3.18.0d Patch Notes Preview

moozooh wrote:
Reshemin wrote:
The current state of things not only kills build diversity, but also monster diversity.
The exact nature of your opponent becomes close to irrelevant when all of it's innate, basic abilities completely pale in comparison and are plain lost to the overshadowing AN mod it has.
You're no longer fighting Shield Crabs, Porcupines or Skeleton Archers but Storm Striders, Chaosweavers or Mana Siphoners.

I'm so glad you've brought this up.

GGG often tends to slip into the line of thinking that PoE is Dark Souls, a game where you basically duel 1–3 monsters at a time, spatial awareness is high, and the difficulty comes from the need to execute highly tactical counterplay that uses the strong aspects of your build and makes up for its deficiencies against all kinds of content. It's a game that severely punishes you for recklessness and slop but rewards understanding of the enemy and skill in acting upon that knowledge.

But while they're happily thinking that with one side of their brains, the other side keeps making PoE a game where you're swarmed with 100–300 monsters per screen, making all tactics go out the window, specifically limiting kiting to the point of being completely impossible (because content mechanics tend to trap you into chokepoints and small arenas like in e.g. Ritual), reading mods and other forms of visual identification also become impossible because you can't so much as train your mouse cursor on a target, let alone make it out behind all the visual noise. It's schizophrenic by design.

So in the end, you have to adopt one of the two ways of dealing with it: either make all of your builds immune to as many threats as possible regardless of whether it makes sense (such as forcing reflect immunity on DoT builds for Effigy alone which would be otherwise unneeded), or sacrifice defenses more or less entirely for enough DPS to kill everything on sight regardless of map mods. That's it, there's no middle ground anymore because taking the middle ground will get you killed all the time for reasons you can't compensate with skill, knowledge, or effort.

Agree 100%. The monsters have lost their identity. The Legion mobs for example with their leaping and off-screen ranged attacks were terrifying, but you knew what to ex0ect and it was their flavour. Now as you say, you're not fighting a maraketh x, or a blight y, you're fighting the archnemesis mods. At this points the monster art could be replaced with a white circle for every enemy, as the monster itself is irrelevant now.
You are so right, lol. :D
moozooh wrote:
namikazemaru wrote:
You are not impressing anyone with this post.

I checked out of curiosity, and naturally, all the "game's too easy, git gud, wah!" players are playing trade SC. Of course game's too easy when you can afford dying and still have any gear you want. They're the ones who don't want to challenge themselves.

Yeah true, i checked Their Profile as well.
Havent Found hc or ssf Player yet who say 3.18 is too ez. Still Waiting for it. :D
GGG just admit it :
you lost control with the AN move into core.

Just remove all the mods instead of trying to balance around a system that does not fit to the core-game at all ...

Yet another league wasted ...
Xystre wrote:
Bex_GGG wrote:
Rare monsters in past league content is something we'll review for 3.19.

It seems archnemesis is going to stay core for 3.19 and beyond.. that's from reddit because having this kind of things here is too much trouble..

3.18 "big" changes are done if you expected big changes you're out of luck.. try again in 3.19.

It went core when Sentinel started, people in standard are suffering the same nonsense league players are. The fact they only now think to look at rares in content like Ritual and Blight after buffing them about 10 fold should tell you everything you need to know about how the devs approach this game balance issue.
Super disappointed with how they are handling AN.
I dislike the archnemesis mods quite a lot, i hate the lightning following [Removed by Support], I hate the Lightning following Pylons, i hate The Lava orbs and the Poison orbs waiting to drop on my ass and one shot me cause thats apparently good game design in someones eyes.
Cold Snap on almost every enemy death is also quite lovely isnt it ?
Soul eater needs to Cap Atk speed on rares btw killing a pack offscreen and than getting one shot by a Ranged Rare With soul eater is also horrible game design.
just stop with this, its not Fun nor engaging.
Most Frustrating League i ever played since i started playing in Synthesis.
i went out my way to play the exact same build again cause i figured my other build ideas wont withstand all this bullshit.
and No its not any insane meta build mentioned on reddit.
a permanent flask with reduced Curse effect is now mandatory, well played GGG.
i also went out my way to test every league mechanic.
on death effects killing me after i defeat an enemie makes me wanna play something else instead.
Last edited by Will_GGG on Oct 19, 2022, 2:12:10 AM
Oh it's so much fun to have almost 4.000.000 Sirius dps according to poe build and not being able to even scratch random rare mob on T12 map... nice...
Last edited by Cystof on May 26, 2022, 6:17:14 AM
I don't even know what mod it is but I keep getting destroyed by these crystal pillars that follow me around and explode there they're not destructible they don't disappear if you run through them they just follow you for like 2 minutes is that how it's supposed to be, To be completely honest Arsenal Mrs. Modd's feel like c*** only rare monsters should have them and they probably still need to be scaled back. I love this retarded game don't go breaking it
Arsenel...damn phone archnemesis mods lol

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