3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

Dromlin wrote:
LadyLoriana wrote:
Ah yes thanks for all the help about the fuse calculations. I see I'm missing some attack speed. I have it on most of my gear but not top tier rolls. About how much currency should I save up before attempting to craft the bow on page 290 ish?

I would say even with a bit of bad luck you could probably do the actual crafting portion of that bow under 500c. Estimate 100 dreads and 10 annuls if you're moderately unlucky and that'll be about 500c by current prices. Then of course you have the fixed costs of 1ex, 5div, and some chaos. If funds are an issue, don't stress too much about having T1 AS. In terms of max fuses, skill effect duration(downside of slower clear speed) is the same as attack speed, but much easier to access to reach max fuses.

Also, I hope you don't mind, but I took a peek at your build and I would try to work Malevolence in as soon as you can. You'll need the small cluster jewel with Mortifying Aspect and probably have to drop precision unless you get an Enlighten, but overall it will help a ton.

Hello, I added in malevolence and had to drop precision as you said, clear speed seems faster, thank you!

Here's my pob: https://pobb.in/Y5kkiNAzvoti

Some stacked essence rares and blight bosses take forever to kill and the build feels really squishy, dying in t14 maps. I don't have 100% hit rate and I'm at 20 not 22 fuses. Do you have any tips for what to upgrade next?
Last edited by LadyLoriana on Dec 15, 2023, 1:00:44 PM
LadyLoriana wrote:
Hello, I added in malevolence and had to drop precision as you said, clear speed seems faster, thank you!

Here's my pob: https://pobb.in/Y5kkiNAzvoti

Some stacked essence rares and blight bosses take forever to kill and the build feels really squishy, dying in t14 maps. I don't have 100% hit rate and I'm at 20 not 22 fuses. Do you have any tips for what to upgrade next?

I think in your case I would sacrifice a bit of clear speed by picking up skill effect duration nodes and change your faster attacks gem to ele dmg with attacks. That's the easier change I would make, and the costly one would be to start thinking about getting more gear with DoT multi (bow, quiver, amulet).

Your defenses look fine except for your low chaos res, but if you're feeling squishy then I suspect it could be either the maps you're running or your playstyle. The last time I played this build, I remember having the most success on open maps where I could circle around mobs and maps with narrow paths would always be the most risky. Consider playing around with your gem setups to fit a molten shell in there to help protect during burst dmg, with or without CWDT depending on your reaction time/skills. Enduring cry would be good to have somewhere on your main gear as well. If you're not good at juggling skills, you can put enduring cry on mouse1 so it triggers on cooldown without thinking about it.

I think I said this before to someone else, but are you using both life flasks? If not, then change one to an amethyst or silver depending on what you feel you need more (chaos res or AS/move speed). If you're good at juggling utility flasks, consider using enkindling orbs to enhance them. If you're not, use instilling orbs to automate them.
Last edited by Dromlin on Dec 15, 2023, 3:17:45 PM
Dromlin wrote:
LadyLoriana wrote:
Hello, I added in malevolence and had to drop precision as you said, clear speed seems faster, thank you!

Here's my pob: https://pobb.in/Y5kkiNAzvoti

Some stacked essence rares and blight bosses take forever to kill and the build feels really squishy, dying in t14 maps. I don't have 100% hit rate and I'm at 20 not 22 fuses. Do you have any tips for what to upgrade next?

I think in your case I would sacrifice a bit of clear speed by picking up skill effect duration nodes and change your faster attacks gem to ele dmg with attacks. That's the easier change I would make, and the costly one would be to start thinking about getting more gear with DoT multi (bow, quiver, amulet).

Your defenses look fine except for your low chaos res, but if you're feeling squishy then I suspect it could be either the maps you're running or your playstyle. The last time I played this build, I remember having the most success on open maps where I could circle around mobs and maps with narrow paths would always be the most risky. Consider playing around with your gem setups to fit a molten shell in there to help protect during burst dmg, with or without CWDT depending on your reaction time/skills. Enduring cry would be good to have somewhere on your main gear as well. If you're not good at juggling skills, you can put enduring cry on mouse1 so it triggers on cooldown without thinking about it.

I think I said this before to someone else, but are you using both life flasks? If not, then change one to an amethyst or silver depending on what you feel you need more (chaos res or AS/move speed). If you're good at juggling utility flasks, consider using enkindling orbs to enhance them. If you're not, use instilling orbs to automate them.

