Game Mechanics Q&A

I have two question regarding the Smite skill.

1) Do melee modifiers like "Melee Critical Strike Multiplier" apply to Smite's area of effect? The wiki is not entirely clear on this, and I believe POB incorrectly applies melee modifiers to the area portion of this skill, but I don't know for certain.

2) Which part of Smite is actually considered melee? There's no clear animation displaying the "melee" portion as far as I can tell, is it just whatever your weapon touches is considered hit by the melee portion of Smite?

Whoa thats a good question. GGGpls
any chance you guys look into the the deathpenalty on "softcore"?
friends i played the game with always left because they lost 10% exp on death
which is kinda harsh and might lock certain builds in place
"There are Penalties in the Game, no one's complaining about them"
Chris Wilson Exilecon 2019

I have a question about the drop rates in the game, are they static or dynamically ajusted ?

Here are some example ajustement that I can think of :
- Number of drop in the realm/global in the last x hours
- Number of existing items (all players)
Does the Master of Fire cluster jewel notable ("nearby enemies have fire exposure") count as "inflicting exposure" for the purposes of Elementalist's Mastermind of Discord ascendancy passive?
Since we cant damage creatures in the dark while we delve, could we gain phasing in the dark so they cant trap us in spaces. We used to be able to dmg them to move past them but now we cant.
1)Headhunter now causes physical builds to lose impale damage because it converts all physical damage to elemental, which also causes it unable to be used with brutality. Will that be fixed and only give extra elemental damage like before?

2)With enough attack speed, you can Leap Slam into walls and get stuck in walls. Will that ever be corrected?

3)Rage is a mechanic that builds slowly over time, but with the current iteration of pinnacle bosses jumping around and repeating AoE attacks, immunity phases, etc, Melee builds are ever more left in the dirt, rage being the best "worst" example. Could rage be built faster and decay more slowly to address that?

4)Why was mirror items allowed to be modified with recombinators when it specifically says it can't be modified further (same with corrupted items)?

5)Soul of the Brine King reduces effect of chill on you by 50%, but on multiple occasions even with 2 cluster jewel implicits that further reduce it to 80% reduced, the value showed is incorrect to the value that is supposed to be shown. Is that a visual bug?

6)Why Large Jewel Sockets allocated with Impossible Escape and Thread of Hope jewels can't actually socket Large Cluster Jewels if there isn't anything (technically) preventing them from doing so?
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jun 4, 2022, 10:01:17 PM
I pretty much only care about arch nem
if it stays in the game im done
When will we get tools to better analyze how we died? Even a button on the death screen that gives you a print out of the last 1 second of damage taken would be infinitely helpful. I can't count the number of times I've died to a sudden spike of damage that made absolutely no sense why it did that much damage.

When will we get the ability to display all debuffs on an enemy via badges - they exist in the game systems because we see them on our character when enemies use them, so why can't we see when they are affecting enemies? Obviously you can do badges, because shock and chill are shown. Visual effects on an enemy are extremely easily lost in the general chaos, especially if you use big bold effects like Ice Crash.
While you probably don't have concrete skills to show off, thematically what sort of skills are you looking at adding in the next seasonal patch?
Do you have any that are like the 'constantly moving' playstyle of cyclone or CWCyclone? That sort of fluid motion is a fun way to play, imo.
Is there or will there ever be an effort to unify game mechanics and their descriptors? For example nearby could become short range, medium range, long range of player and the radii for the different skills could be condensed. There are unique boots where it says all damage against an enemy with 3 or more ensnaring vines will poison, but that doesn't happen. Is this a bug or should the text read all damage from the wearer will poison. So basically, are mechanics doing what the descriptions say or are the descriptions incorrectly describing a correct mechanic?

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