Stress-Free PoE w/ RIGHTEOUS INCINERATOR! Relax, SSF League Start-End w/ “Any” Items & 1-Button|3.17

I am French wrote:
Hello !

I started your build which are still excellent on Xbox. Previous time I played with your Zombies build, now I will try RF. I'm only using RF at the moment because I don't have the required colors yet.

Since lvl 37 I can use RF using some uniques like
- Springleaf (1 jewellers)
- Shaper's Seed (1 alchemy)
- 2 x Kikazaru (1 chaos x2)

Al Dhih (1 chromatic) is cool in Weapon 1 because it reduces to 4 seconds Enduring Cry (and buff +25%). You have like a permanent flask of life.
Awesome, I am French!

Nice to see you. I hope the build treats you as well as the zombie one did. Nice gear. I'm glad you were able to get going with RF so early. It makes levelling fun. Thanks for the note! Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
I am playing this build third league in a row :)

This time I am trying SSF for extra challenge. No trading, I will only be allowed to use what I find or craft. I have never tried playing solo self found so this is fun!

Just worried that I won't be able to find a good 6 link helmet, will see, maybe I get lucky and I find something good while mapping. Also never crafted 6 link armor before, always just bought one, this time I will need to figure out how to make one without trading.
Hey, furrypurpledinosaur!

Nice to see you :). You're going SSF, hey? Nice! That's my cup of tea. Good stuff. I'm still on a 4-link helmet and 5-link chest. So don't worry too much about what you'd normally aim for. It's a different ball game. But there's also a whole new way to earn items with the new Atlas Tree. So let me know how things go for you. Thanks for your kind words too. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Chazut wrote:
Hello everyone !

I want to thank @Wrecker_of_Days for this build, it's the first time I can beat endgame bosses without difficulty (except Maven and Shaper Elder which I haven't tried yet).
This build can do just fine with a bit of investment and/or luck.

For my part, I was extremely lucky to get a HeadHunter with the Bestiary Craft random unique belt (my first big drop in 6000h of play).
I had fun with it one day then I sold it for 105 exalts which allowed me to buy all the following stuff :

65ex Scepter with +1 all spell, +1 all fire spell and damage over time multiplier.

Helmet with burning damage, concentrated effect and + AOE gem for which I enchanted "40% increased RF damage".

Shield with +2% max fire resist, +3% max lightning resist, +3% max cold resist and good life and armor.

Body armor with good life and regen for which I craft +1% all max resist and life recovery rate.

Gloves with damage over time multiplier and chance to unnerve.

Belt with life, %increased life, regen %life recovery rate, %life recovery from flask.

Boots with 25% speed, life, regen, unnafected by shocked groud and regen enchant.

Marble amulet with +1 all fire skill, damage over time, spell damage, fire damage and allocate crystal skin for +1 max all res. This will be my next upgrade for an amulet with +1 all fire and +1 all spell.

Two vermillion rings with life and increased fire damage.

I end with an RF level 25 which tells me a flat 400k+ dps on game screen (without taking into account fire penetration, curses etc..).

I also took the +1 max cold and +1 max lightning from the tree which gives me a total of 90% max fire, 85% max lightning and 85% max cold resistances with the items + 90% reduced physical damage.

I also have 5900-6000 life (after aura reservation) and a regen of 3000 per second I believe (or a little less, I have to check tonight in game).

I also found that having a quicksilver flask and a quartz flask next to it with the "use when adjacent flask is use" enchant is very useful and QoL.

So thank you very much, it's the very first time that I can play quietly and where I can kill endgame bosses easily with three buttons (incinerate, life flask, and quicksilver flask).
I keep dying sometimes but it's always my mistake.
That's amazing, Chazut!

That's so cool that you were able to get a drop like that and spend it all as you did. You spent well too! Nice work! It all fits great. I dream of having gear like yours. Awesome work. And I'm glad you're having so much fun with it! Sometimes people blow their "cash" at a build and realize the build's style isn't for them. So I'm glad it was currency well spent.

