3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

_Trekka wrote:

Any advice on what to upgrade next for boss killing? I've only done shaper so far and dps was slowish

I'm also noticing people using the splinters jewel on poe.ninja (2 extra proj -30-50% totem damage) is this worth it?

Also, I noticed some trees are different to the one in OP. Is there a better tree worth running?

Some things you could upgrade:

Quiver: Better base+some more dmg mods (think this is an easy one. Assuming you get a attack speed base your current one basically only has 1 offensive stat)
Amulet: +gem level
Gems: 21 EA and awakened Burning dmg/Deadly Ailments Support
, flammability somewhere (e.g. ring or as gem)
Jewel: you got a untaken 1socket jewel spot near elemental equilibrium. That's always worth taking. Either with a regular or unnatural instinct jewel
Flasks: get some quality on those and maybe some instilling orbs

And probably get some accuracy on ring/gloves/quiver
Last edited by golli123 on Feb 20, 2022, 4:20:43 AM
_Trekka wrote:

Any advice on what to upgrade next for boss killing? I've only done shaper so far and dps was slowish

I'm also noticing people using the splinters jewel on poe.ninja (2 extra proj -30-50% totem damage) is this worth it?

Also, I noticed some trees are different to the one in OP. Is there a better tree worth running?

aim for explosive arrow 21 lvl, awakened burning damage, amulet +1 fire skills, I guess you have also accuracy issues. Malevolence is great, but purity of elements is better.
_Trekka wrote:

Any advice on what to upgrade next for boss killing? I've only done shaper so far and dps was slowish

I'm also noticing people using the splinters jewel on poe.ninja (2 extra proj -30-50% totem damage) is this worth it?

Also, I noticed some trees are different to the one in OP. Is there a better tree worth running?
Rain of splinters makes map clearing easier, however, we don't really have any problems with map clear anyway. I used one initially, sold it a week after and haven't missed it.

The tree is flexible depending on the content you're running - or want to run - and whether you're trying to boost your defenses or damage output.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Hello, I ve been enjoying this build for some time, and I search for some Lifeleech. I tried the x% of fire damage leeched as life but it does not seem to work. Some one have a solution by any chance ?
Aliora wrote:
Hello, I ve been enjoying this build for some time, and I search for some Lifeleech. I tried the x% of fire damage leeched as life but it does not seem to work. Some one have a solution by any chance ?

You need something like chieftain/ascendant chieftain "1% of Damage dealt by your Totems is Leeched to you as Life" for totems to leech for you. Dunno if there's anything like that outside of those 2 ascendancies tho. Regular life leech will just make your totems leech life for themselves.
Is there a mod we need to avoid when doing expeditions?
Like immune to fire/cold/lightning etc.
za6i9ka wrote:
Aliora wrote:
Hello, I ve been enjoying this build for some time, and I search for some Lifeleech. I tried the x% of fire damage leeched as life but it does not seem to work. Some one have a solution by any chance ?

You need something like chieftain/ascendant chieftain "1% of Damage dealt by your Totems is Leeched to you as Life" for totems to leech for you. Dunno if there's anything like that outside of those 2 ascendancies tho. Regular life leech will just make your totems leech life for themselves.

Thank you for your answer !
frallan123 wrote:
Is there a mod we need to avoid when doing expeditions?
Like immune to fire/cold/lightning etc.

Once by mistake I picked something like that:

chance to block attack damage....
NO burning!!!!
maybe even life regen - but don`t remember.

Almost unkillable mobs :)

And of course- immune to fire - RIP.

grimjack68 wrote:
Rain of splinters makes map clearing easier, however, we don't really have any problems with map clear anyway. I used one initially, sold it a week after and haven't missed it.

For me Rain of splinters made quite large clear speed increase. Or maybe it is just fun to see so many explosions :)

M0AR is better!
Last edited by KasparsT on Feb 20, 2022, 8:49:04 AM
Hi guys !

I need your help, i would to farm delirium + beyond with this build, but i take to many time to kill rare beyond monster :(

I need more fire DoT ? Attackspeed ?

What can i improve on my gear ? Have around 15ex

I play with proliferation on mapping


have a nice day
Aliora wrote:
Hello, I ve been enjoying this build for some time, and I search for some Lifeleech. I tried the x% of fire damage leeched as life but it does not seem to work. Some one have a solution by any chance ?

Medium Cluster - Brush with death

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