Jewel Changes FAQ

Bex_GGG wrote:
Waxeed wrote:
is Replica Conqueror's Efficiency -mana mod going to be on rares?

We can't make any promises either way at the moment as we're still discussing this.

When mom knows your dad already said 'no' but doesn't want to tell you 'no.'
No matter how you guy make it sound good or not.... from what I see, it's still bad anyway, you can't hide it.
Last edited by punyavee on Nov 15, 2022, 5:53:48 PM
Also, please stop labeling things as "ailment mitigation" if it's not "ailment avoidance."

The other two are a complete joke compared to avoidance and everyone knows it.

I actually like all of these changes except the fact that you're adding a SMALLER percentage of a WEAKER form of "ailment mitigation" (your words not mine) to the regular jewel mod pool.

Just remove them from the game entirely and put avoidance on regular and abyssal jewels at 35%.

I guess ailment effect can have niches uses in specific builds, but I feel like those builds should have more specific things to enable them not TWO mods that are going to completely gunk up the already precious mod space we have. And I'm sure they're going to have FAT weights attached to them as well.

Saying it's not going to affect people is disingenuous, if not just a lie.

I'm saying that and you should know that I'm behind ya'll strongly on a lot of changes and things you've done recently.

I'm not one to jump on a hate train.

But this IS a nerf, it DOES dilute the mod pool and saying otherwise is lying to the playerbase AND considering them stupid at the same time.

Which I do not jive with one bit.
- Step it up!
Last edited by Cabledragon on Nov 15, 2022, 5:40:52 PM
Haha funny GGG. YOu just list wardloop build to build of the week. Then you just kill it. What are you thinking sir...
Can we infer from that answer about the defunct replica gems that Pure Talent will still exist?
This is impactful
Check out my silly art:
but... exile voice lines after act 4? *MUTE* lol
Please, remove EXP from 5ways.
Need Hazardous Research for Spark guys! :D

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