3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

EinKRieGeR wrote:
need advise, low output damage
You're getting just above 15 fuses. Need a boost to attack speed - flask maybe? You shouldn't need 3 health flasks. An Atziris would boost your DPS output by a fair bit as well.

And your accuracy - you're only at 88% hit chance, should try to boost that to 100.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
grimjack68 wrote:
EinKRieGeR wrote:
need advise, low output damage
You're getting just above 15 fuses. Need a boost to attack speed - flask maybe? You shouldn't need 3 health flasks. An Atziris would boost your DPS output by a fair bit as well.

And your accuracy - you're only at 88% hit chance, should try to boost that to 100.

You can take the Weathered Hunter wheel for 4 points + upgrade your precision to 14 (which you can afford with your current setup) to get to 100% before you get better gear.
Can we somehow use omniscience and stack some attributes?
tracker2013 wrote:
Schejian wrote:
tracker2013 wrote:

The build is pretty nice but i'm lacking of survivability !
The damage is ok, but i guess, i need more level obviously (i die too much to level nicely ...)

can you check my pob and tell me what i'm missing ?


Well, you got 2500HP.
Thats unacceptable low :)

Stash Away some of your zero-HP DPS Gear and get some HP first.

E.g. get a nice +Life/+Life%/+Supression RareChest instead of Hyrri

ok i'll try this :)

You can confirm that the only source of sustain is life potion ?

My problem is not big hits, but the degen (fire, poison, corrupted blood) melts me in less than a sec ...

Pick Arakaali and Shakari as pantheons and fully upgrade them.
I have -50% chaos res and the only thing that can kill me is bleeding/corrupted blood.
I went vitality + life regen on some pieces of gear cause I like it that way but it's non essential at all.
Also use purity of elements.
And you picked almost no life wheels on the tree.
All of that would make you hella tankier.
tracker2013 wrote:

ok i'll try this :)

You can confirm that the only source of sustain is life potion ?

My problem is not big hits, but the degen (fire, poison, corrupted blood) melts me in less than a sec ...

I've levelled my char to 99 this league and I felt life become much easier once I invested in some chaos res and life regen. The build has so much dps that you can with good conscious invest some points or stats into survivability if you feel that is lacking. Obviously 100% chance to suppress spell damage is a must too. Personally I like taking abberath for reduced ignite and immunity to burning ground. Combined with chaos res and some life regen, degens shouldn't be a problem. Also get a jewel with immunity to corrupted blood.

Feels like there are so many puddles or random instances where you walk into something that applies a chaos dmg debuff or a degen. Having a bit of life regen and chaos res can be the difference between taking damage or being healed every second. I like the life mastery "reg 2% life while moving" with it and some life regen on gear I'm healing for 8% of my life every second which is enough to be able to kite bosses and stay alive if I take some hits.

We don't have direct leech so the only leech we can get it is from "recover % life on kill". You could get the medium cluster notable "brush with death" or alternatively path to "hired killer" on your skill tree. It's a nice QOL and mapping becomes much smoother with it imo.

Last edited by Ridman on Mar 1, 2022, 10:00:32 AM
Ridman wrote:
tracker2013 wrote:

ok i'll try this :)

You can confirm that the only source of sustain is life potion ?

My problem is not big hits, but the degen (fire, poison, corrupted blood) melts me in less than a sec ...

I've levelled my char to 99 this league and I felt life become much easier once I invested in some chaos res and life regen. The build has so much dps that you can with good conscious invest some points or stats into survivability if you feel that is lacking. Obviously 100% chance to suppress spell damage is a must too. Personally I like taking abberath for reduced ignite and immunity to burning ground. Combined with chaos res and some life regen, degens shouldn't be a problem. Also get a jewel with immunity to corrupted blood.

Feels like there are so many puddles or random instances where you walk into something that applies a chaos dmg debuff or a degen. Having a bit of life regen and chaos res can be the difference between taking damage or being healed every second. I like the life mastery "reg 2% life while moving" with it and some life regen on gear I'm healing for 8% of my life every second which is enough to be able to kite bosses and stay alive if I take some hits.

We don't have direct leech so the only leech we can get it is from "recover % life on kill". You could get the medium cluster notable "brush with death" or alternatively path to "hired killer" on your skill tree. It's a nice QOL and mapping becomes much smoother with it imo.

I annointed my amulet with blood drinker and i'll go take watchtowers on my own, it's a bit better now.

I'll see if i can put purity of elements and raise a bit my chaos res.
for the corrupted jewel, it was in my mind, but it's kinda expensive.

I put brass dome right now, it's not bad, i'll get a rare chest with life res and suppress.

thank you for the advices :)
sustici wrote:
Can we somehow use omniscience and stack some attributes?

Why would you want to use it? Penetration only works on hits, its useless for us.
hellooooo, i dont know how to improve my build, Any ideas for survabiulity?

Maybe some max life on the amulet but some vermillion ring with flammability

tiagoman wrote:
hellooooo, i dont know how to improve my build, Any ideas for survabiulity?

Maybe some max life on the amulet but some vermillion ring with flammability

You are running Purity of elements, right? If so, you have ailment immunity, so you can drop burning and cold immunities on your flasks. Add in extra attack speed or boosted armour / evasion affixes instead.

Some endurance charge generation with a small cluster jewel would help.

You could respec your tree, go closer to the well rounded tree and drop some damage. Spec out of Dirty Techniques, Heavy Draw, and Ash, Frost, and Storm, then path to the right through Finesse, One with Nature, Intuition, and Herbalism. That should drop your ignite damage by about 20%, but boost your life to 4.3k.

Also, you're 100% right on the amulet. Swap that for something with a decent life roll.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
grimjack68 wrote:
tiagoman wrote:
hellooooo, i dont know how to improve my build, Any ideas for survabiulity?

Maybe some max life on the amulet but some vermillion ring with flammability

You are running Purity of elements, right? If so, you have ailment immunity, so you can drop burning and cold immunities on your flasks. Add in extra attack speed or boosted armour / evasion affixes instead.

Some endurance charge generation with a small cluster jewel would help.

You could respec your tree, go closer to the well rounded tree and drop some damage. Spec out of Dirty Techniques, Heavy Draw, and Ash, Frost, and Storm, then path to the right through Finesse, One with Nature, Intuition, and Herbalism. That should drop your ignite damage by about 20%, but boost your life to 4.3k.

Also, you're 100% right on the amulet. Swap that for something with a decent life roll.

im sorry to bother u but can we talk? ty!!!!

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