but by people who are like I only made 10-20 divs all league, well guess what if you only made 10-20 divs all league MF wouldn’t have done much for you anyway and that’s the truth.
I've made an absurd amount of Divines, without MF.
it's really good to see people happy
So what we get RNG base loot goblins now? wow. If you revert mods on monsters. REVERT F LOOT
U-TuRN on AN


cool changes, specifically not having 17 effects on a modifier and the hidden loot (if the percentages are tweaked right so it's exciting)
just make sure headhunter feels good!
Last edited by Covertghost on Nov 17, 2022, 9:26:51 AM
Finally something positive to point out again. I just want to get away from that state where i'm 100% certain to not find the uniques i need unless i wear mf gear ASAP. I still am missing the times where it was Armour OR Evasion OR Energy shield instead of needing close to 100% supression and 20k armour AND evasion to not get killed by t16 magic monsters but it sounds like we move towards the right direction after a long time waiting :)

PS: Still bitter that console top 5 doesn't get Demigods. First ever Race whitout rewards is painful.
I had no problems with Archnemesis. GGG is absolutely right when they say rare monsters were too bland prior to ArchNem. I hope we're not reverting to much to this blandness.

The only thing I won't miss is the emphasis on MF. I wish GGG would take this further and revise the whole MF system. MF mods shouldn't come at the expense of mods that actually help the character's build.
Obviously without all the details & numbers it's gonna be hard to put into perspective.
But this feels like a step in the right direction.
Appreciate that understanding what mods are & what they do on the rares will be way easier.

Tuning them down will be a net gain. But sad to not see them completly gone and loots reverted with historic bonus, old system worked well in my opinion but i can open my heart to this solution.
We'll see if this time it will work properly. Hope so.

I still believe AN should be an opt in mechanic and not something forced in every single aspect of the game.

Lootwise grinding divination cards in ssf for an easy 6 links felt really weird this time. Obviously i can't complain on a self imposed difficulty but i really feel like divination cards are way harder to farm than usual.

TLDR : from sad & worried to intrigued & relieved.
hoping for a closer look to specific loot like div cards.
hoping for AN to be an opt in option & not forced in everything.
Last edited by Balsache on Nov 17, 2022, 3:36:35 PM

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