Thanks for taking the time to share. Nice build and thanks for the kind praise. (And good flask suggestion!) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to everyone. Thanks for being so helpful and kind. It's great to see everyone helping out and making this a safe place to ask questions and improve. YOu're all awesome. (I think I replied to everyone that asked a question or mentioned me. If I missed you, let me know.) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Hi everyone,

First of all I would like to thank Wrecker for this fantastic build!!!

Even if it was a pain to level him up to lvl40, the build is now going really well and it runs like a "hot knife through butter" in the truest sense of the word. I'm not in the maps yet, but I think it will level at least as well as the current one.

Unfortunately, I currently have a small problem with Immortel Call ;( it is not triggered by CWDT? Links are as described and connected in the gem section.

Does anyone have an idea?

MaMMatus82 wrote:
Unfortunately, I currently have a small problem with Immortel Call ;( it is not triggered by CWDT? Links are as described and connected in the gem section.

Your Immortal Call is too high level. CWDT can only trigger spells with equal or lower level requirement. So either level up CWDT or level down Immortal Call. For leveling down a gem one level, sell the gem and an Orb of Scouring to the vendor. For leveling it down back to Level 1, use an Orb of Regret instead of the Scouring.

EDIT: Looks like Wrecker recommends leveling up CWDT and Immortal Call in this specific case, so you just need to level your CWDT. :)
Last edited by LupusImmortalis on Feb 15, 2022, 7:01:13 AM

I just saw that the CWDT doesn't stop at level 1 in this slot.

Many Thanks...

Those who can read have a clear advantage.
I've played this build before; the levelling was the worst experience I've had playing the game, but once I was able to sustain RF, it was also the best time I've had playing the game. So thank you for that Wrecker.

Anyway, I died yesterday so early on at lv74 with an RF Inquisitor on SSFHC. While the levelling was much easier with it, it was also rather uncomfortable to sustain RF while taking any sort of damage.

I think I'll once more go with your Chieftain, as it's truly a great build. I'm just really dreading the levelling process. I'll do some reading on this thread for levelling ideas. Again, thank you Wrecker.
Last edited by Kennelmus on Feb 15, 2022, 1:35:12 PM
MaMMatus82 wrote:
Unfortunately, I currently have a small problem with Immortel Call ;( it is not triggered by CWDT? Links are as described and connected in the gem section.

Your Immortal Call is too high level. CWDT can only trigger spells with equal or lower level requirement. So either level up CWDT or level down Immortal Call. For leveling down a gem one level, sell the gem and an Orb of Scouring to the vendor. For leveling it down back to Level 1, use an Orb of Regret instead of the Scouring.

EDIT: Looks like Wrecker recommends leveling up CWDT and Immortal Call in this specific case, so you just need to level your CWDT. :)
Awesome. Thanks, LupusImmortalis! Glad you got it resolved quickly, MaMMatus82. Nice work. (And your reading comment made me laugh :).) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Feb 15, 2022, 1:31:56 PM
Kennelmus wrote:
I've played this build before; the levelling was the worst experience I've had playing the game, but once I was able to sustain RF, it was also the best time I've had playing the game. So thank you for that Wrecker.

Anyway, I died yesterday so early on at lv74 with an RF Inquisitor on SSFHC. While the levelling was much easier with it, it was also rather uncomfortable to sustain RF while taking any sort of damage.

I think I'll once more go with your Chieftain, as it's truly a great build. I'm just really I'm dreading the levelling process. I'll do some reading on this thread for levelling ideas. Again, thank you Wrecker.
Thanks for the kind words, Kennelmus!

I'm sorry your Inq. RF didn't work out for you. 74 is still awesome in HCSSF! Nice work! You're not alone in regards to this build and levelling. I suggest starting as a Witch. At last Break the Eggs. I think that'll save a lot of "anxiety" from past experiences. Let us know how it goes.

Thanks again for your kind words :) Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:

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