Okay, thank you for the suggestions. I think I'll have to sacrifice my culling strike links to fit in molten shell and enduring cry. How essential is culling strike? I think at low hp, bosses are already about to die from ignite.
Culling strike is never essential, but it's always nice to have. I wouldn't say you have to get rid of it if you can change your gem links a bit. Hextouch is your lazy way to apply flammability, but it's also lowering its effectiveness and your DPS a bit because of that. You can move that to arcanist brand and culling strike to the frenzy link. Umm, is Portal in your boots? Put it in your weapon swap! Faster attacks on frenzy is nice, but is it essential? 5.8 attacks/sec vs. 4.75 attacks/sec. Play around with stuff in PoB then in game to see how it feels.

Edit: Certainly not all the options available, just a couple that stood out real quick.
Last edited by Dromlin on Dec 15, 2023, 4:57:08 PM
After 5 failed to craft that blizzard crown i give up..
Never had so much unlucky to Elevated ignite .....
lost 10divs and was not able to craft 1 of 2 pieces
Thanks for the build!
Last edited by UnnamedUnknown on Dec 15, 2023, 11:36:58 PM
whats with the new ascendency?

I'm new to this build and I want to know where's to go next with my gear, from the cheapest to the expensive ones, here's my PoB: https://pobb.in/GCDh95rtO-Ba

Things I'm looking forward right now:

-I know my flasks are bad for now.

-I'm still trying to cap my Suppress (85% atm) - looking for a new Glove -

-Sometimes I get one shotted (might be because of Suppress not capped) so that's why I'm still using Brass Dome, before switching to a new Armor just to be sure that Suppress will help me survive more, and to get more Chaos Res (I'll use Atziri's Promise to help with that later).

-I'm using Frostblink because I like it more than Flame Dash.

-I don't know for which should I swap Ignite Proliferation Gem on Bow for since I have Proliferation on Gloves.

-I'll try to get Watchtowers on Amulet later since it's expensive right now, and I'm looking for the cheapest upgrades before the expensive ones.

Any tips on how/what should I prioritize things is appreciated,

Last edited by mephistosenpai on Dec 16, 2023, 9:47:23 AM

I'm new to this build and I want to know where's to go next with my gear, from the cheapest to the expensive ones, here's my PoB: https://pobb.in/GCDh95rtO-Ba

Things I'm looking forward right now:

-I know my flasks are bad for now.

-I'm still trying to cap my Suppress (85% atm) - looking for a new Glove -

-Sometimes I get one shotted (might be because of Suppress not capped) so that's why I'm still using Brass Dome, before switching to a new Armor just to be sure that Suppress will help me survive more, and to get more Chaos Res (I'll use Atziri's Promise to help with that later).

-I'm using Frostblink because I like it more than Flame Dash.

-I don't know for which should I swap Ignite Proliferation Gem on Bow for since I have Proliferation on Gloves.

-I'll try to get Watchtowers on Amulet later since it's expensive right now, and I'm looking for the cheapest upgrades before the expensive ones.

Any tips on how/what should I prioritize things is appreciated,


Lifetap is your 6th link if you're happy with your gloves. Assuming you're running all your auras, that leaves you 28 mana to cast totems with? I can't imagine that feels good, but if you can't switch to lifetap quickly then I would get a mana flask with Enduring on it.

Your defenses don't look bad except for your chaos res, but that doesn't really explain getting one shot. My first thought is that you may be playing too aggressively when you need to be planting totems and avoiding getting near anything. Try to get a charm with totems taunt for 2 sec after summoning to see if that helps.

To help with DPS, you can get a couple skill effect duration nodes and those will boost up your fuses quickly. You should start working towards the cluster jewel socket and get a 3 passive skill cluster jewel with Mortifying Aspect so you can run Malevolence. You would probably have to drop Precision to make it work, so you would need to add accuracy in somewhere to account for that. Banner you can get a charm to remove banner mana reservation.

Aside from all that, you're really just at the point where you need to start getting divs to buy/craft gear to improve your build.
Been enjoying this build so far, wondering what jewels we want to be socketing into the medium/small slots for endgame now? I don't think there is any more mana reservation small socket gems which the PoB has, and megalomaniac has so many possibilities that it would be good to narrow that down.

Also really liking the Maji path atm, penetrating fire resist tincture and the extra life/resists is a great way to start this character before properly gearing up

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