Stress-Free PoE w/ RIGHTEOUS INCINERATOR! Relax, SSF League Start-End w/ “Any” Items & 1-Button|3.17

Hello everyone !

I want to thank @Wrecker_of_Days for this build, it's the first time I can beat endgame bosses without difficulty (except Maven and Shaper Elder which I haven't tried yet).
This build can do just fine with a bit of investment and/or luck.

For my part, I was extremely lucky to get a HeadHunter with the Bestiary Craft random unique belt (my first big drop in 6000h of play).
I had fun with it one day then I sold it for 105 exalts which allowed me to buy all the following stuff :

65ex Scepter with +1 all spell, +1 all fire spell and damage over time multiplier.

Helmet with burning damage, concentrated effect and + AOE gem for which I enchanted "40% increased RF damage".

Shield with +2% max fire resist, +3% max lightning resist, +3% max cold resist and good life and armor.

Body armor with good life and regen for which I craft +1% all max resist and life recovery rate.

Gloves with damage over time multiplier and chance to unnerve.

Belt with life, %increased life, regen %life recovery rate, %life recovery from flask.

Boots with 25% speed, life, regen, unnafected by shocked groud and regen enchant.

Marble amulet with +1 all fire skill, damage over time, spell damage, fire damage and allocate crystal skin for +1 max all res. This will be my next upgrade for an amulet with +1 all fire and +1 all spell.

Two vermillion rings with life and increased fire damage.

I end with an RF level 25 which tells me a flat 400k+ dps on game screen (without taking into account fire penetration, curses etc..).

I also took the +1 max cold and +1 max lightning from the tree which gives me a total of 90% max fire, 85% max lightning and 85% max cold resistances with the items + 90% reduced physical damage.

I also have 5900-6000 life (after aura reservation) and a regen of 3000 per second I believe (or a little less, I have to check tonight in game).

I also found that having a quicksilver flask and a quartz flask next to it with the "use when adjacent flask is use" enchant is very useful and QoL.

So thank you very much, it's the very first time that I can play quietly and where I can kill endgame bosses easily with three buttons (incinerate, life flask, and quicksilver flask).
I keep dying sometimes but it's always my mistake.
Last edited by Chazut on Feb 14, 2022, 10:41:33 AM
Elocara wrote:
KingTen87 wrote:
Looking at PoB it looks as if you're only reserving about 400 life though? So maybe you fixed it already. If not, it looks like you've got the Hearty node to take which will boost regen by a lot and have you sustaining instead of losing life. Life regen on gear helps a ton as well, and with the massive boost to fire res from the ascendancy you can get big rolls on something like a belt with less pressure.

Ooh, you are right, I even missed TWO big regen nodes, fixed that. And with the vitality reserving, I accidentally had my lifetap support in the same link for leveling, that was a bit overkill.

It's better now, still feel too squishy atm though. If the RF burns down all the way to 1 health, I die to anything, if I am not able to replenish on account of being a slowpoke with the movement and/or flasks. I think I still have to figure out how to play this stress-free. And refrain from putting in more than 3 mods in the Archnemesis for now. Had to respec damage into regen, so the big ones don't die.

Is it intended that RF can't be stopped at all, even by taking out the gem, or am I bugged?


Try to choose these points, in level 37 I had no problem with RF full life. You can check my profile/the unique ones I posted above to help you
Train wrote:
It sounds like you're still lacking in the regen department. You shouldn't lose any life when activating RF. I see quite a bit of life missing from your gear. I would invest a few chaos in decent life gear and you should notice quite a big difference.

Yes, you are right @Train. As I said, I just finished the campaign becausec of RL taking up too much time. So I need to improve my gear significantly before I breeze through the atlas. Not giving up anytime soon. But when I look at @Chazut's posting I get really jealous (65ex scepter!!) and fear I am not gonna be able to get gear that good within 3 months worth of playing! Got something to aspire to though.
Elocara wrote:
Train wrote:
It sounds like you're still lacking in the regen department. You shouldn't lose any life when activating RF. I see quite a bit of life missing from your gear. I would invest a few chaos in decent life gear and you should notice quite a big difference.

