Will Scourge Become a Core Path of Exile Mechanic?

Man, I had forgotten just how dishonest you are in your posts.

rekikyo wrote:

You're kind of forgetting some important things here:

-Pool of replaceable goods being relatively small (try to find more than 4 of any Unique and more than 2 crafted items that you consider good enough to Atzoatl;

The krangler is in the exact same situation, so this is a pointless thing to bring up. Success rate of a good and fitting scourge + irrelevant downside (increased req, -something yuour build doesn't use) is as rare or rarer than a successful Vaal/Temple Double.

EDIT: Also, few rares are as hard to accumulate as you're outlining. Zoom zoom builds with scarabs and map mods + atlas stones get showered in uniques.

Divines are costly

Harvest takes care of rares, and divines have never been cheaper than this league.

-Atzoatl Questing

You can buy the Temple map, so this and subsequent points are moot.

EDIT: However, let's bring up this terrible argument you made shall we?:

Atzoatl Questing requires you to generally soley farm within Glennach Caerns, which is otherwise a low demand quadrant of the Atlas, and takes away from farming Sirus, Maven, etc.

The krangler requires you to clear a map TWICE (once to accumulate blood, once to gather corruption), which, as per your argument makes Sirus, Maven, etc. take TWICE AS LONG.

Didn't think that one through, did you?

In the case of gems:

Irrelevant, you can't krangle them.

The fact you brought up Vaal *not Atzoatl, also indicates you're trying to soften the argument

I LITERALLY opened with "Vaaling takes all of five seconds and Temple takes one or two minutes". You couldn't possibly have missed it because my post was all of four lines. Stop lying to try and make a point, it's very obvious and it makes you look terrible.
Last edited by Walkiry on Jan 12, 2022, 1:24:32 AM
No core Legacy
No core Synthesis
Harvest Nerf trash craft
No core Ultimatum
No core Scourge

Well trash poe game, sad bye
Best news I've heard in ages, scourge was TERRIBLE!!!!.
mrpibadi wrote:

Additional to this:
Delete Delirium (or fix the FPS DROP FFS)
Delete Lab
Delete Heist
Delete 10 ACTs
Delete Harvest

Give us ADVENTURE mode like Diablo 3 have.

What a bullshit. The game is like it is with the acts. And in poe 2 you can lvl another way. Heist is a verry cool play style and harvest give some crafting option you dont have in another way.
And if youre not able to play delirium with normal fps you shoul look for another game, only to see the other new games you will not be able to play.

KGabQr wrote:
No core Legacy
No core Synthesis
Harvest Nerf trash craft
No core Ultimatum
No core Scourge

Well trash poe game, sad bye

12 challenges and you act as if you're going to miss scourge. LOL
Whoa! I thought it was Maven from the past.. Sadge.
Walkiry wrote:
Man, I had forgotten just how dishonest you are in your posts.

Quite honest.

In fact, I looked at your 5 Ascendants you ran in Scourge. Not a single one even has a Atzoatl item, and only about 4 items are even corrupted. You just built cookie cutter melee boss farmers. In fact, even in standard, you don't have Atzoatl items. You just built builds people told you could run without significant gear.

How would you know how common successes are? Most people are experiencing outright gear wipes in Atzoatl about 50% of the time, rare transformations 25% of the time, and 10% are all white sockets, 10% are no change, and only 5% are double corrupting.

1) Harvest hasn't taken care of rares since ritual. It doesn't work well with Essence doesn't target single mods, and almost NEVER completes an item. If Influenced, it's almost impossible to finish soley in harvest anymore, and this is about a specific mod combo.

Try to find something with similar mods to

to replace when I fail at doing more than rerolling prefixes (Hint: There's ZERO rings other than the one with Essence + Herald of Thunder like it).

Try rerolling a minion ring.

Try telling Helm crafters they can just duplicate their rares.

You missed the point about Uniques. Uniques drop with ranges or mods, and fixing them isn't easy, especially if they need a 6L. Good luck rolling a good roll on
That properly maxes those explicits to where you can even start vaaling. Most people settle for 2-3 good mods. Otherwise they are spending 1-3 Ex per item just to roll good explicits.

The point is huge, because YOU are the one claiming there's a false equivalency between 2 failure systems when in fact now you're saying there isn't.

2) Divines average 9C per League. This league they are 12, because Scourge drove up the demand more than the supply.

3) Can't buy it if no one's farming it or selling it. Even now minimum price for a T3 Locus without any other serious rooms is 1.5 Ex. And again, that's someone's time. Just like buying someone else's Scourge work is someone spending time to do it.

4) Krangle clear takes me about an extra 40 secs per map unless there's a boss. I'm sorry you don't clear fast. Opening portals, selling, stashing, takes far more time than scourge clearing. Not only that, Scourge has higher IIQ and Rarity. Who cares since it's giving you XP, Gem XP, and items all the same?

5) Very Relevant, since it's included in a failure craft system.

6) You're just trying and failing to shut down legitimate points about systems people don't seem to have a problem with - with worse results than scourge.

DaMasteRyu wrote:
Garf412 wrote:
feb? when 8 other major game titels are releasing long awaited gamesd? nice... #slowclap.

And a few weeks after those releases which will we still be playing? Yeah. :)

not the buggy, unbalanced, overhyped game that might release early february
Thank gods.
This is one of the few mechanics which I think was genuinely awful. High difficultly with poor rewards, which honestly felt more like a punishment then a reward.
good riddance it is about time.

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