3.19.1 Patch Notes Preview

GGG says player retention for leagues are bad (Deli-Ultimatum 5leagues) proceeds to work on their vision. Next 5 leagues (Expedition-Kalandra) has worse player retention with Kalandra worst ever. Started at TOP 4 (Behind #1 Archnem #2 Ritual #3 Ultimatum #4Kalandra). Now week 3 it is bottom 4 total player and worst retention ever. That by itself is a feature. Lets recap. Player power to high so we nerf damage, then we buff defence then we buff damage dealt BY enemies (to freaking oblivion) then we nerf defence and then we kill loot. (on average 18% less) with lootgoblin bullshit. I mean you wanted to annoy your player. I actually don't know who you want this game to play. but it is not me. Thank you for telling me that loud and clear.
Last edited by Totgestreamed on Sep 7, 2022, 8:55:01 AM
You have, in essence, slowly and systematically removed everything that brought people to the game whilst constantly making our experience more job-like and less fun. Even the most bootlicking GGG simps who literally make their living playing your game are beginning to admit that this is not heading in a direction they can stomach anymore. Yet every league as your player base dwindles you give them more content they did not ask for; remove more of the things that they actually enjoy about the game; and then post the Pikachu-Surprised-Reaction-Face about how nobody likes you anymore except a few die-hards [Removed by Support].

A few patches here and there really arent going to cut it.

I quit playing about a year ago because your 'vision' is to turn PoE into an actual second job that we pay YOU to work; came back to level a couple characters for fun the past week or two and all I can say is this is [Removed by Support] of the potential we all invested in with our wallets and our time for years. I feel so bad for anyone with a Beta support pack.

The most amusing part is you will probably ban me for this post. Like you ban me for saying pretty much anything on forum or in game regardless of what it is.
I get abused by GGG staff every time I post because I started the Fix Your Game meme. Pathetic and unprofessional.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Sep 7, 2022, 5:44:44 PM
Last edited by machiavelli4711 on Oct 3, 2022, 10:47:04 PM


We're gone until you get the fun back into PoE.

With the stubbornness to stick to this universally disliked "vision" of the game, the deletion of comments that too harshly criticize, and the permabanning for any and all name calling no matter how minor, [Removed by Support]

I wouldn't be surprised if when things get bad enough they snap and just make every mob drop a guaranteed mirror and say "What??? This is what you all wanted!!!!" [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Sep 7, 2022, 5:40:01 PM
did'nt life reduction to beyound stuff got a sneaky switcheroo? Cause mobs are getting pooofed quickly, but its the bosses that are taking ages to bring down.
Good changes, especially for Delve mods.

I have really enjoyed the crazy stress of facing a 4-5 mods rare in deep Delve (including Kitava and Magma barrier), fighting with a dwindling stack of 12 flares.

But these crazy mods also killed two of my characters in deep Delve (hardcore), so it is a welcome change.
"a great distance" = 1/nearby?

Still not acknowledging the elephant in the room:
Remove Archnemesis!
Remove Archnemesis!
the Life of all other Beyond monsters has been lowered by approximately 60%.

Sounds about right. This is a good change.
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
Power Siphon Locus Mine Trickster in Settlers of Kalguur

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