Yes, you are right @Train. As I said, I just finished the campaign becausec of RL taking up too much time. So I need to improve my gear significantly before I breeze through the atlas. Not giving up anytime soon. But when I look at @Chazut's posting I get really jealous (65ex scepter!!) and fear I am not gonna be able to get gear that good within 3 months worth of playing! Got something to aspire to though.

I was extremely lucky, the scepter is the only really expensive item and only affects DPS.
You can have a lot of defense with less investment.
Elocara wrote:
KingTen87 wrote:
Looking at PoB it looks as if you're only reserving about 400 life though? So maybe you fixed it already. If not, it looks like you've got the Hearty node to take which will boost regen by a lot and have you sustaining instead of losing life. Life regen on gear helps a ton as well, and with the massive boost to fire res from the ascendancy you can get big rolls on something like a belt with less pressure.

Ooh, you are right, I even missed TWO big regen nodes, fixed that. And with the vitality reserving, I accidentally had my lifetap support in the same link for leveling, that was a bit overkill.

It's better now, still feel too squishy atm though. If the RF burns down all the way to 1 health, I die to anything, if I am not able to replenish on account of being a slowpoke with the movement and/or flasks. I think I still have to figure out how to play this stress-free. And refrain from putting in more than 3 mods in the Archnemesis for now. Had to respec damage into regen, so the big ones don't die.

Is it intended that RF can't be stopped at all, even by taking out the gem, or am I bugged?

RF should turn off when you get to 1HP, and I think you can also use a flask with dousing/burn removal to shut it off if needed.

Damage mods (dot multi on weapon, gloves, amulet) and life regen on gear help this build massively, as does getting 4/5/6 links for RF and whatever else (I still use Incinerate, but traps have been mentioned as an alternative). My staff on my current char is 5L, had a 50% dot multi roll, doubled my DPS and cost me 1c. Likewise from Kikazaru, boots, helmet, and belt I have probably 300/350 flat life regen, and none of the bits cost me more than 3c. Stack flat life and life regen on a few slots, flat life and damage on a couple of others, and the build will really take off. Some essences and 3/4 tier archnemesis mods still cause me problems, but soon enough you will stroll round the map and RF will kill most things whilst your health rapidly refills after taking a hit!
Artaniz wrote:
Overall i think its a great league starter. I am retiring it except to farm on though after a 15 minute eater of worlds fight today.

I did win and got my first voidstone but the build is just lacking in the dps department and im ready to play something else. Ill still be using it until i get my new character going to farm currency since i dont have exactly enough for the new build but it served me really well for what it was, a solid league starter that did all the way to red maps , cleared all the atlas , did shaper and elder guardians , did delve down to 180 depth for level 83 monsters and farming city nodes for map drops , handled the league mechanic very well , was overall a pleasure to play as a league starter just dont think its viable as an end game boss killer.

Maybe someone knows a way to quadruple the DPS from what i currently have to make it more viable and if so please let me know but i feel like i kind of hit the wall on what it can do easily.

Im tempted to try searing exarch fight on it but after the 15 minute eater of worlds fight im not sure i want to gamble on it when i can just take a day and reroll into a much more damage focused build for bosses.

I will also add that this build was amazing for letting my two little girls play some PoE they are 3 and 5 and they loved running around and watching the monsters die lol. i kept a steady hand on the flask keys but just let them run around and watch stuff die and they think its great so i will be leaving my character intact so they can keep playing some all league when they want to.
Thanks for the feedback, Artaniz!

I appreciate it. Ya, it's always tough to make a build for content that hasn't been experienced yet. I'm sure the bosses themselves will be tweaked as well in the coming leagues. They will be the benchmark going forward, obviously, so I'm looking forward to farming them and see what's required of us to beat them efficiently.

