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Varana wrote:
razorgorre wrote:
I get more rewards from opening breakable containers than from actually killing hard to kill monsters and juiced up strongboxes. Any fix to that?

- Thanks for the heads-up, rebalancing breakable drops to better align with former league content. Good spot!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Every time it happens I just say to myself, how pathetic that I get more things from breakables than a boss. Truly pathetic.
Kunibertos wrote:
So no loot changes?

I'm done.

Good Luck GGG.

This has gotten a lot of hate in the last few months. I think they'll certainly do something about it.
If this does not happen now then for sure in 3.21.
Last edited by Nerim1 on Nov 13, 2022, 10:29:45 AM
1. Jewels and Ailment Mitigation

Jewels are far too powerful in their current state. Not only they are responsible for stuff like Voices and Forbidden Flame, the perfectly rolled rare jewels you can get in trade are just so so much better than anything you can get in normal passive tree. Overall, good they are doing something about it as right now there is too much power that you can get from them. Will they remove some of the jewel sockets from passive tree? For me that would be nice since I wouldn't have to think as much what jewels I need to craft for my ssf chars.

Ailment Mitigation -- here I have mixed thoughts. Contrary to what people say, we have now plenty of options of ailment mitigation in the game. It was heavily buffed on people's request and since then I feel like only people who really want an "easy mode" game complain about this. Only issues I see is how powerful ailiments tend to be in campaign (in maps too tbh), catching off guard new players. I hate how a bleed in act 4-5 can wipe my char in a second if I don't look or have the correct flask.

2. Curses

The rework to curses (adding Doom mechanic, splitting Hexes and Marks) was mediocore. I liked the split change as it gives space to design new cool skills and passive nodes (love the big AoE hex node for example). However, Doom mechanic was a huge miss. Does anyone really care about doom if you're not using a skill that benefits from it?

I wonder if they will change here how Doom works or maybe they will tackle other concern -- currently it feels so bad to play anything around curse effectiveness heavily since strongest bosses have like 66% hex reduction. I hate it because getting curse effectiveness for hexes is nearly pointless for ur single target output, but matters heavily against rare mobs.

That being said, I feel like PoE right now has bigger problems to be concerned about than Curses, I heard no one loudly complain about the state of them, a bit weird this topic got touched.

3. Eldritch Altar Revamp

I don't care about these altars, the entire mechanic isn't very interesting to begin with.

4. Archnemesis

They will probably listen to complaints and remove loot goblins, very predictable. I don't care about that one way or another.

5. Other stuff

That's just too mysterious if we don't know what the other stuff is. But I guess these will be minor adjustments to some overpowered skills, maybe some buffs.

All in all?

I don't know, first two points seem nice. For me personally build diversity is a pressing matter in current PoE, ways of enabling that is something I'd like to hear more about than some altars on maps you usually skip.

edit: bold for main points
Last edited by KappaKnight on Nov 13, 2022, 10:34:46 AM
Gigorahk wrote:
We played the game to get loot. I'm extremely disappointed that the game I was obsessed over for several years and over 4,000 hours of gameplay has no appeal anymore.

Don't you think that it's a bit entilted to assume that your way of playing the game is everyone's way? Anways, I'm sad they reduced your precious loot. But I'm happy, I don't have to click as often.
I am begging you not to make the game for the "one percenters".

I am a long time player and not hard core at all. I like to play with some kind of satisfaction that I will not die. I am not saying to make it easy, but "one shot kills" are hard to take "constantly".

So, far every expansion is getting harder and harder, which is starting to not be fun. Dying every second you turn around in endgame is not fun at all. I contribute by purchasing things. Remember, who started with you on your game and the true contributors. My first question to you is, who are purchasing things from your "Shop", the "one percenters" who goal is to beat the game as fast as possible to increase their personal revenue via YouTube/Streaming or your everyday players and fan base.
blanmgr wrote:
I am begging you not to make the game for the "one percenters".

I am a long time player and not hard core at all. I like to play with some kind of satisfaction that I will not die. I am not saying to make it easy, but "one shot kills" are hard to take "constantly".

So, far every expansion is getting harder and harder, which is starting to not be fun. Dying every second you turn around in endgame is not fun at all. I contribute by purchasing things. Remember, who started with you on your game and the true contributors. My first question to you is, who are purchasing things from your "Shop", the "one percenters" who goal is to beat the game as fast as possible to increase their personal revenue via YouTube/Streaming or your everyday players and fan base.

Are you really going to make the argument that all "one percenters" are youtubers/streamers, and they don't contribute as much to GGG's income as the other 99 do? I don't think you'd like the answer.
I love how they casually pretend loot is ok and say nothing about the damn treasure goblins..

90% POE community is very angry pull your head out of the sand GGG and fix these issues.
So sick of hearing about the constant 1 shotting.........

DEFENSES for god sakes DEFENSES ..........

The game has changed ya cant run 100 miles per hour 1 clicking everything anymrore adjust your playstyle/build stop crying it does not happen to us that know how to play.

Blows my mind ppl be like i am getting one shotted what the hell , meanwhile they got 2000 life and 5 k max physical hit pool and no spell protection like use your head or seek help ppl .
Really curious about the eldritch altar revamp. I don't mind them currently, but i definitely think they can be improved!
Wer nichts weiß, muss alles glauben.
i wont play archnemesis ever again. if its unavoidable i wont play at all.
Last edited by CatchemAll on Nov 13, 2022, 1:07:56 PM

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