3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

stop feed the trolls
people that never killed the hard bosses saying that dont need skill
skill make you do harder content with less gear
SAVAGEisReal wrote:
hah funny to hear it from guy who has 9 challenges done :)
How are challenges linked to Skill? I had 38 last League. Have 9 now. Could have done 40 last league if i put in like 10 more hours clicking altars in maps. Real skill there chap.

League is still far off of what GGG has already shown they could do. I don't know why they insist on keeping their product in a worse state. Players already told them what they want. We are getting breadcrumbs here and there. But after they've taken the Bakery away from us that is nowhere near sufficient.
I really hope 3.20 will bring back the fun.
"Rare monsters spawned during Boss fights are now limited to 2 Archnemesis modifiers."

this is actually nerf
Boss fight is only right place where touched monsters should spawn , its hard to manage and call culler there its random its more fair than hunting pinata bosses on maps ....

But why this is played as improvements ?
I just drop it here:

Challenges proves nothing aside you have time to dedicate to the game. Used to do 40/40 all leagues before but decided to stop - wasn't a better player that i'm now.

Casuals will never 'get gud' simply cuz they don't have the time - but I do feel a good portion of a game should be accessible to everyone.

Third point would be that being 'rich' also usually require either time and/or knowledge + willingness to endure stuff that for the majority is [Removed by Support]. You can literally make multiple mirrors x day from your ho without having to play a single map or boss for example. This is more true now than - I believe - peoples are suspecting - the problem is that if you aren't suited for this 'playstyle' you will feel your soul die each time you log.

Final point would be that - at least personally - the game doesn't feel fun in its current iteration for a variety of reasons. With their patch notes i don't feel they addressing the relevant issues.

A healthy game need players of all types - peoples with little time shouldn't be stigmatized cuz if they go the game will be worse for all of us, and specially, cuz being better than someone else in a f*****g videogame doesn't really make you special so you should have nothing to 'gloat' about.

I still respect ggg as company but they dropped the ball with this league.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Sep 11, 2022, 6:15:47 PM
I want to thank GGG for turning my favorite game into a field of "on-death" effects, poorly telegraphed attacks, and a game balance that went from being manageable to utterly disgusting over the last year. Honestly, Archnemesis has to be hands down one of the worst additions to the game for the clear imbalance it brings to the difficulty. It even added the stupid toxic balls, sun bursts, etc. These mechanics are not fun and engaging, just annoying to deal with. [Removed by Support] If I kill something, it should be dead. I'm so tired of 99% of my deaths being some stupid degen ground that I can barely see, or I'm trying to look at an item, and out of nowhere a toxic ball from a mob that died to DoTs flies over me and kills me. Fix it. Be better.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Sep 8, 2022, 4:25:25 PM
So still no idea of joining this league for casual mapping I assume? Just getting shitty drops?
Depressing patch notes...
Who cares anymore. Cya in 3.20, and if that's also [Removed by Support], then I'm done with this game.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Sep 11, 2022, 6:12:23 PM
the changes, the buffs to harvest. adding back ref keep prefix and suffix

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