Jewel Changes FAQ

not liking the look of this at all now
Last edited by DragonSound on Nov 15, 2022, 11:19:03 PM
Conqueror's Efficiency: its mana reservation stat has been moved to the regular Jewel mod pool.
4% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
thats pretty good. most build can use 3 or 4 jewel. so thats 12-16 reservation pog
genocidegrand wrote:
Conqueror's Efficiency: its mana reservation stat has been moved to the regular Jewel mod pool.
4% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
thats pretty good. most build can use 3 or 4 jewel. so thats 12-16 reservation pog

I very much doubt it's going to be 4%. The corruption is 2%, so I expect the implicit will be 1%; same as chance to block.
cdrpoe wrote:
You realize Survival Secrets is pretty much necessary for wardloop to function, right? That's the definition of build-enabling. That build can't give up a slot to "another unique item" either, it has to be a jewel.

Wardloopers were giga OP, and ggg didn't like it. We had like 3 leagues to play with it.
What about Reservation for mana? Block chances etc.
Like if someone playing an aura bot and those things are not improved then the whole update might seem useless to me.
genocidegrand wrote:
Conqueror's Efficiency: its mana reservation stat has been moved to the regular Jewel mod pool.
4% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
thats pretty good. most build can use 3 or 4 jewel. so thats 12-16 reservation pog

Maybe 1-2% or 1%, the best condition I could imagine is 2-3%.
And it will be a rare mod with "fantastic" low frequency, such as 50 or 100.
Thanks for clarify no one expected for this. Conq efficieny removed but mana reservation going to base jew mod poll - good change. Rip replica conq efficieny though. It was a good unique lots of people used it and it was really a "unique" jewel. How about -2/-3 mana cost added to base mod pool to offset and its Gucci.
No more brittle barrier? That kinda kills my funny Blightwell + Eternal Youth combo. No fun allowed I guess.
So you took away 90% of our loot and now tossing us some Ailment mitigation that nobody cares about.....
No, if the base Jewel has been removed, its Replica version will also be removed.

??? why

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