widescreen resolution removed from the game.

robmafia wrote:
tackle70 wrote:
lol @ white knights and their fake delusional "arguments" and "evidence"


yeah, all i have is evidence and facts.

wait a minute.

protip: don't make silly, easily refuted lies (eg, "PoE has existed for 11 years and this argument didn't exist - EVER - until 10 days ago") if you want anything to be taken seriously.

not like ggg cares, even at all, about this forum. they clearly regret its existence.

edit: oh, i just realized you play on standard. this is even funnier. you think ggg doesn't care about your resolution? wait til you realize how much (not at all) they care about standard. lolz

protip: a few PVP posts with 3 responses mean less than nothing, and to act like they are anything other than meaningless is hilarious, even for a white knight NPC

protip: stop being an NPC white knight

protip: GGG, stop being dumb and fix your game
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Last edited by tackle70 on Sep 5, 2022, 6:50:55 PM
It really does make me wonder the type of individual who wants to argue about a compatibility change in a game they claim they stopped playing years ago.

Then again, he jumped into the thread by claiming that because he thinks someone has benefitted from ultrawides, other people have to prove to him that no one ever benefited from them. So you know, no point in engaging.

Diablo 3 :)
ammo109 wrote:
It really does make me wonder the type of individual who wants to argue about a compatibility change in a game they claim they stopped playing years ago.

Then again, he jumped into the thread by claiming that because he thinks someone has benefitted from ultrawides, other people have to prove to him that no one ever benefited from them. So you know, no point in engaging.

Wise advice; I probably shouldn't have taken the bait from the obvious NPC white knight.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
this needs to be reverted, ultrawide was supported for 6+ years with no issue and then you stealth change it.

Removing support was not the solution.

We are in 2022 - D3 and last Epoch supports ultrawide while poe and poe2 looks like it will not when it can be.

Think this will be my last league as there just seems to be more strange decisions being made because they "think" the game should be done in a certain way when the player base en masse disapproves.

Every league there just seems to be some form of controversy.
Why does the microscopic fraction of players who dive into PvP determine the resolution for all the rest of the players? Why not set 21:9 dynamicly as soon as PvP game modes are active?

This is such a bad design decision in 2022, a perfect example for a company out of touch with their customer's needs.
I don’t want to play this game if it’s going to start dropping support for new hardware. These black bars are ridiculous and I haven’t run into issues in any other game.
I really hope that the change was made on a pure technical basis and not a balancing one. At that point we'd also have to cap FPS or even bandwidth. We are in 2022 and should look forward, not backwards.

It would be nice if a staff member could take a stance on this and make it clear if this change is temporarily or here to stay.

I've supported this game for years, I do enjoy that we are going back to the old POE gameplay and I am fine having leagues not standing out as much as others once in a while to accomplish long-term balancing:

But I won't spend a dime on a game that drops support for next-gen tech from one patch to another, without previous communication.
Crazy Miners Fire Nova Mines:
The Savage, Endgame cleaner:

GGG: Statement please

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