Game Mechanics Q&A

Is Archnemesis working mechanically the way it was visioned? Is energy shield going to get a defensive mechanic overhaul, it seems rather untouched compared to armour and evasion, which just puts it in a very awkward place as pure ES doesn't seem viable anymore. The game seems mechanically to be in conflict with itself, where combat is supposed to feel more meaningful while too many monsters exist to feel meaningful and the screen clutter is absurd. I love this game and really want it to succeed, I just don't even understand the game mechanics you are wanting over the last year or so, cause it seems as though the game mechanics are being pushed to extremely slow progression (this is what Hard mode is for). Where to get to a high power level, when the game feels good just keeps being pushed further and further away, devaluing your consumers time making the game less appealing.
Why are there so few or no multipliers of rarity and quantity of items in various game mechanics (archnemesis)? It is unfair when mobs are repeatedly enhanced in many of their parameters (dps, ehp, quantity) so that the player needs a hundred times more time(or dps) to kill mobs, but the reward in total is increased only 5-10 times or less!

We have two skills that have instant cast time. One of these skills is curse, the second skill is spell damage ability. We have been using these two skills simultaneously, will be enemy cursed when he receives damage from spell damage ability in this case?
Last edited by P1SUN_GARPUN on Jun 3, 2022, 4:16:08 AM
If spell totem or arcanist brand is attached to whispering ice or firestorm is the limit of 5 casts per totem/brand or over all totems/brands.
How do currency drops work with singular focus on the atlas tree?
Do tier 16 maps drop as better currency or is any tier map converted to random currency with the same probability distribution?
When will we get the trading changes?

As you know the trading system is very bad I need to PM 15 people to get my item, and that is a waste of my time as I'm not free for 24 Hours also, in the late game just if 50% of people left the game we have too as we can't buy anything, for the late game issue I have suggested in the past to give us a chance to add our Discord name in the trading site (Optional) so we can PM that person as he will be playing other games anyway.
Ever since the release of gravebind, animate guardians with it can get kills credited to them for the purpose of on kill effects on gear (such as corpse explosion or life gain on kill).

If I give my animated guardian Greed's embrace with 50% Increased item rarity and it scores a kill, does that rarity get applied to the monster drops?


Player: 0% IIR, 0% IIQ AG: 50% IIR, 15% IIQ

AG kills monster. What modifiers will the loot it drops have?
Parob86 wrote:
I enjoy playing Vaal Arc Ignite (witch).

To increase my damage, which resistance penetration do I need to upskill?
Lightning (as Arc is lightning gem) or fire pen (as it causes ignite) or both possible?

Thanks! :)

Penetration is useless for ignite builds. You should aim for ways to reduce mob's resistances instead. In case of arc ignite i'd suggest flammability curse as a simple helper.
Maker of ZeeL's Amplifier.
When using HExtouch support, does the Hex apply before the spell, so the spell can benefit from it, or right after the the first instance of the spell doesn't benefit from it ?

When receiving a large amount of projectiles in the face, and if we have ES regen on hit, does the Regen occur in between each projectile or after the whole pack we received ?

To follow up this question, is there any situation with this case where ES (as CI build for example) "theoriticaly" can drop under 0 but at the same time get instant regen so we stay alive ?

For random stuff like Stacked Decks, does the random roll occur the moment you unstack it or each "deck" already get a Seed at "birth" determining the loot inside ?

I know that now you auto stack currencies (delaying each drop until you get enough around 5-9" something like this, since i saw a reddit post with a triple Mirror of Kalandra, does this also apply to Mirror ? So the guy could have stacked 3 Mirrors "roll" across hundreds of hours before it actually dropped ? And does this reset each leagues if so ?

Does special maps like Cortex is part of the regular map pool drop as a very low frequency or does it have its how drop pool separatly ? (i guess its parts of maps but who knows ^^')

When having multiple sources of "mana reservation efficiency" on an aura, stuff like "global efficiency + this specific aura efficiency", is everything multiplicative ?
Like 80% + 25% of a 100 mana reserv aura = 20% then 15% (reduced by 80% then another 25% from the result ?)

Vaaling a gem is also being random the moment we use a vaal orb on it, or same as a previous question, part of a Seed specific to each gems at birth ?

Is there any kind of random "counters" for exemple like if you didn't drop an Exalt during 100 hours, at some point the odds to get one improves (it can be applied to good uniques and other things, like a mirror in 10years ^^')

Is Exposure on hit from an element just an extra "stack" of "less resistances", if so Exposure if just like an Elemental penetration right ?
Or does it have any timer on hit ? (like exposure only last for 5seconds ?)

Sometimes maps layout feels like the layout was just rotated after its generation, so does it generates like this, you make the map then apply a random symetry in x/y to add more variation, or basically some areas just pop in random corners like some map boss locations ?

Does your map generation engine is/will be able at some point to generatemore depth/level like stairs, various heights, hills, things less flat or its not currently able to do this ? (for exemple Mesa is one of the few area with 2 "levels" in the same map (not counting fake stairs like in Palace) with the middle place being elevated, but its still like 2 flats area mostly, with no much variations)

Could we expect at some point to see game mechanics like moving platforms we have to stand on, rearrange, like moving arenas, self building bridge to cross an area, to make maps less static for example ?

When overlapping effects on ground like auras, degens, auras MTX, corpses, how much layers, levels of Z Depth do you use, and what is the priority to display each one of them ? (Mostly asking this because for example the Righteous Fire Astral MTX seems to hide some of ground effect, being of the same levels as those)

Could we have some more precision about the Recombinators tech ? Because reddits mad lads made thousand of tries to determine how this work but maybe a clarification from you instead of sometimes "guesses" with data tries, could also help people to understand better how to craft with them.
(Even if this reddit post is really informative about it).
Last edited by Bakudan on Jun 3, 2022, 5:10:28 AM
When do you do something about the UI for width screens/resolutions?

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