Game Mechanics Q&A

are the small travel nodes that grant unique map chance affected by map equity in any way?

what excactly is a touching tentacle mass and possessing flame wraith?

are any of the different "chance to drop an additional currency item" weighted differently. (thinking about travel nodes to royal guard, previous nem 3 sextant, alter mod, fiending opulence etc.)

Atlas nodes that increase rarity of items dropped by bosses, are these multiplicative or additive? sounds like it's additive, but as it's coming from another source idk.

Do splinters that have been duplicated from the atlas passive nodes also get the %chance to drop as full emblem applied to them? or does that happen first?

Would a modifier like "%chance to add AN additional abyss" be able to grant more than one if it exceeds 100%?

is the free random craft granted from "shaping the mountains" weighted?

When excactly do jun "ticks" happen? as in when does the progression for interrogations tick?

Is "trial of glory" weighted? Harvest is heavily weighted towards tribute to the goddess, is this the same?
Last edited by painkiller06 on Jun 3, 2022, 1:39:47 PM
When is the visual clarity getting better?

When is after death dmg going to get fixed in terms of dmg?

When is ground degen getting either better clarity or lowered in dmg ?
With general Curse on Hit (such as on a ring), and Profane Bloom, if you kill a monster in one hit, their death will never trigger Profane Bloom. My assumption is that the Curse is applied after damage calculation, meaning the mob is already dead and thus cannot be cursed.

But the question is, why does the Curse icon appear above the mob for a brief moment as it dies, if the Curse was never actually applied to them?

Secondarily, would equipping Asenath's Gentle Touch ('Curses you inflict are not removed from Dying Enemies') then enable Profane Bloom to to trigger in the above scenario?
Last edited by Tyronis3 on Jun 3, 2022, 1:44:09 PM
I have a few questions about Delirium:

According to the wiki and also implied by some of the atlas passives, there's a hidden timer.

1. What does this timer do exactly? Does extending the timer means that the encounter will last longer but the fog will still move? Perhaps it slows down or even stops the fog?

2. What is the base value of that timer?

3. According to the wiki, completing or starting some extra content extends or even pauses the timer. What content and by how much?

4. What exactly does "delirious" level affect, apart from the strength of the monsters. Item quantity, the number of additional monsters, something about rewards?

5. Does moving away away from the mirror increase "delirious" percentage (like on delirious maps) or is the difficulty increase caused by a different but similar mechanic? If it's "delirious", what is the base percentage and is 100% the maximum reachable value?

Also one question about Alva:

1. Are some kinds of rooms and architects rarer than the others? If so, what are the weightings?

When is a character dead? Can you be below 0 hp and then a mechanic instantly gives you health back on the same frame/servertick?

Another question if that's ok...

What happens if lets say someone with Pious Path has Chaos Inoculation and their energy shield drops to 0 because of degen but their health + energy shield regen is enough to counteract the degen. Will you die because you can't regenerate 1 health or will it simply do a math check that your regen is higher and therefore you will not degen below 1 life.
How exactly does the empowerment stat on sentinels effect monster damage reduction/life/quantity and rarity? For example if you have 10 empowerment on a sentinel and it empowers 1 mob, how much damage reduction does it get, increases in loot and ex, ect?
Why do monster affixes have a strong impact on game memory usage?

This is based on the statement in the recent hotfix noting that improvements to memory efficiency of archnemesis modifiers allowed a greater variety of monster affixes in an area.

Also, what is the limit on this now? Are all mods possible at once (in a sufficiently high level area)?
Last edited by amabar1115 on Jun 3, 2022, 1:55:50 PM
Q1: Does modifiers like "increased Flask Charges gained" scale the "gain # charges when hit" modifier on flasks?

Q2: If I trigger all influence monster pack spawns, kill only the one pack at the end of a map, (assuming it spawns an altar), click an option that gives influence monsters damage as extra fire for example, will that retroactively apply to all already-spawned influenced monsters?
What does empowerment from sentinels do?
I don't know if it's a proper question but... Do you think Evasion is a good defensive stat? The ability to completely mitigate a hit makes quite a few people think that monsters are not dangerous, and shortly after they get one-shot. Do you think removing this stat and giving something else could benefit the flow of the game? Just so that people get hurt by monsters way more often, but by way less. Maybe Evasion could give a chance to mitigate a percentage of physical damage, just like spell suppression?

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