Additional Upcoming Changes

I think the changes are very bad. the game for me is in the worst state its ever been, sad to see such a good game being ruined by their devs :D
TatteredHat wrote:
This league has been an absolute disaster.

The league? The game itself is now a disaster.

- Flask Loot Pinata: Flasks are not a reward. Sure, we all want to find our ilvl 84 flasks, but having a flask loot pinata every map is not rewarding

- Fractured Item Loot Pinata: On papper I suppose this is great. Everyone wants to find good item bases with a good fractured mod. But in practice, the fractured item pinata is terrible. GGG gutted Harvest deeming it to interruptive to game play to have to stop and interact with the crafts. But then GGG decides it's OK to drop 15 unidentified fractured rares on the ground all at once in the middle of a battle. This is bad for several reasons. First, it's too much clutter. You cannot see the ground, or even the remaining enemies, not to mention the hidden ground is covered with ridiculous, AN, overtuned, ground, on-death effects mentioned in this post. Second, having to stop, pick up, and ID 15 unidentified fractured rares to check for a good fractured mod is too interruptive to game play. Sure, you will try to do this with only the good 1st tier bases, but any 2nd tier base that hits a good fractured mod is valuable as well, which means you pretty much stuck ID'ing almost everything, barring being so annoyed you just leave it where it drops.

- Harvest: The new implementation with lifeforce drops is ridiculously bad. 3.18 Harvest, pick a plot (doesn't matter which one of the two you pick), do a plot, get a dozen or more crafts. 3.19, pick a plot (the one of the two that will drop the most lifeforce), do a plot, get zero lifeforce. Seriously? Why is a zero lifeforce outcome even possible? When presented with a choice, regardless of which one of the two was chosen, if you did the battle you should get some lifeforce. Period. The game generating plots where neither choice will drop lifeforce is completely ridiculous, especially in a Harvest with 3 plots and two of the three plots, regardless of choice, are zero lifeforce outcomes. Add to this that the lifeforce costs are ridiculous, all the good crafts were removed or altered to be bad, and you are left with is a useless game mechanic that only the 1% can attempt to use.

- Legion Monoliths: Click the monotlith, zoom through the spawn activating every single legion, kill them all, open all the chests, get 1 legion spliter and a whole lot of trash hidden by the loot filter. Really? This outcome has happened more times than I can count.

- Do I need to go on?
Last edited by Galtrovan on Sep 13, 2022, 8:35:47 AM
Genius change to flasks. Nice one!
easy solution - 3.18
"we can say that we don't have easy solutions for these issues mid-league and will be looking at what's possible for 3.20."


remove this shit no one asked !
Welcome the changes thanks, but too late to less. Doesnt feel like making me want to play again. Just stop the cringe micro changes and give us a clear explanation on that you will be adressing these things next leugue, put all efford in the next one this is a dead leuge anyway no point in trying to save a sick horse... I bought MTX so you have money to fix the game! Not becouse i like what is going on...
We are also removing the damage from Permafrost's cold-damaging ground area. The area only applies chill now.

For magic monsters only: we're disabling on-death ground effects for the Incendiary modifier. We're also disabling volatiles from spawning on death when a monster with the Toxic modifier is slain.

Flasks will be able to have Fractured modifiers, which can be obtained through the Empowered Elements conversion modifier.

These are good changes.
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
Power Siphon Locus Mine Trickster in Settlers of Kalguur
VernerHolt wrote:
DTACGaming wrote:
No culling meta nerf, big mistake.

Why not simply disable IIQ/IIR scaling on god-touched rares, even as a temporary fix ? Makes absolutely no sense.


there's no culling "meta"

There's a very apparent culler service meta right now among people that want the loot from their juiced content to be impressive. it's not quite as bad as some people make it out to be but it's there.

If you get a culler to cull ur AN mobs. You're losing money. It doesn't go from 3 divinesto 30 for having a culler. It may go up to 4 so now you lost out on 1 div
3.20? Really? This interaction should have been hotfixed the monday after the launch of the league!
bwinbc wrote:

Please remove all ground degens from maps ( except the ones that roll as affixes on the map and therefore i can opt out of it by chaos orb or scour/ach ) and leave them in for boss encounters only.

How to play PoE without constant stress of dying because of ground puddles ??

I miss relaxing map


This is specially annoying when a pitstop point like a mirrortablet pedestal or a Jun location or something else require some pause and thinking time in interface and in meantime your life drop constant and fast because of degen puddles, and nowhere around that point is safe to sit more than 2 seconds.
Last edited by Zenshii on Sep 13, 2022, 8:55:19 AM

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