3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

When risk and reward are not coupled, killing a "scary" combo mod monster that only drops an identify makes you have trust issues with the game creators.
Too late. The damage is already done, and GGG refused to change for too long. Thousands have already left the game and Undecember has 3 times more players than POE, and that should say a LOT about POE's current state.

Players have already left to play other games like Overwatch 2, Elden Ring, etc, and they are not coming back.

Not to mention the arrival of Diablo 4. It will be hard to resurrect this game after all this.

Congratulations, Chris Wilson, I hope you enjoy your vision.
sounds amazing. Courage to move past forcing archnem to work and insightfulness into what made PoE so good prior to archnem. Excited to play again!
Alright boys I'm logging in
I would never use "interesting" to describe rare monsters in this game (or D3, for that matter). If you want elite monsters to be interesting, design more monster-specific traits. Shared mod groups will never make monsters interesting as they undermine the identity of monsters.

For example, instead of magma barriers, porcupines can shoot out fiery spikes that ignite or explode on contact.
Fleezblarp wrote:

It only took 2 full leagues of feedback to get it through their heads.
The most telling thing here is that GGG did literally everything the ragers were asking for and they're STILL here in the comments, raging about nothing. That should tell you everything you need to know about how seriously to take the POE community's ability to give sincere feedback.

This is an interesting change. I'm not super in love with it because I loved the direction AN promised, I would like to see more mechanics that require interaction. More telegraphed aoes which require us to move and interact. I love magma barrier and mana siphoner for this reason, but even just more aoes that appear on the ground clearly so we can react to them would go a long way to making the rare experience better.

I like the loot goblin fix too, but it would be cool if we had some way to influence it through the atlas tree. more deterministic farming would be a huge QOL enhancer.
SkyesArlad wrote:
Too late. The damage is already done, and GGG refused to change for too long. Thousands have already left the game and Undecember has 3 times more players than POE, and that should say a LOT about POE's current state.

Players have already left to play other games like Overwatch 2, Elden Ring, etc, and they are not coming back.

Not to mention the arrival of Diablo 4. It will be hard to resurrect this game after all this.

Congratulations, Chris Wilson, I hope you enjoy your vision.

Not an airport. Also, lol OW2
I liked the added abilities Archnem added to monsters as they did change how I engaged them sometimes. However, I didn't need to read the mods to understand what I hated about Archnem. Near immunity to damage types, with energy shield and/or regen in overdrive leading to 15 minutes kiting around something that ISN'T the map boss. Or stacking offensives able to one shot a tanky character.

Will there be defined limits to how the offensive or defensive mods can stack? In an ideal world, maybe even capping eHP for each damage type at no more than what that map boss has? (Less for the major boss areas)

Chaos damage is supposed to be rarer than the rest. As a mod, will it be weighted so we don't encounter it every map?

The rewards tied to Archnem in the past worked best as recipes creating player agency. Any chance at restoring the old loot system across all league mechanics, except Metamorph. Replace the Metamorph system with this one. Build a bear, and it's rewards. Metamorph wasn't popular prior to Archnem, which proceeded to make it even more lethal. Players could build toward their loot explosions and only get those super defensive/offensive combinations on their terms. (Or a pile of armor stones) The beyond nerf can stay I suppose.

Can we get a loot manifesto? This league felt terrible going in with an atlas plan, effectively an economic plan, tested the prior league only to discover it was ineffective this league. Change is great. Surprise changes to stable mechanisms is not.

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