3.20 Balance Manifesto: Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

Why remove the option of harvest jewel implicit? It was such a nice crafting element.
Also on an entirely different topic - Please introduce some sort of 'training dummy' on which players can attack and check buffs etc.

NPCs are already targeting dummies at Karui shore. Why shouldn't an exile get the choice? We are also the citizen wraeclast.
arpgaddict wrote:
I have no hope for this game

Is looking forward to getting Conc Efficiency really a burden? just make them also drop. wtf!?

We ask for more interesting quest rewards and now we just get random mod rare jewels?


I'm out for good when ED is over.

have a nice life :))
Kanye_West wrote:
Ravagraid wrote:
I don't think most people reading here realise that "build defining jewels are now corruption only" means that not only are they gonna be fucking rare, they're also gonna be impossible to reroll or put a craft on.

"We're heavily nerfing the jewels so if you get one you better feel fucking happy" doesn't sound like a buff to me.

A larger pool of modifiers for the regular jewels also means chances of getting a good combination of mods is now smaller. saying the values of defensive stats on the jewels will be better is one thing, but it's worded so vaguely that it could literally be +0.5% improvement.

Either half the posts in the thread didn't read the post or are pogging cause they like to suffer?

I don't think you have ever tried rolling jewels with corruption implicits. You end up with corrupted uni jewels all the time. People do this all the time so I would expect corrupt unique jewels to pop up fairly often unless they muck with the weightings a whole bunch.

I have, but if there's gonna be a LOT less unique jewels to spam vaals on AND the amount of outcomes will have a greatly increased amount of -transforming into another gem, I can see scarcity driving up the prices by a lot. It's just another thing that raises the entry bar for the more casual players.

things like cheap energy from withins to boost people's builds will also be a thing of the past (if it's even allowed to stay)

We'd have to see how the amounts that drop and what stays looks first but, I don't really see that much of a net positive.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
Kanye_West wrote:
Ravagraid wrote:
I don't think most people reading here realise that "build defining jewels are now corruption only" means that not only are they gonna be fucking rare, they're also gonna be impossible to reroll or put a craft on.

"We're heavily nerfing the jewels so if you get one you better feel fucking happy" doesn't sound like a buff to me.

A larger pool of modifiers for the regular jewels also means chances of getting a good combination of mods is now smaller. saying the values of defensive stats on the jewels will be better is one thing, but it's worded so vaguely that it could literally be +0.5% improvement.

Either half the posts in the thread didn't read the post or are pogging cause they like to suffer?

I don't think you have ever tried rolling jewels with corruption implicits. You end up with corrupted uni jewels all the time. People do this all the time so I would expect corrupt unique jewels to pop up fairly often unless they muck with the weightings a whole bunch.

Maybe, but they're making unique jewels much rarer overall. So there will be much fewer bases to even try corrupting.

We're making it so that every unique jewel that drops is very rare and highly desirable.

Doesn't sound good to me.
- here's my sig
ROFLMAO, there goes mana fixing!

I like the ideas for spicing up jewels.
[Removed by Support]

2. "Unique jewels will be harder to find but worthwhile". Uhh that sounds like normal people will never get them.
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Nov 14, 2022, 2:54:42 PM
So first came a buff and then a Big Big nerf to unique Jewel drops and we won't get Reserve and Pierce Jewels anymore, thank you, we predict that this will happen. Can't have s88t in PoE....
um.... but jewels were not even a problem o_O why nerf?
Last edited by EliteEscort on Nov 14, 2022, 3:03:59 PM

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