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Asuras9393 wrote:
Don't ruin altars it's the only thing that still makes this game somewhat playable no matter how bad the base game has become with Archnemesis. If that changes there is no reason to play the game anymore.

altars are literally the only things in the game that can make it UNPLAYABLE. altars are bad design over all. they can brick maps and are clunky to have to stop and read. they should go
jsuslak313 wrote:
uh oh I am scared....I can see them removing total ailment immunity and instead making diminishing returns on ailment reduced effect with a hard cap.

I can see them nerfing curses to the ground, and removing curse on hit implicits and explicits on gear.

And then I can see them essentially sending altars the way of harvest...trash.

I can see many of us save for Diablo 4 this next April lol
Asuras9393 wrote:
Don't ruin altars it's the only thing that still makes this game somewhat playable no matter how bad the base game has become with Archnemesis. If that changes there is no reason to play the game anymore.

That's the reason it's getting killed player can't a reasonable amount of loot it need to be shit except when you get a loot goblin.
Why am I still here
Jewels : cannot be ____ implicit please

Curses: limit number of curses that can be applied, or more curse immunity resources

Eldritch Altar : Let us recoom with em, make em work like essences and use some remnant of corruption type currency on them.

AN : LET IT DIE, or nerf it, steel infused is broke. Might as well read "YOU DIE NOW". These monsters do more than bosses, why?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, let us league players have fun! Standard can suffer, we shouldn't be forced to only use fractured/essence crafted gear in league.

This league brought snail speed, a bunch of "Is it even worth it's?", recooms gave us the opportunity to RIP and move on. Now it's let me have anuerism trying to contemplate whether or not anything's worth doing. Everything came to a halt this league.

Everything felt bad except character progression. That's the only thing that somewhat felt good about this league. Still think we sacrifice too much for character diversity. Made 7 Juggs this league and all their trees were practically the same.

Bring back sentinel but in the form of a Mercenary that you bring with, has it's own tree/equipment and is always active unless it dies. Resurrect it with a divine orb, or wait x amount of time for it to resurrect.

Make exalted orbs up a tier with the risk of lowering a tier.

Next league has got to bring fun to the table, this league brought nothing but misery and just feeling bad. It's depressing playing this league and quite frankly traumatizing. I might not ever play another ARPG because of the scars this league brought. It feels so bad I might have to see about getting prescribed anti-depressants because the dopamine is so low. A game should not have that kind of effect on a player.

A game should be fun, entertaining, challenging, and bring people together. There's fun to be had ripping a hc character, but it's gotta be justified by something other than a broken mechanic.

PoE feels bad, please make it feel good to play and make that a top priority.

NO MORE NO FUN ALLOWED! I swear if next league is a bust I'm out for good.
the announcement of the announcement of the announcement of the announcement..

as long the loot goblin system is a thing in your game forget it.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).
also, please do something about deli encounters wanting to crash the game when you're loading an instance. It lags so hard whenever 1 pops up and 1 of the reasons why I don't play it. I don't have a bad gaming machine.
Please don't let eldritch altars get nerfed. I burned out from grinding the first month grinding currency trying to get a build running, failing, and struggling to get a second one going with what little I had left, just so I can get remotely strong enough to run T14 maps for altars. And I hope the mentions of archnemesis will pertain to actual significant nerfs to it. Mobs are way too tanky and the rewards are absolutely not worth the risk. It was perfect as its own build-a-boss league and should've stayed that way.

Overall, please stop making the game more difficult than it already is.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Nov 9, 2022, 10:51:15 PM
I am disappointed.
2020 game good.
2022 game bad.
2023 no game.
Oh noes, archnem will stay. XD

Excited for 3.20 because it's chrismtas break, more time to play (I'm a teacher XD)

Thanks for all the work, jijiji. <3
also converting the annoying small tabs into quad tabs would be really nice. I know fun isn't allowed and we're not able to have nice things, but that would be really nice. I'm sure everyone would agree and Pay $$$ for that

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