widescreen resolution removed from the game.

robmafia wrote:
i haven't even logged into the game in 2-3 years.

Hi robmafia, What killed it for you? I know you were not a fan of power creep.

races being completely abandoned

pvp being... perhaps worse than abandoned and in a godawful state of unplayable (ironically, this resolution removal would have helped that. now it seems years too late)

monumentally excessive power creep... and constantly worsening

game easier/more casual than ever (path of netfix) - early betrayal was actually halfway challenging and finally made poe fun again... of course, that was then nerfed something like 18 times. everyone just complained so much about having to actually have defenses or not just stand in damage/slams with glass cannons... anyway, that was the last i really played. checked the next 2 leagues, hated it, didn't bother checking since.

in the end, it was just 'game too easy/too much power' and without pvp to give me something to do, seemed to be no point.

i heard about the fallout from the recent posts of chris and checked the forum for the lulz.

edit: honestly, surprised you're even posting on here. ggg gives zero fucks about this forum (only cares about reddit, seemingly).
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...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Last edited by robmafia on Sep 4, 2022, 11:40:32 PM
robmafia wrote:

races being completely abandoned

I sincerely miss the races, My first premium tab was from points earned in a race, I also got a Weta pet after that.

robmafia wrote:

pvp being... perhaps worse than abandoned and in a godawful state of unplayable (ironically, this resolution removal would have helped that. now it seems years too late)

I had hoped so much for PVP to return even recently posting some league concepts that at the very least would allow players to fight eachother (player versus players dungeon) and even that i think is a stretch to hope for.

The days of getting wiped out in sarn were most of my pvp experience and while i was never any good back then i did manage to pull off a few troll beartrap builds to get back at the 1%'ers in sarn arena.

The actual PVP queue system however while this game is NOT balanced at all for pvp i had a ton of fun occasionally getting matched with an opponent that did not get 1 shot by me and did not 1 shot me either allowing frantic and exciting pvp to occur, I would really hate to see it disappear literally forever.

robmafia wrote:
monumentally excessive power creep... and constantly worsening

game easier/more casual than ever (path of netfix) - early betrayal was actually halfway challenging and finally made poe fun again... of course, that was then nerfed something like 18 times. everyone just complained so much about having to actually have defenses or not just stand in damage/slams with glass cannons... anyway, that was the last i really played. checked the next 2 leagues, hated it, didn't bother checking since.

in the end, it was just 'game too easy/too much power' and without pvp to give me something to do, seemed to be no point.

Betrayal i think was one of my favorite leagues, Power creep is just a hard one it almost feels like we can't avoid it happening but do have to reign it in every now and then, I don't have the mental capacity to approach that one atm lol.

robmafia wrote:

i heard about the fallout from the recent posts of chris and checked the forum for the lulz.

He literally posted in the feedback forum, I stopped dead in my tracks shocked.

robmafia wrote:

edit: honestly, surprised you're even posting on here. ggg gives zero fucks about this forum (only cares about reddit, seemingly).

You know for so many years i was right there on that train, After some of the changes they made to the atlas tree and other things its really made me feel like they've been listening to some of our feedback here. I could be dead wrong /shrug
Innocence forgives you
GGGs communication: "We added new features for Ultrawide."

Reality: Added black bars.


GGG we need a statement please.
robmafia wrote:

'everyone that disagrees with me is a white knight!'

Nope. Everyone making up nonsense fake arguments with awful invalid logic is a white knight.

robmafia wrote:

it has been. it's pretty much ALWAYS been an argument.

No. It hasn't. If you would like to claim otherwise please link the relevant reddit posts or forum threads from before August 19th, 2022. I'll wait. I've been around the subreddit and this forum for 10 years, I've never seen any instance of that argument. Which means it's either never been made, or it's been made by someone and received zero support from the community (because it's obviously nonsensical and everyone before this patch immediately recognized it as such)

Please also explain why you believe this "but muh cheats" logic applies to 32:9, but not to 21:9 or high refresh rate displays.

Do all that, and I'm happy to simply admit we agree to disagree. Until then, enjoy your white knight NPC status.

Also, bump. GGG, Fix this nonsense.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Last edited by tackle70 on Sep 5, 2022, 1:19:46 PM
What the Duck is this ???
Even with the 90% loot cut, you can play the game.. But with the black bars, the game is literally UNPLAYABLE for me...
WHY ? WHY ? That makes no sense to remove 32:9 support after you had it for so long in game and the hardware getting better and better every year..

It's like you want the player to leave your game.. What the duck.. don't know what to say about your stupidity GGG..
I bought this monitor about a month before the league began. This is what it looked like before:

This is what it looks like now:

Poe was one of the reasons I bought this monitor, because of its infamous ultra ultra widescreen support. There is no competitive advantage like there is in a game like Valorant, this change is so confusing and pointless. Why???
tackle70 wrote:
robmafia wrote:

'everyone that disagrees with me is a white knight!'

Nope. Everyone making up nonsense fake arguments with awful invalid logic is a white knight.

'everything that BTFO my position that i can't refute is fake!'

tackle70 wrote:

No. It hasn't.

it absolutely has.

tackle70 wrote:
If you would like to claim otherwise please link the relevant reddit posts or forum threads from before August 19th, 2022.

know how i know you literally never checked the pvp forums?

2nd thread from the top:


"Ultra wide screen-screen stretching let you see player spawn from your own spawn location in most tiny maps.

It is a huge advantage to players having high budget and undermine pvp being played by the others.

For my part I stopped playing any pvp since those screen became available and since full screen aoe ROA type skills did not get fixed for pvp."

november, 2021.

i'm pretty sure that was before last week or whatever.

you clearly didn't even bother glancing at the pvp forums, let alone actually reading.

tackle70 wrote:
I'll wait.

weird, since i'm still waiting for you to prove that no one ever benefited in racing from this. you ran away from that one real fast.

tackle70 wrote:
I've been around the subreddit and this forum for 10 years, I've never seen any instance of that argument. Which means it's either never been made, or it's been made by someone and received zero support from the community (because it's obviously nonsensical and everyone before this patch immediately recognized it as such)

Please also explain why you believe this "but muh cheats" logic applies to 32:9, but not to 21:9 or high refresh rate displays.

Do all that, and I'm happy to simply admit we agree to disagree. Until then, enjoy your white knight NPC status.

Also, bump. GGG, Fix this nonsense.

ah, yes. the guy who quit 3 years ago and is here for the lulz is white knighting a game he thinks is garbage.

airtight logic.
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...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!
Last edited by robmafia on Sep 5, 2022, 4:06:35 PM
Ah yes, a thread about something nobody cares about with 2 responses parroted as evidence that "but muh cheats" has existed as an argument before the white knights started spouting off this patch.


White knight NPCs gonna white knight.

Bump. Fix it, GGG.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
Last edited by tackle70 on Sep 5, 2022, 4:24:56 PM
fyi, there are numerous RECENT (~1 year, in other words... the first page or so) threads about this

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3026639 1/2021

https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3084383/page/2#p24095194 - 5/2021

so it's pretty dumb to claim this is fake and made up, when it's kind of all over the first page of threads.

dumber, here it is from 2015 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1217790/page/1#p10273809

basic search for widescreen


and that's just the pvp feedback subforum.

the pvp subforum has way more results.

and here it is from racing, so you know this is old as hell... since there haven't been races since 2016.


tackle70 wrote:
PoE has existed for 11 years and this argument didn't exist - EVER - until 10 days ago

*shakes head*

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...it was quotes. from the forum. lolz!

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