I'm glad you liked the build though. Thanks for the honest feedback. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
BlixaNL wrote:
Hi Wrecker Of Days, I really am loving your build right now (Level 50). I'm having a blast with RF melting enemies. I am not 100% when to equip Incinerate, or what DPS skill I should have, right now bosses are taking a while. Is that just the RF playstyle?
Hey, BlixaNL!

I'm glad you're enjoying the build so far! Equip Incinerate as soon as you that the Intelligence for it. I take the +30 to Int. nodes as I level so that I can enjoy the build for what it is as I got through the campaign.

But, as the levelling section in the guide states, levelling can be pretty slow with RF. But at level 50 it should be picking up.


Never mind. I see that you're now level 69, properly linked up, and likely doing much better. Good stuff. If you have any other questions, let me know. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
kraken9911 wrote:
I normally only play in standard so I'm not used to actually having to pay attention while red mapping. The build is slowly getting stronger at level 88 now but I do die quite a bit.

I'm wondering though why is RF a 4 link and incinerate is 6 link? Searching RF on poeninja 100% of them are 6 linking it Not to mention being guardian but I'm ok with chieftain so far.

edit: oh duh because the dream helmet makes it 6 link. Before we get that expensive helmet though would you suggest making rf 6 link?
Hey, kraken9911!

6 linking RF isn't actually a big deal. I'm using a 4-link RF and 5-link Incinerate. I'm doing content just fine. But 6-linking RF doesn't actually make this build stronger. If you were going with ONLY RF, yes, 6-link it. But this build does more damage with Incinerate 6-linked, instead of 4-linked. Also, the more damage Incinerate does, the more leech we get.

In terms of dying a lot, I like your setup. The only thing to keep in mind is that Molten Shell will negate Immortal Call. Only one guard skill can be active at once. Immortal Call is huge for our survivability. It's our priority. See if that makes a difference. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Train wrote:
Thanks for the build! Enjoying it a lot so far. Felt a little bit squishy beginning in maps, but with some investments in better gear that improved quite a bit.

With the new Melding of the flesh jewel I've got 90% all resist with just the tree and the Rise of the Phoenix shield. Definitely feels worth it!
Nice, Train!

Nice find! And I'm glad you're enjoying the build and that it's picked up for you. Thanks for the thanks :). Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Elocara wrote:
I am a bit stumped. I am lvl 68 and followed the tree and it is still not possible to sustain RF if I even stop a moment to put mods in the Archnemesis monster. I basically have my eye on my life and finger on life flasks all the time and that's not exactly stress-free, so I still only incinerate. My vitality is lvl 15 now and already reserves 1.000 life. Clarity still reserves mana at the moment and I hesitate to level it further than lvl 11.

Oh, and the worst of it is that I can't deactivate RF!
Even when I physically take out the gem, it just stops doing damage to mobs, but keeps damaging me. I need to relog to get rid of it!

What am I doing wrong?
Hey, Elocara!

I just pulled your setup into PoB. It looks like you should be able to sustain RF with any help now. I assume you've made some changes from the time of the post to now. Can you sustain RF now? If you had Enduring Cry going off whenever it's ready, it should be even easier.

I saw some of the other help you received, which is awesome. But just to clarify, to sustain RF, you just need the provided tree, and gems. Obviously, gear helps with damage and gives you defence, but to sustain RF, you could have normal items equipped.

I hope things are better for you now than when they were when you posted.

(Oh right! I forgot. RF doesn't turn off. In the gem it says it burns until you hit 1 life. The only way to turn it off is to remove burning. If you want to do that, you can have a flask setup to remove burning. Doing that with Einhar is the easiest way. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast


Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters): 1-Button, HC SSF, Item Freedom:
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days on Feb 14, 2022, 4:40:13 PM

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