Jewel Changes FAQ

If you're looking for a very specific outcome on your Jewel and have no use for ailment mitigation modifiers, it may be marginally more difficult to roll your Jewels. However, the average outcome for Jewels should be better.

Who is looking for these Ailment Reduced Effect or Duration?
So yea this just dilutes what players actually want.

This game is Immune / 100% Avoidance or die.

Go ahead and change the 90% of worthless Unique gems but Rares is a nerf.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
RIP Wardloop, super sad since it was a build of the week recently. Big L
Last edited by Liyern on Nov 15, 2022, 9:10:19 PM
so far the only people complaining are ones that make the stupid insta map clear builds and uber boss killers. sounds like a skill issue
Xzorn wrote:
If you're looking for a very specific outcome on your Jewel and have no use for ailment mitigation modifiers, it may be marginally more difficult to roll your Jewels. However, the average outcome for Jewels should be better.

Who is looking for these Ailment Reduced Effect or Duration?
So yea this just dilutes what players actually want.

This game is Immune / 100% Avoidance or die.

Go ahead and change the 90% of worthless Unique gems but Rares is a nerf.

Imagine you randomly get a "20% reduced effect of shock on you" that helps you get to 100% instead of a fucking 5% knockback chance. What a fucking nerf, i would never want that honestly. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by JC_GGG on Nov 15, 2022, 9:42:43 PM
YoukaiNingen wrote:
saliphax87 wrote:
If you're looking for a very specific outcome on your Jewel and have no use for ailment mitigation modifiers, it may be marginally more difficult to roll your Jewels. However, the average outcome for Jewels should be better.


"Problem: who cares

Solution: We are making it harder for you. Fuck you."

thanks ggg, keep up the good work

^The average entitled PoE player who thinks a jewel is absolutely useless unless it has a Life/ES roll and 3 damage rolls that perfectly suit his build.

Why are people so delusional and tunnel on only the "perfect" outcome instead of settling for "good" outcomes. The game isn't about everyone having the perfect BIS gear and it never was, that's Diablo 3.

Human take, good one brother
auspexa wrote:
avoidance is already WAY better than reduced effect/duration, so why is that mod higher?

and, if the point is to get rid of useless jewels, why the hell are you removing jewels like replica conquerors efficiency, which is one of the best unique jewels? u nuts? it's literally the biggest item that allows me to reach 0 mana cost on most of my attack builds

How is it better though? It's not even equally good, since chance to avoid shock works randomly and you will still get shocked sometimes, while %reduced shock effect is guaranteed to help you every time.
Also avoidance will be found on abyss jewels with 4 tiers. Mods on normal jewels have no tiers, meanwhile tier 1 mods on abyss jewels are quite rare, that is probably why avoidance can go up to 50%
A_Kings_Rage wrote:
ok 1/5 of the manifestos do not contain nerfs.

let's see what 2/5 brings :)

If you are looking at BALANCE MANIFESTOS and trying to NOT see nerfs then please play another game. This lack of insight is just setting you up for failure and you would be better off spending time playing another game then ranting in the forums over your failed expectations due to blatant ingnorance.

lol says the one ranting
So harder to craft jewels: confirmed.

It's ridiculous that they say "if you're looking for something specific". No we're just looking for random outcomes.

"Something specific" probably means getting 3-4 mods that you want, which is unrealistic to begin with. Chance to roll %increased life reduced by 0.1% to introduce new mods won't change anything.
If you're looking for a very specific outcome on your Jewel and have no use for ailment mitigation modifiers, it may be marginally more difficult to roll your Jewels. However, the average outcome for Jewels should be better.

yah... whenever GGG says should. It is we did the math and were way off. As we didn't calculate XYZ changes into it as well. I personnel don't think these changes will be good at all. I already hate crafting anyways.

At this rate I am probable going to skip this next league. To much crap like AN mods and other things that effect my build in ways that I absolute hate. To even take time to consider any other change good.

My guess is GGG actually removed elemental ailment immunities from Gems like tempest shield and purity of elements. So they decided to make the Jewel changes announcement first. In order to prevent unneeded backlash. Only to get much more backlash spread out over two announcements. Instead of combining it into one announcement.

They are so smart that way. They clearly know how to manage expectations. Hopefully even more people stop playing this league then last. Maybe GGG will wake up finally.
Last edited by AngryFan on Nov 15, 2022, 10:28:10 PM

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