3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

This feels like a nerf. No way to know for sure until things actually pan out, but I don't like the feel of this at all.
Wow. Love this change. Seems along the lines of a 'buff' if you can even call it that, definitely a move in the right direction. Hoping new jewel drops aren't too too rare...

I'm now more hopeful for the future balance manifestos. Keep it up, GGG! #MakeWraeclastGreatAgain

You are forgetting that archnemesis mobs flat out drop unique jewels . that is one of the outcomes . So that will be a big source for them not just random drops.
The range between useable and good is HUGE.

Bigger pool of stats = less likely to get a good jewel. That might be mitigated by more stats actually being good, but I'm not holding my breath.

"Getting a unique jewel should feel good". Allright, that seems good, however your vision of good and what actually IS good might not align. Also exciting = rare it seems. With how rare stuff is in poe, that basically means looking for a unique jewel is about as exciting as playing the lottery. You can get millions, but if you have half a brain you know you are throwing your money (or hours) out the window.

Last league was the best league I can remember in a long long time, I didnt play it. I think I'll continue down that road for now. Maybe I'll check in once Poe2 arrives, but with the current direction I am keeping my fingers crossed for a certain competitor instead.

I don't understand the concept of taking something not exciting and making it rare to be exciting. Won't that just make it rare and unexciting... Plus some of the most powerful things in the game are jewels and they are rare even timeless jewels although super common, Usually end up being a end game min max thing trying to get perfect rolls on them for all the little passives....not to mention watcher's eye, the forbidden jewels, the new spectrums, impossible escape, transcendent jewels for some builds, unnatural instinct, thread of hope, leap of faith, inspired learning, and all the jewels that builds need to function. ( Frostblades is one of my favorite builds and as far as I can see one of the only melee builds (Its kinda ranged) that can do all content and it keeps getting caught in nerfs meant for other things, Hoping you didn't hit fight for survival in this).
More solutions to problems that didn't really exist.

Pls buff melee builds.
Def: More skilltree options for chaos resistance
Off: Higher Dmg values amd attack speed on keystones or points on skilltree.
SkillGem: New Skills for meleebuilds. Connected to meleewpns, unarmed or shields with more area effect and procs.

Thank you.
Rare changes look nice, but will have to wait and see for the unique changes.
Honestly the saddest part of this whole thing is this:

"An example of this is the Fireborn Crimson Jewel. It has no values that we could increase to make it more useful; it simply changes the damage type within a radius which has very limited opportunities for use. Any improvements we could make to this Jewel would have to fundamentally change its identity and would therefore essentially remove the Jewel in its current form from Path of Exile."

So then I go on to demonstrate all the ways you could change it, but apparently that is "Removed by Support". WTF?

[Removed by Support] You can change the radius, you could add "at x% of their value", you could add additional conversions like converting other ailment chance modifiers to ignite chance, and you could add additional useful stats like fire resist.

Even their best example of a jewel that lacks ways to adjust the power has plenty of ways to improve it. Give it "+1 max fire resist" and make it convert damage modifiers at 125% of their original value and it now potentially completely redefines RF builds. Give it "All modifiers to ailments instead apply to ignite chance" and DoT multiplier conversion with a large radius and it could become a core component of ignite builds that need a lot of ignite chance, since that would let you get 75% ignite chance and some fire dot multi from the Breath of Rime cluster. Allow it convert elemental penetration and "phys damage as extra..." and it becomes a possible option for fire damage builds that are naturally pathing near Winter Spirit and Fangs of Frost.

I'd bet I could do this with every jewel they're removing. There are so many ways to adjust jewels in PoE, [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Voctor on Nov 14, 2022, 4:55:36 PM
I like that you have not ruined ailments on rare jewels and slightly buffed them.

But then you do your vision thingy again:

Players should no longer be burdened with predictable unique Jewel quest rewards but will not entirely miss out on some of the valuable aspects they did have.

Lets be real people wont play campaign for 10+ times to get a good rolled rare jewels instead of a static unique after innocence, to enable a build on league start. Again you remove choice and replace it with RNG.

Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Nov 14, 2022, 4:53:21 PM
Wouldn't it be wiser to put more elemental avoidance on the tree instead of putting it on jewels which should be optional but now become obligatory?
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.

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