3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

Inthrall wrote:
Been enjoying this build so far, wondering what jewels we want to be socketing into the medium/small slots for endgame now? I don't think there is any more mana reservation small socket gems which the PoB has, and megalomaniac has so many possibilities that it would be good to narrow that down.

Also really liking the Maji path atm, penetrating fire resist tincture and the extra life/resists is a great way to start this character before properly gearing up

Not sure why you think those jewels don't exist anymore, and the PoB gives you suggestions for Megalomaniac. They may not be the absolute highest for ignite DPS, but they're pretty close. Any damage over time multi will be good on Megalomaniac as well.

Oath of the Maji is good for leveling like you said, but by maps you should really switch over to Primalist. There are charms which are provide much more utility than a tincture with fire pen.
Hey, looking for my next build and have some interest in this one.

couple questions if possible.

1. Is the up to date pob the 3.21? there s no 3.23 pob in the post and the most recent pob is for 3.21.

2. Is it really tanky? or fairly tanky? dont want to squishy builds.

Last edited by Vampz on Dec 16, 2023, 4:10:37 PM
hello, is the gem set up in the tree the end game one? what about ignite prolif etc, is there like a boss set up and mapping
Dromlin wrote:
Inthrall wrote:
Been enjoying this build so far, wondering what jewels we want to be socketing into the medium/small slots for endgame now? I don't think there is any more mana reservation small socket gems which the PoB has, and megalomaniac has so many possibilities that it would be good to narrow that down.

Also really liking the Maji path atm, penetrating fire resist tincture and the extra life/resists is a great way to start this character before properly gearing up

Not sure why you think those jewels don't exist anymore, and the PoB gives you suggestions for Megalomaniac. They may not be the absolute highest for ignite DPS, but they're pretty close. Any damage over time multi will be good on Megalomaniac as well.

Oath of the Maji is good for leveling like you said, but by maps you should really switch over to Primalist. There are charms which are provide much more utility than a tincture with fire pen.

Aha, I found the issue. Its not searchable on trade currently, but it is there still. Not looking for the highest, thanks for the tip on anything for damage over time multiplier
BearODactyl88 wrote:
hello, is the gem set up in the tree the end game one? what about ignite prolif etc, is there like a boss set up and mapping

Hello. You get proliferation from implicit on gloves, you don't need to swap out a gem from your 6L.
EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Vampz wrote:
Hey, looking for my next build and have some interest in this one.

couple questions if possible.

1. Is the up to date pob the 3.21? there s no 3.23 pob in the post and the most recent pob is for 3.21.

2. Is it really tanky? or fairly tanky? dont want to squishy builds.


Hey. It's about the same from 3.21 to 3.23, no worries there.

Now, imho :

Regarding tankiness, it's definitely not a build you want to play in hardcore Prefer EA ballista champion if you want tankiness (Zizaran has done that several times), but you'll have way less damage.

The EA.B elementalist is really nice, is a starter and can take down almost anything (some ubers are still a pain, and wave 30 simu is not that easy either),

You'll die here and there (especially since they removed the automatic taunt mastery from totems.

Had lots of fun playing it.

Quote from a recent forum post by Brunowa :

Champion is just more tanky.

For softcore, Elementalist would be the choice for 90% of players. It's only if you want more tankiness that you would go Champion, with the downside of less DPS.

In saying that, Champion still has the potential to reach the DOT cap which means it can equal the DPS of Elementalist, but it takes more effort and currency which most people wouldn't manage to achieve.

EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328
Inthrall wrote:
Aha, I found the issue. Its not searchable on trade currently, but it is there still. Not looking for the highest, thanks for the tip on anything for damage over time multiplier

Ahh, I know what you're talking about now. It is searchable, but cluster jewels are the worst thing to search for. Tip for searching for cluster jewels, assuming it's a jewel that has a notable you're looking for, in this case Mortifying Aspect, search for that and then find the jewel you're looking for. If you want to redo the search for the mana reservation jewel without Mortifying Aspect, click the magnifying glass with 3 horizontal lines button (Filter by Item Stats) and that will give you the stat filters you need. For some reason, cluster jewel are classified as 'Enchant' for the trade site.
Last edited by Dromlin on Dec 17, 2023, 12:06:54 PM
Headtourist wrote:
BearODactyl88 wrote:
hello, is the gem set up in the tree the end game one? what about ignite prolif etc, is there like a boss set up and mapping

Hello. You get proliferation from implicit on gloves, you don't need to swap out a gem from your 6L.

oh awesome i forgot that was a thing, ty lol
Thank you. Im Sc, went elementalist and loving it so far.

Another question if u dont mind.

Been reading the guide and comments to understand the scaling and little things about end game tunning.

In the end game pob i dont see anything that applies fire exposure but i see some exposure nodes taken. No wave of convicion in skills pob.

what am i missing? Is it only Elemental Equilibrium?
Last edited by Vampz on Dec 17, 2023, 6:08:35 PM
Vampz wrote:
Thank you. Im Sc, went elementalist and loving it so far.

Another question if u dont mind.

Been reading the guide and comments to understand the scaling and little things about end game tunning.

In the end game pob i dont see anything that applies fire exposure but i see some exposure nodes taken. No wave of convicion in skills pob.

what am i missing? Is it only Elemental Equilibrium?

Hey. Yes, elemental equilibrium inflicts an exposure for -25 to resistances
Then another -25 from mastermind of discord.
And another -5 from fire mastery.

So EE gives us a -55 exposure.

Other exposure sources don't stack and are inferior to EE.

EAb crafts info : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25179328

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