Jewel Changes FAQ

#InChrisWeTrust #MakeWraeclastGreatAgain
#InChrisWeTrust #MakeWraeclastGreatAgain
I'm almost 100% certain the rare affix lines we get in exchange for all the jewels they're removing will be way weaker than the existing unique versions to offset the fact we can have more than one

can't wait to stack five pain in the ass to roll rares just to get the same effect as a single affix line from the guaranteed free conqueror's potency you can get on every character, a very big buff, so exciting
So jewels are borderline useless now... Why get less effect if you can get avoidance...
The most complex build should be performing above other builds in some regard, not removed. It's the only build that pulled people into a tighter community.. the overall feeling of lack of community is worse compared to other games. If this is true, then it seems to be a bad decision, [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Chulainn_GGG on Nov 21, 2022, 12:55:54 AM
Drimli wrote:
So jewels are borderline useless now... Why get less effect if you can get avoidance...

They are trying to fix an issue they introduce by adding another issue...classic GGG fixes

Dilluting the pool of affixes with useless affixes.

Of course avoidance will be the best, because less effect in maps with "effectiveness of x stuff" is just pointless to have because you cannot negate the full amount and you cannot stack let's say 300% just to avoid 300% of shock let's say.

Technically what they are doing is making sure that builds that used to invest in some sort of ailment mitigation now have a easier time to get it...But to be honest I either have seen builds use purity of elements or just don't avoid stuff at all...

Also how do they think it is possible to stack x jewels to make yourself 100% avoid chill/shock and ignite...Let's say chill and freez can be achieved by brineking + bench-boots , but will you stack 4-6 jewel corruption to get avoidance to shock + ignite ? Like wtf no one in the right mind will do that.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Last edited by Vendetta on Nov 21, 2022, 2:45:24 AM
Ofc Inspired Learning is not removed, the Headhunter Masterrace cannot be nerfed or they send the Dark Brotherhood on Chris.
We'll share the full list of removed Jewels in the patch notes.

Where ??
and 30 others. . .

I haven't been able to find info on the level requirement changes to abyss jewels so I posted to this jewel thread. Please redirect me if there is an existing thread that I could not find.

I was very disappointed to find that ALL my level 24 and level 28 abyss jewels that have "avoid being stunned" mod are now >lvl 40 item level requirement. Both of these jewels had a level 28 requirement during Kalandra.

Call me crazy for doing LLD and taking my level 28 builds through act 10, but what purpose does changing this level requirement serve? Though LLD is dead, these jewels allowed much more build variety than having to use unwavering stance, chayula, or ezomyte hold to achieve stun immunity.

Also, why buff the mod values in these jewels a few years ago and now completely remove them from low level use? How does increasing the level requirement for avoiding stuns make POE any better? Having the option to consider stun immunity at a low level actually improves the game.

Last edited by theworldisnoteforevery1 on Dec 15, 2022, 7:06:15 PM
wow I like literally killed this thread?

Well still no info on the unwavering mod being increased to lvl 40 req. . .

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