Game Balance in Siege of the Atlas

alex_disp wrote:
Synnian wrote:
I hate your way of balancing the game. I play spell totems only, and the changes look bad to me. The same goes for changing minions in a very annoying way (them dying as your only source of damage is unfun). Not interested in supporting you anymore, gl.

From my point of view spell totems got buffed:
Freezing Pulse: Now deals 8 to 12 Cold Damage at gem level 1 (unchanged), up to 1458 to 2188 at gem level 20 (previously 888 to 1332). Now has 330% Effectiveness of Added Damage at all gem levels (previously 200%).

Damage got buffed by 60%, but Spell Totem support damage was nerfed only by 16% on lvl 20, so all in all a 44% damage buff. +130% added damage effectiveness is huge. And also new tiers of cast speed on rings and other items - these affect totems even more.
Might as well go Freezing Pulse totem leaguestarter.

Do not forget that GGG removed the First Snow Threshold jewel for Freezing Pulse so you probably will use GMP for additional projectiles what grants you 26% less damage at gem levet 20, so all in all a 44%-26%=18% damage buff based on your calculation.
Great Patch, i only play STD, so when some item come to (legacy only) is FK amazing xD
ppl say there's no build variety in POE
but they disagree when GGG nerf OP builds.

what I see in scourge league is 90% of ppl play the same few skills.
this is a bad situation.

btw don't worry. there'll be meta builds for sure.
or at least there's a lot of viable league start builds like Bane, for example.

IMO toxic rain is still viable leauge start
but now it's not OP anymore.
we neeed more of this exile yeees
Xerpal wrote:
Nice changes overall,

is there any reason why:

"Added a new Dexterity Support gem - Mark on Hit: Trigger Supported Mark Skill when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy with an Attack. This support adds a cooldown and a small curse effect penalty to the triggered Mark skill, but does not need to be linked to the triggering attack."

can't work with spells?

well obviously because marks are dex/ranger/deadeye-themed and it would go very much against the archetypical bow-girl to use a bow for casting. pretty sure thats the only reason.
needs more nerf!
Liokar wrote:
Xerpal wrote:
Nice changes overall,

is there any reason why:

"Added a new Dexterity Support gem - Mark on Hit: Trigger Supported Mark Skill when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy with an Attack. This support adds a cooldown and a small curse effect penalty to the triggered Mark skill, but does not need to be linked to the triggering attack."

can't work with spells?

well obviously because marks are dex/ranger/deadeye-themed and it would go very much against the archetypical bow-girl to use a bow for casting. pretty sure thats the only reason.

So "but does not need to be linked to the triggering attack." Taking this as if you have the gem in your setup somewhere it will trigger what ever Mark you have?
Amazing patch notes, looking forward to the next league.

Only scared that my garbage RF level 95 build that uses 4 defensive auras in March of the Legion boots will now be even more of a glass cannon, even though I invested in defenses as much as I could.
count2potato wrote:
Liokar wrote:
Xerpal wrote:
Nice changes overall,

is there any reason why:

"Added a new Dexterity Support gem - Mark on Hit: Trigger Supported Mark Skill when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy with an Attack. This support adds a cooldown and a small curse effect penalty to the triggered Mark skill, but does not need to be linked to the triggering attack."

can't work with spells?

well obviously because marks are dex/ranger/deadeye-themed and it would go very much against the archetypical bow-girl to use a bow for casting. pretty sure thats the only reason.

So "but does not need to be linked to the triggering attack." Taking this as if you have the gem in your setup somewhere it will trigger what ever Mark you have?

yeah seams so, with whatever attack you're using, so casters can use e.g. shield charge, or selfcast it on every rare..
go to work, get married, have some kids, pay your taxes, pay your bills, watch your TV, play PoE, follow fashion,
act normal, obey the law ... and repeat after me: I AM FREE.
When they'll see that the sales will drop like fuckin crazy like in Expedition they'll once again go back to normal.

We want to have fun most people can't play 8 hours a day to be able to do the "END GAME" content but go ahead make your game more hard and tedious on leagues which lasts 3 months, and instead of nerfing to the ground fun Builds improve the Lore ADD new fun build there's so MUCH to do but still you've only that "Balance" shit thing in your mind.

I'm mad.

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